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{{Infobox language
{{Infobox language
|name              = Flewtish
|name              = Flewtish
|nativename        = Flũtwa / Флӯтѡа
|nativename        = Flũťa / Флӯтьа
|pronunciation    = ɸlûːtwa
|image            = Flewtish Flag.png
|imagesize        = 200px
|imagecaption      = Flag of the Flewtish people. It is a simplified version of an ancient flag. The green represents nature, the white represents peace and the orange represents the joy to be alive.
|pronunciation    = ɸlûːtʷa
|pronunciation_key = IPA
|pronunciation_key = IPA
|state            = Russia, Finland
|state            = Russia, Finland
Line 17: Line 20:
|script1          = Latn
|script1          = Latn
|script2          = Cyrl
|script2          = Cyrl
|nation            = Karelian Republic
|nation            = Flewtish Autonomous Republic, [[w:Russian Federation|Russia]]
|agency            = Institutgog Standardzabiroden Flutvadene Glung (Institute of Standardization of the Flewtish Language)
|map              = Map of Flewtish-speaking areas.png
|mapsize          = 280px
|mapcaption        = Map of where Flewtish is spoken today. Dark blue areas indicate a majority Flewtish-speaking population, whereas light blue indicate areas where Flewtish is an important language.
|agency            = Instituto Standarzabüro Flutadene Glung (Institute of Standardization of the Flewtish Language)
|notice            = IPA
|notice            = IPA

<b>Flewtish</b> ([[w:Endonym|endonym]]: <b>Флӯтѡа [ɸlûːtwa]</b> or <b>''Флӯтѡас глӯн''</b> [ɸlûːtwas ɡluːŋ]) is a language spoken by the majority of the population in much of Northwest Russia and the [[w:Karelia|Karelia region]]. Flewtish is a [[w:Language isolate|language isolate]], meaning it does not [[w:Genetic relationship (linguistics)|genetically relate]] to any other known language on the planet.
'''Flewtish''' ([[w:Endonym|endonym]]: <b>Флутье</b> [[IPA|[ɸlutʷe] ]] or '''Флутье глун'''</b> [[IPA|[ˈɸlutʷe ɡlun] ]]) is a language spoken in much of Northwest Russia and the [[w:Karelia|Karelia region]], as well as a large pocket in [[w:Finland|Eastern Finland]]. Flewtish is a [[w:Language isolate|language isolate]], meaning it does not [[w:Genetic relationship (linguistics)|genetically relate]] to any other known language on the planet, similar to [[w:Basque|Basque]] in Europe.

Flewtish is typologically agglutinative, using almost exclusively suffixal affixation to indicate number, tense, person and case. Flewtish is partially a [[w:Null-subject language|null-subject language]], depending on whether the subject can be implicitly indicated with certainty or not. Due to the [[w:Sprachbund|sprachbund effect]], Flewtish is an [[w:Subject–verb–object word order|SVO language]], but more archaic dialects are actually [[w:Subject–object-verb word order|SOV ones]]. It is a biscriptal language, using both the Latin and Cyrillic scripts to be written. An important aspect of the language is differentiating between labialized and non-labialized consonants (Referred in Flewtish as "rounded" and "unrounded") see eg. [kʷáɣ.ok] "Warmth" and [káɣ.ok] "Deer".
Flewtish is a polysynthetic language, something uncommon for the Siberian or the European languages, hinting a distant [[w:Urheimat|Urheimat]] far away from today's Russia (Usually placed near the Mongolian border, see [[Proto-Flewtish]]). The language is split into 4 periods: [[Proto-Flewtish]], Old Flewtish, Ḟlǔṫas Eṽétt (Modern Latin Orthography: ''Fluṫas Ewet''), and Modern Flewtish, each one signified by the historical events accompanying them. It is a biscriptal language, using both the Latin and Cyrillic scripts to be written (In Finland and elsewhere respectively), although during the early medieval period there were Turkic writings too. An important aspect of the language is differentiating between labialized and non-labialized consonants (Referred in Flewtish as "rounded" and "unrounded") see eg. [kʷáɣ.op] "Warmth" and [káɣ.op] "Deer".

While standardized, the language spans over a massive geographical area and as a result, forms a dialect continuum with the most extreme corners (from east Finland to [[w:Ukhta]] being completely unintelligible to each other. One example could be the simple sentence "My favorite pets are cats". Following are the two examples in the dialects spoken in Ukhta and Arkhangelsk respectively:
Flewtish is not one unified language. Rather, it is a large dialect continuum, stretching from Eastern Finland to the Ob river, and from the White Sea all the way to Bestozhevo (Arkhangelsk oblast), and the large distance between the dialects has caused the extreme ends of that territory to be completely unintelligible to each other.

