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Pfeune (also called Maneiung) = the Pfiune river in Northern Etalocin, the homeland of the Wiebians

The dative/locative singular ending is given in parentheses as needed. for example: ċelweac(-u).
Lakrutz = a spring festival
*''lỉtơst'' = pity
*''bezlỉtơsten'' = ruthless, merciless, pitiless
Jänden, Jand = animal
*''atmosphẻra'' = atmosphere
*''aṅḋel(-u)'' = angel
Würlen, Wurl = bird (*đosir) -- plural umlaut was removed by analogy
*''ċirt'' = demon, devil
*''diảbl(-u)'' = devil
Eilend = island (linguists aren't sure if it was native Talmic, from *īr-and-, or borrowed directly from English in modern times, or is a hybrid of Hebrew "i" and English "island", or borrowed from French "île")
*''ċeleḋ(-i)'' = generation
*''nedeale, pondeal, wutorec, serda, ċcwyrtec, piêntec, sobota'' = days of the week
Rlung (m) = breath, soul, spirit, sgv ''Rlüngen'' 'moment'
*''jảnuyêr(-i), chwebruyêr(-i), mảrth(-u), aprỉl(-i), mai(-i), jỉṅ(-i), jỉl(-i), awust(-u), septimr(-u), octôbr(-u), nowimr(-u), deċimr(-u)'' = months
*''dobr'' = good
naoi = with (instrumental), through (~ Eevo nai)
*''zel'' = bad
*''mốndr'' = wise
meit- = to give (past tense ''mitt'')
**''mốndrơst'' = wisdom
**''mundreth(-a)'' = sage
Meitel / Mittel = present
*''thwiċiṫ'' = to exercise (train)
**''thwiċeniê'' = exercise
mit = if
*''neweasta'' = bride
*''żenich(-a)'' = groom
mingen = modern (from mi phing-im-)
*''pstrung(-a)'' BrAlb. [pstɾʊŋ], AmAlb. [pstɾuŋ] = trout
*''vegản(-a)'' BrAlb. [ˈbɛjɔːn], AmAlb. [ˈβejan] = vegan
Jener (m) = water
**''vegảnscy'' BrAlb. [ˈbɛjɔːnskɪj], AmAlb. [βeˈjanskɪj] = vegan
**''vegảnstwo'' = veganism
Mälen, Mal (m) = tree (*mār-)
*''mỵdlo'' = soap
*''wỉcend(-a)'' = weekend
Ferr (m) = name (*veli-)
*''wychảðeṫ, wyisṫ'' = to rise (of celestial body)
*''nachảðeṫ, naisṫ'' = to find
Kammel (f) = woman (kamr-, kamn-)
*''wuchảðeṫ, wuisṫ'' = to enter
*''prichảðeṫ, prỉsṫ'' = to come (by foot)
Zecht (m) = child (tektis)
*''dochảðeṫ, doisṫ'' = to arrive, to run out
*''poðim'' = (''dialectal, poetic'') autumn
Bande (f) = meat (*bandoy)
*''medwead(-e)'' BrAlb. [ˈmɛdwɛːt], AmAlb. [ˈmɛdwɛt] = bear
*''strom(-a)'' = (''dialectal, poetic'') tree
Isch (m) = language (φeskos)
*''sniêdởniê'' = breakfast
*''obead(-a)'' = lunch
Rlut (m) = laughter (*3rōdos)
*''prơnde(-a)'' = dinner
*''mnith'' = (f) thanks(giving) (from Latin ''benedicō'')
Gräten, Grat (m) = god (*glādos)
**''mnithowaṫ, pomnithowaṫ'' = to thank
*''odcrytiê'' = revelation
alt = old (*ārdom)
*''prawdô'' = really
*''scusitedlnei'' = probable
Keks (m) = cookie (from a derivative of kaxs 'eat')
**''scusitedlnơst'' = probability
*''faċijenda'' = hacienda, large farmland in South America (from [[Colonial Italian]])
Ande (f) = sun (andū)
*''craïna'' = region
*''nebesa'' = (plurale tantum) sky
leißen = I wash (*rī/riyV-tVn)
*''rai'' = paradise, heaven
*''mechtỉthiṫ, zamechtỉthiṫ'' = (''archaic'') to curse (from Welsh ''melltithio'')
Rlack (m) = crow (PTal *qrakkos)
**''zamechtỉthen'' = (attributive only) goddamn, bloody
*''preclỉnaṫ, precliênṫ'' = to curse
Rlieh (f) = sanctuary (''*qreuφoi'')
*''ucazowaṫ; ucảzaṫ'' = to show
* "Rlieh algebra"
*''slowo'' = word
zweiden -- to pass by (*θwīθVn)
**The plural is ''slowa'' when referring to individual words and ''slowesa'' when referring to "words" in the sense of speech.
