Verse:Irta/Judeo-Mandarin/Filichdiș: Difference between revisions

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'''''Bardiș''''' or '''''Ă Bhardiș''''' 'bardic language', or '''''Țengă nă Filichd''''' 'the tongue of the ''filí'', the highest rank of Classical Irish poets' is a special register of Ăn Yidiș which uses inflectional morphology derived from older Irish, most often Classical Irish but sometimes from Old and Middle Irish. It is primarily a poetic register mainly used
'''''Filichdiș''''', '''''Ăn Fhilichdiș''''' or '''''Țengă nă Filichd''''' 'the tongue of the ''filí'', the highest rank of Classical Irish poets' is a special register of Ăn Yidiș which uses inflectional morphology derived from older Irish, most often Classical Irish but sometimes from Old and Middle Irish. It is primarily a poetic register mainly used
* for imitating Irish poetry
* for imitating Irish poetry
* in translations of Biblical poetry or vaguely medieval-European fantasy
* in translations of Biblical poetry or vaguely medieval-European fantasy