# Мўлъ гԝoшў чунне мау (Favorite-NOM me-CAU pet-PL cat)
==Etymology and history==
# Ӻакныгԝoдон цўнъук мауну (Favorite-me-GEN pet-PL cat-PL)
'''Flutwe''' is an evolution of Proto-Flewtish ''*pʰlutuɘp'', meaning "Blooming" or "Saturated". The reason for this name is that the regions that Flewtish speakers settled were far more greener and developed than their previous homeland. Flewtish is possibly a [[w:Paleosiberian languages|Paleo-siberian]] language that through migration reached it's current territory. This can be further supported by similarities with the [[w:Yeniseian languages|Yeniseian]] languages, like having a pitch accent, vowel harmony and vowel length distinction.

==Etymology and history==
Following harsh winters in the area and raids from other local tribes, migrations westwards began in search of a better homeland. Eventually, after ~1000 years, Flewtish people decided to settle to modern day Arkhangelsk (Tanrikutt in Old Flewtish, lit. ''God's city'') and the areas around, where their language would remain. Small pockets of their language that settled in the way during that migration period survived for a few more centuries before being assimilated to neighboring nations.
'''Flũtṽa''' is an evolution of Proto-Flewtish ''*ɸlȳdʰa'', meaning "Blooming" or "Saturated". The reason for this name is that the regions that Flewtish speakers settled were far more greener and developed than their previous homeland. Flewtish is possibly a [[w:Paleosiberian languages|Paleo-siberian]] language that through migration reached it's current territory. This can be further supported by similarities with the [[w:Yeniseian languages|Yeniseian]] languages, like having a pitch accent, vowel harmony and vowel length distinction. The most likely origin of the language is near the modern-day city of Bratsk in Russia.
Flewtish, from it's early years, was influenced by Mongolic, Turkic and later Indo-European and Uralic languages. The most obvious example would be the large amount of Turkic and Finnic loanwords into Flewtish, but even titles from the states with Flewtish rule such as "Gǎngÿán [gâŋɢán]" (Leader, possibly related to Khagan), "Tãnrǐ [taːŋɾiː]" (Same origin as Tengri) and "Taerkáng [tɘɾ.káŋ] (Local ruler, related to Tarkhan). On the Indo-European side, the word "оўиг /ówyg/" (Sheep) is probably borrowed from the Proto-Indo-European word '''*h₂ówis''' (Or perhaps from Proto-Balto-Slavic) and the word "ғамеги" (milking, from PIE ''*h₂melǵ-'').
Sound in parentheses only appear in dialects. Labialized consonants are not included in this chart as they don't form separate phonemes.
{| {{Table/bluetable}} style="text-align:center;"
! Manner/Place !! Bilabial !! Labiodental !! Dental !! Alveolar !! Palato-alveolar !! Palatal !! Velar !! Uvular !! Glottal
| Nasal || m || || || n || || (ɲ) || ŋ || ||
| Stop || p b || || || t d || || || k g || (q ɢ) || (ʔ)
| Affricate || || || t͡s d͡z || t͡ʃ d͡ʒ || || || || ||
| Fricative ||  || f v || (θ) ð || s z || ʃ ʒ || || x ɣ || (ʁ) || h
| Approximant || w || || || || || j || || ||
| Tap || || || || ɾ || || || || ||
| Lateral approximant || || || || l || || || || ||

Flewtish, from it's early years, was influenced by Mongolic, Turkic and later Indo-European and Uralic languages. The most obvious example would be the large amount of Finnic loanwords into Flewtish (eg. Кӣлъиту "to converse") but even titles from the Flewtish Kingdom such as "Gǎngÿán /ʔgâŋʸán/" (Leader, possibly related to Khagan), "Tãngṽrǐ /ʔtæ̃ŋʷɾiː/" (Same origin as Tengri) and "Tãěrṽágn /ʔtæ̃ɾ.wáŋ/" (Local ruler, related to Tarkhan). On the Indo-European side, the word "цӧѡўӻўг /ˈt͡sø.wy.ɣyg/" (Sheep) is probably borrowed from the Proto-Indo-European word '''*h₂ówis''' and the word "гамнегъ" (milking, from PIE ''*h₂melǵ-'').
{| {{Table/bluetable}} style="text-align:center;"
!            !! Front !! Central !! Back
| High      || i y  || (ɨ)     || u (ɯ)
| High-mid  || e    || (ɘ)     || o
| Low        || a    ||        ||

Flewtish is officially written with the Cyrillic script as law enforces it in Russia. However, up until the [[w:Soviet Union|Soviet Union's]] dissolution in 1991, the language was actually written with the Latin script, which was brought over by Viking sailors around the 8th century. The Latin script is used mostly online and education is done almost exclusively in the Cyrillic-based alphabet instead.
===Orthography and scripts===
====Cyrillic script====
Flewtish is written from the 17th century onwards with a variation of the Cyrillic script, the Flewtish alphabet.

