Verse:Irta/Cualand: Difference between revisions

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Today, Cualand Irish is written in a much more phonetic orthography, introduced by Alastair Mac Léivigh, based on similar principles to Cyrillic. The older orthography, identical to our post-reform Irish orthography but written in Gaelic type, was used in Ádhamh Binn-Fíona's times.
Today, Cualand Irish is written in a much more phonetic orthography, introduced by Alastair Mac Léivigh, based on similar principles to Cyrillic. The older orthography, identical to our post-reform Irish orthography but written in Gaelic type, was used in Ádhamh Binn-Fíona's times.

(*) At times even more so, reflecting a time when CF-Trician Tsarfati Jews considered literary Irish (rather than Ăn Yidiș) to be their secular alternative to literary Hebrew. A typical pre-modern Cualand Tsarfati household often had a Hebrew-English-Irish trilingual siddur.
(*) At times even more so, reflecting a time when CF-Trician Tsarfati Jews considered literary Irish (rather than Ăn Yidiș) to be their secular alternative to literary Hebrew. (A typical pre-modern Cualand Tsarfati household often had a Hebrew-English-Irish trilingual siddur.) When they wrote in Irish they sometimes wrote in a way that sounded fancy to them.

A slight majority of Cualand's Irish speakers are not Catholics; they tend to be Remonitionist, irreligious or Jewish. Thus many overtly Catholic expressions are not used.
A slight majority of Cualand's Irish speakers are not Catholics; they tend to be Remonitionist, irreligious or Jewish. Thus many overtly Catholic expressions are not used.