schrlaoien = to sprout (sqroi-)
*''weselei'' = merry, cheerful
**''umiê y weselơst'' = wit and mirth
Daoi (m) = valley (dawis)
*''radơst'' = joy
*''sċinstiê'' = happiness
Gaoin (m) = root (goinim)
*''osund'' = fate, doom
*''deal'' = (''biblical'') 'portion, lot, fate'
Aoiß (m) = fat (aitt-)
**''Le môi '''deal''' est tet {{sc|Gospodin}}, reaċet mả duṡe'' = 'The LORD is my portion, saith my soul'
*''dole'' = fate
Wlaoige (f) = wave (δlay-)
*''towsảc'' (*tovĭsakŭ, from PCeltic *towissākos) = prince
*''mơre'' = sea
Schwaoich (m) = bow (*swoykwos)
*''tommearem'' = (''formal'') so (to such an extent)
*''wiêṡta'' = (''colloquial, filler'') y'know
Baoinung (m) = lord (boyn 'high' + -ung honorific, can it be related to Eevo -wñ?)
*''nebo(wiṡ), bowiêṡ, nebowiêṡ'' = because (conj.)
*''abo(wiṡ)'' = (''literary'') for (conj.)
kraoi (prep) = after (borrowed from Early Crackfic-Trician Semitic *2axray?)
*''mogla'' = fog, mist
*''mla'' = (''literary'') fog, mist
Waoisten = a spring festival (*δoi-stan-, the -sten part is related to Stánsa)
*''duṡe'' = mind, psyche;  sound post of an instrument; (''archaic'') soul
**''duṡewen'' = intellectual, mental
Staoiß (f) = grace, mercy
*''duch'' = soul, spirit, ghost
**''duchowen'' = spiritual, religious
Baoiße (f) = tower
*''crestianstwo'' = Christianity
*''spảsa'' = (''flowery'') salvation
baoichen = I lift up
*''ạmiral'' = admiral
*''cyrw, cyrwi'' (f.) = blood
haoiben = I bring
*''thỉrcew'' (f.) = church
*y, yl, a, al = and
Schmaoi (f) = border (*smoyī)
**The choice between y and a is purely phonetically determined in the modern language. a(l) is used after /i: ɪ ɨ/, y(l) otherwise. The -l (from ''*li'') is used iff a vowel follows.
*pac = also; again
schwaoiben = I load up, geschwaoiben = I trust, believe
*ơbethba = community, town (Gemeinde)
*ơbethstwo = community (Gemeinschaft)
raoien = to rest (from *lawī)
*spoleċnơst = society
*adnơst = unity, unit (Einheit)
spaoigen = to seek (not inherited)
**adnơst speċijảlniả = special unit
*adnota = club, association (Verein)
Schrlaoitsch = rapid burst through a small opening
*sejôz = union
*''precladaṫ, prelożiṫ'' = to translate
kaoifen = to request
*''roznaṫ'' = to distinguish, to tell apart (haplogy from ''rozeznaṫ'')
*''neamyscy'' = English or English-speaking
*''ta Neamċina'' = English (language)  
*''thera'' = daughter
*''ażebliż, ażbliż'' = (formal) unless (from ''*a že by li že'' 'let it be ... or something', cf. German ''es sei denn'')
*''jiż'' = already, German ''schon''
*''asċe'' = yet, still, more, German ''noch''
**''asċe wynth'' = yet more
**''asċaden; asċe X'' = another
*''measynth'' (m.) = month
*''adl'' (f.) = fir, spruce
*''azero'' (n.) = lake
*''aż'' (conj.) so that, may it happen that
*''ażec'' (m.) = hedgehog
*''ynċmyn'' (m.) = barley
*''tẻth, potẻth'' = to flow
*''zaufaṫ'' = to hope
*''balgoslawiṫ'' = (''archaic'') to bless
*''salwei'' = nightingale
*''solnthe'' = sun
*''serbrith'' = moon
*''gweazda'' = star
*''prijatel'' (m., ''môż'' declension) = friend