{| class="wikitable" style="width: 50em; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 50em; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse;"
! colspan="29" | Cyrillic Script for Flewtish
! colspan="34" | Cyrillic Script for Flewtish
| Аа /a/ || Бб /b/ || Вв /v/ || Гг /g/ || Ғғ /ɣ/ || Дд /d/ || Ðð /ð/ || Ее /e/ || Зз /z/ || Ии /i/ || Ыы /ɨ/ || Ўў /y/ || Кк /k/ || Лл /l/ || Мм /m/ || Нн /n/ || Оо /o/ || Пп /p/ || Рр /ʁ/ || Тт /t/ || Сс /s/ || Уу /u/ || Фф /ɸ/ || Ъъ (ʷ) || Хх /ç/ || Цц /t͡s/ || Чч /t͡ʃ/ || Шш /ʃ/ || Ѡѡ /w/
| Аа /a/ || Бб /b/ || Вв /v/ || Гг /g/ || Ғғ /ɣ/ || Дд /d/ || Ее /e/ || Ёё /ə/ || Зз /z/ || Ӟӟ /ð/ || Ии /i/ || Йй /j/ || Ўў /w/ || Кк /k/ || Лл /l/ || Мм /m/ || Нн /n/ || Оо /o/ || Ӧӧ - /jo/ ||Пп /p/ || Рр /ɾ/ || Сс /s/ || Тт /t/ || Уу /u/ || Фф /ɸ/ || Ьь (ʷ) || Хх /x/ || Цц /t͡s/ || Чч /t͡ʃ/ || Шш /ʃ/ || Щщ /d͡z/ || Ыы /y/ || Юю /ju/ || Яя /ja/

The Flewtish alphabet also relies on acute accents to indicate that a vowel must be pronounced as a nasal one. The apostrophe may be used to show apheresis in rapid speech.
There are many dialects of Flewtish so the Flewtish alphabet is not reliable to denote the sounds of most dialects and accents. In that case, there are an additional 5 graphemes used to denote sounds found in the most spoken non-standard accents, eg. the one in Ukhta.
# Ӱӱ - /ɯ/
# Өө - /θ/
# Ъъ - /ʔ/
# Ӈӈ - /ŋ/*
# Іі - /ɨ/

====Latin script====
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 50em; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse;"
Flewtish was written for a large period using the Latin script, adopted from contact with Germanic peoples in the west. Although it is rarely used since the late 20th century, it can still be found in inscriptions. It also survives as part of the dialect spoken in Eastern Finland.
! colspan="27" | Latin Script for Flewtish
====Turkic script====
Finally, dialects of Flewtish were written during the Old Flewtish period (452CE-778CE) using the Turkic script, while the southeastern tribes were subjugates by Turkish khanagates. Few inscriptions survive to this day.
Flewtish is a [[w:Polysynthetic language|polysynthetic language]], using [[w:Circumfix|circumfixes]] or other [[w:Affix|affixes]] to change word meaning, or show different grammatical functions. Some dialects tend towards a more moderate, [[w:Agglutinative language|agglutinative]] model (By using fewer morphemes per word than other dialects), however the principle of affixation is shared between all dialects.
In addition, Flewtish contains an animate-inanimate distinction. If any part of speech within a sentence is animate, the subject, object and verb must take the ''-ü'' suffix.
There are 10 cases (12 if dialectal ones are included) in Flewtish, formed usually with the use of an affix (For example: ''The apple: Hetceńe'', '''I ate the apple: Wo jepgo hetceńen'''), with the exception of the nominative case which doesn't need any inflection directly. The exact suffixes can be found below, in the "Cases" section.
Similarly, possession is shown with a suffix.
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Possession Suffixes in Flewtish
! Suffix !! Rough English Translation !! Example
| -mno || Mine || hetsjeńemno
| -ði || Your || hetsjeńedi
| -muk || His/Hers/Its || hetceńemuk
| ne-, -mno || Our || nehetsjeńemno
| ne-, -sji || Your (plural) || nehetsjeńesji
| Aa /a/ || Bb /b/ || Cc /t͡s/ || Dd /d/ || Đð /ð/ || Ee /e/ || Ff /ɸ/ || Gg /g/ || Hh /ç/ || Ii /i/ || Yy /ɨ/ || Jj /ɣ/ || Kk /k/ || Ll /l/ || Mm /m/ || Nn /n/ || Oo /o/ || Pp /p/ || Rr /ʁ/ || Ss /s/ || Tt /t/ || Uu /u/ || Üü /y/ || Vv /v/ || Ww /w/ || Xx /ʒ/|| Zz /z/
| ne- -ktu || Their || nehetsjeńektu

