Wiobian/Swadesh: Difference between revisions

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I: ảz
thou: ty
he: (t)on
we: my
ye: wy
they: fyṡ, tyṡ
this: tento
that: tamtet
here: tu
there: tam
who: cto
what: tho
where: cde
when: cdy
how: ac
not: ne
all: wṡestec
many, much: mnogo
some: niảcỷ
few: mảlo
other: ynỷ
big: welc
long: dolg
wide: ṡiroc
thick: tolst
heavy: teażec
small: mal
short: cartec
narrow: ủzec
thin: tenec
woman: żena
man: môż
human: ċelweac
child: slużineth
wife: żena
husband: môz
mother: matca
father: ởteth
animal: zgwêrê (n)
fish: ryba
bird: ptảc
dog: pes
louse: weṡ
snake: gad
worm: ċirw
tree: derwo
forest: leas
stick: gôl
fruit: owothe
seed: semê
leaf: list
root: coreṅ
bark: côra
flower: cweat
grass: trảwa
rope: wyrw
skin: côże
meat: mynso
blood: cyrw
bone: cơst
fat: żir
egg: aithe
horn: rog
tail: ogon
feather: pêro
hair: wals
head: galwa
ear: ucho
eye: oco
nose: nos
mouth: ủsta
tooth: zumb
tongue: jêzyc
fingernail: noget
foot: noga
leg: noga
knee: coleano
hand: runca
wing: crỉdlo
belly: bricho
guts: wunitrnơsti
neck: corc
back: zảda
breast: pyrs
heart: syrthe
liver: iêntro
to drink: pỉṫ
to eat: iêsṫ
to suck: súgen
to spit: spín
to vomit: erspín
to blow: blián
to breathe: bliázen
to laugh: laszen
to see: wideaṫ
to hear: slyṡeaṫ
to know: víten, kánien
to think: þanczen
to smell: riúken, riók, riuken
to fear: sik biangen + genitive
to sleep: sliápen
to live: livien
to die: dójen, ersliápen (euphemistic)
to kill: smíten
to fight: fiachten
to hunt: jagen
to hit: driapen
to cut: sníþen
to split: splíten
to stab: stiken
to scratch: skraten
to dig: graven
to swim: svimen
to float: svibien
to fly: fliógen
to walk: gán, dríven
to come: piamen
to lie: lieżen
to sit: blíven, kniúlen
to stand: standen (be standing), úpstanden (stand up)
to turn: sik ríþen
to fall: fálen
to give: żaven
to hold: halden
to squeeze: klamien
to rub: ríven
to wash: vasken
to wipe: fliúten
to pull: traczen
to push: szúven
to throw: viarpen
to tie: binden
to sew: nián
to count: talien
to say: sażen
to sing: simben
to play: dán murg
to flow: riénen
to freeze: friúzen
to swell: svialen
sun: sóle (f)
moon: mián (m)
star: stiarne (f)
water: vatie (m)
rain: riagen (m)
river: ave (m)
lake: lak (m)
sea: marь (m)
salt: salt (m)
stone: stýn (m)
sand: sand (m)
dust: stóv (m)
earth: jarþe (f)
cloud: klút (m)
fog: nievel (m)
sky: szúe (m)
wind: vind (m)
snow: sný (m)
ice: íz (m)
smoke: dvimer (m)
fire: funie (m)
ash: aske (f)
to burn: briénen (intransitive); bránien (transitive)
road: dảrga
mountain: gora
red: ċerwen
green: zelen
yellow: żylt
white: biêl
black: ċeren
night: nơth
day: den
year: roc
warm: tepl
cold: chalden
full: fól
new: niú
old: star
good: dobr
bad: zel
rotten: ruted
dirty: fúl
straight: fast
round: krundь
sharp: skarp
dull: stump
smooth: slicht
wet: mocr
dry: such
correct: sprawen
near: blỉzec
far: dalec
right: praw
left: lew
at: u, wu, na
in: wu, na
with: se
and: y
if: estli
because: nebo(ṡ)
name: ymê (n)