*''sparowaṫ'' = to tolerate, to condone (an old loan from the same source as English ''spare'')
*''wendỉthiṫ, powendỉthiṫ'' = to bless (from Latin, via Brythonic)
*''phởnix'' = phoenix
*''pỉro'' = feather
*''ogen'' = fire
*''wichr'' = storm
*''weatr'' = wind
*''lảsca'' = (''Christianity'') grace, mercy
*''lasċitha'' = cutie
*''lascaw'' = cute
**''lascawơst'' = cuteness
*''ċỉslo'' = number (amount or mathematical object)
*''numer'' = number (identifier)
*''chalpeth'' = boy
*''deawinca'' = girl
*''deawitha'' = maiden; virgin
*''jistei'' = real (in the sense of 'true' or 'existent')
*''jistota'' =  
*''reảlnei'' = real (as in 'real number')
*''sônthơst'' = being, entity
*''znảnth X'' = 'typical X'
*''armê'' = shoulder
*''pys, psa'' = dog
*''coth'' = cat
*''cotheur'' = tomcat, ''cơthca'' = female cat
*''rozmear'' = size
*''tealo'' /tɛɫ̩ʊ/ = body
*''zdarwei'' /zdaɾəβəɪ/ = healthy
**''zdarwiê'' /zdaɾəβiə/ = health
*''crảsnei'' /kʰɾɔ:snəɪ/ = beautiful
**''crảsnơst'' = beauty
**''crasawitha'' = beautiful woman
*''babinca'' (f) = grandmother
*''wynth(e)'' = more
*''existowaṫ'' = to exist
*''Albyṅ, '' gen. ''Albni'' (f.) = Albion (country)
**''Albản (pl. Albảnowe), Albảnca'' = Albionian
*''walsina'' = hair (singulative)
*''walsy'' = hair (fem. pl.)
*''żiwot'' = life
*''riêcaṫ, riêth'' = to say
*''warg'' /ˈbarə/ = enemy
*''ỉsṫ; poisṫ'' = to go by foot (uni.)
*''iêsṫ; siêsṫ'' = to eat
*''znảṫ, znả'' = to know
*''weadeaṫ, weadhuns, weadie'' = to know (a fact)
*''odpowiêdaṫ; odpoweadeaṫ'' = to answer
**''odpoweaḋ'' = answer
*''mỷṫ, mỷe; umỷṫ'' = to wash
*''bỷṫ'' (irreg.) = to be
*''bảṫ-sê; boie-sê'' (irreg.) = to fear
*''bỉṫ, biê'' (irreg.) = to beat
*''żỉṫ, żiê'' (irreg.) = to live
*''milowaṫ'' = to love
*''mil'' = dear
*''milơst'' = love
*''lỉbit'' = to like
*''lib'' = (''formal, determiner'') any, arbitrary; (''archaic'') dear
**''ty libei, ty môi libei'' = (''intj'') dear me
*''star'' 'old (of things)'
** considered offensive when used for a person; ''ċtennei'' (from *čtennŭ-jĭ 'esteemed') is used for people.
*''granitha'' 'border'
*''beseada'' 'meeting'
*''theal'' 'whole'
*''cto? tho?'' 'who? what?'
*''zaċ?'' 'why?'
**''zatoż'' 'that's why'
**''zato'' 'that's why'
*''ineim slowy'' 'in other words' (frozen inst pl)
*''briêntin, briêntinia'' 'king, queen'
*''nu'' = like German ''na''
*''se weċer'' = this evening
*''nơth'' = night
*''mơth'' = power, might
*''mởth'' = can
*''thið'' = foreign, stranger (Proto-Slavic borrowed *ťuďь from Proto-Celtic *toutyos, via a (quasi)-Brythonic language which turned it to *tüdj-)
**''thiðozemeth, thiðozemca'' = foreigner
*''weariṫ (neacom, neatho, wu neatho)'' = 'to believe (someone, something, in something)'
*''wiệra'' = faith, belief
*''wearen'' = loyal
*''mathematica, mathe'' 'mathematics'; ''mathematic/mathematiċca'' 'mathematician'
*''-ċia'' '-tion', ''-se'' '-sis', ''-ita'' '-ity'
*''walsnơst'' 'property, characteristic'
*''wesna, leato, asyṅ, zima'' /bɛsnə, lɛ:tʰʊ, asɨɲ, zɪmə/ = seasons
*''warna'' 'crow'