<small>In the beginning of words, 'c' will make the /k/ sound instead.</small>
Flewtish doesn't have articles, but uses the -e suffix as a replacement for the definite article, and ''sal'' for the indefinite article.
Adjectives in Flewtish have three degrees (Positive: ''crasnī'', Comparative: ''cakrasnī'' and Superlative: ''crasnītta''), which correspond roughly to the English and German suffixes ''-er'' and ''-est''. They lack a plural number and they are always used in their singular form.

The letters correspond always to their pronunciation. The orthography is considered a [[w:phonetic orthography|phonetic]], as opposed to deep orthographies like [[w:French orthography|French's]].
===Word order===
Flewtish is strictly an SVO language, except in answers, where the SOV form is used instead. Like most European languages, it uses word intonation to show emphasis.

Flewtish contains the usual three pronouns, with a distinction on the third person pronouns for female and male. Flewtish does not use standalone pronouns often, resorting instead to suffixes on the root verb.
Flewtish contains the usual three pronouns, with a distinction on the third person pronouns for animate and inanimate objects. Flewtish does not use standalone pronouns often, resorting instead to suffixes on the root verb.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Pronouns in Flewtish
|+ Pronouns in Flewtish
Line 68: Line 145:
! English !! Flewtish
! English !! Flewtish
| I || Гѡо
| I || Ғен
| You || Жи
| You || Ðи
| He/she/it || То/Шо/Ў
| (He or she)/it || У/Шов
| We || Гѡоне
| We || Неғен
| You (pl.) || Жине
| You (pl.) || Неши
| They || Увок
| They || Увок(ы)
Flewtish has 10 cases, most of which correspond to English prepositions. Far northern dialect contain an additional two.
Flewtish has 10 cases, most of which correspond to English prepositions. Depending on the dialect, the number or the actual inflection of the cases may vary significantly (The easternmost dialects spoken in Finland for example preserved the ancient attributive case whereas all other dialects eventually lost it).
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Cases in Flewtish
|+ Cases in Flewtish
Line 87: Line 166:
! Case !! Affix !! Example !! English Approximation !! Notes
! Case !! Affix !! Example !! English Approximation !! Notes
| Nominative || (None) || Dõmma || House || -
| Nominative || (None) || || House || -
| Genitive || -den  || Dõmmaden || Of the house || -
| Genitive || -den  || Dõmmaden || Of the house || -
Line 95: Line 174:
| Vocative || -e || (Ē) Dõmmae || (Hey) house! || Dialectal only, conflicts with suffix -e (Similar to English 'the')
| Vocative || -e || (Ē) Dõmmae || (Hey) house! || Dialectal only, conflicts with suffix -e (Similar to English 'the')
| Adessive || -pṽo || Dõmmapwo || At the house || Dialectal only, usually fused with the inessive
| Adessive || -je || Dõmmaje || At the house || Dialectal only, usually fused with the inessive
| Inessive || -seg || Dõmmaseg || In the house || Also exists as e-''root''-sek
| Inessive || -seg || Dõmmaseg || In the house || Also exists as e-''root''-sek
| Ablative || -sce || Dõmmasce || From the house || -
| Ablative || -sje || Dõmmasje || From the house || -
| Essive || -l || Ēne Dõmmal || As a house || Rare, now usually the Russian borrowing 'как' is used.
| Essive || -l || Ēne Dõmmal || As a house || Rare, now usually the Russian borrowing 'как' is used.
| Translative || -sej || Dõmmasej || (Transformed) into a house
| Translative || -se || Dõmmase || (Transformed) into a house
| Instrumental || -om || Dõmmaom || With a house || If it conflicts with the accusative, then it becomes -on
| Instrumental || -om || Dõmmaom || With a house || If it conflicts with the accusative, then it becomes -on
| Causal-Final || -scü || Dommascü || For the house || -
| Causal-Final || -d || Dommad || For the house || -
| Negation || -n + -nde || Gende ndommande || Not a house || Not a case exactly, also mostly dialectal by now.
| Comitative || k-, -to || Kodommato || With (the company of) the house || Often fused with the instrumental.

Line 119: Line 198:
! Number !! English !! Flewtish
! Number !! English !! Flewtish
| 0 || Zero || Нўл
| 0 || Zero || Нул
| 1 || One || Fál/Фал
| 2 || Two || Āy/Ааы
| 3 || Three || Děgn/Денг
| 4 || Four || Sãx/Саж
| 5 || Five || Ðōgn/Ðōнг
| 6 || Six || Gáwo/Гаѡо
| 7 || Seven || Evé/Еве
| 8 || Eight || Xü/Жў
| 9 || Nine || Nãkk/На̄кк
| 10 || Ten || Cárposct/Къарпошт
{| class="wikitable"
! English || Flewtish || IPA
| Yes || ''Ген'' || [ɡén]
| 1 || One || Зааԓ
| No || ''Генде'' || [ɡén.dɛ]
| 2 || Two || Деюе
| Hello! || ''Еӻ жива̄!'' || [έɣ ʒiβἇː]
| 3 || Three || Заш
| Good morning! || ''Ӻуг харѡаг!'' || [ɣúːɡ çáʁwaɡ]
| 4 || Four || Нóюе
| Good night! || ''Ӻуг микѡуг!'' || [ɣúːɡ ˈmikwùɡ]
| 5 || Five || Аўе
| Have a nice day! || ''Ка̄рѡазу ӻуг цо̄ӻет!'' || [kâːʁ.wazu ɣuːɡ t͡soːɣɛt]
| 6 || Six || Еўе
| Goodbye! || ''Нъикѡогъ'' || [ˈnʷikwoɡʷ]
| 7 || Seven || Юскы̄
| Thank you! || ''Шпре̄нъвугъ'' || [ʃpʁɛːnʷ.βŷɡʷ]
| 8 || Eight || Анá
| Who? || ''Ӣва?'' || [îː.va/]
| 9 || Nine || Цьербус
| What? || ''Жар?'' || [ʒáʁ]
| 10 || Ten || Ԓе
| When? || ''Енѡо?'' || [ènwo]
| Where? || ''Гѡа?'' || [ɡwâ]
| How? || ''Ѡерцог?'' || [wèʁt͡soɡ]
| Why || ''Пе̄ккет?'' || [pêːket]
| Again || ''Вӯӻъ'' || [vûːʝʷ]
| What is your name? || ''Жар ѡа̄рпагзу?'' || [ʒáʁ wâːʁpaɡzu]
| My name is... || ''Ԝа̄рпагѡо ...'' || [wáː.ʁpaˌɡwo]
| Do you speak English? || ''Киллиту Англсег?'' || [kilîtu ángl.seg]
| I do not understand Flewtish. || ''Генде ситалъгѡо Флӯтѡас глунг.'' || [gén.dɐ sí.taˌlʷo ˈɸlûːtwas glûŋ]
| Help me! || ''Памагъитегѡо!'' || [pa.ma.ˈgʷɪ.tɐˌgwo]
| How much is it? || ''Ѡерга̄рѡазўме?'' || [wɐʁɡaːʁwa.zŷ.me]
| Where are you from? || ''Гѡа жи шын?'' || [gwá ʒí ʃɨn]

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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
'''Flewtish (Latin)''':
''Awel neemól zalpen nesvabodii ve tiğez ivoam ve prava. Nežewemeg šiwatak ve sosnanije ve nekareveljomeg zaal baknwékonjoamd.''

'''Flewtish (Cyrillic)''':
'''Flewtish (Cyrillic)''':
Ко ѡижене ӻенваца̄ктуне свабодане е ӻўфишине сансег е праѡане. Одарендутӯ кеѡогом е соѡешом, е жецентуне фалсегфал ѡенцисег заккарамтун.
''Аўел неемóл залпен несвабoдии ве тиғез ивoам ве права. Нежеўемег шиўатак ве соснанийе ве некаревелйомег заал бакньéконйоамд.''
'''Flewtish (IPA)''':
[ko ˈwi.ʒɛne ˈɣɛnʙʷaˌt͡saːktu zvaˈbodaek e ˈɣyɸiʃʷiˌek ˈsan.seg e ˈpʁa.wa.seg ‖ ˈodarenduˌtuː ˈkewogom e ˈsoweʃom e ˈʒet͡sentu ˈfalsegˌfal ˈwent͡siseg zakaʁamtun]
