Germian/Conjunctions and subjunctions: Difference between revisions

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'''bindvord/kunjunkcun conjunction'''
{| class="wikitable" width=60% style="text-align: center;"
'''subbindvord/subjunkcun subjunction'''
! width=50% | Germian !! width=50% | English
aber but
| {{term|bindvord, kunjunkcun}} || conjunction
als as
| {{term|subbindvord, subjunkcun}} || subjunction
ate to, att (SE), te (NE), zu (DE)
| {{term|aber}} || but
auk also, too
| {{term|als}} || as
bai with
| {{term|ate}} || to, att (SE), te (NE), zu (DE)
baide both (dual)
| {{term|auk}} || also, too
baidal both (plural)
| {{term|bai}} || with
dan than
| {{term|baide}} || both (dual)
das that, which is
| {{term|baidal}} || both (plural)
den then
| {{term|dan}} || than
deils ⇄ partly
| {{term|das}} || that, which is
dorfon by
| {{term|den}} || then
dus thus
| {{term|deil}} || partly
elor ⇄ or
| {{term|dan}} || than
end ⇄ and
| {{term|dorfon}} || by
enor and/or
| {{term|dus}} || thus
exklusiive excluding, except, apart from
| {{term|end}} || and
foor before
| {{term|enor}} || and/or
fuur for
| {{term|exklusiive}} || excluding, except, apart from
fuurate in order to
| {{term|foor}} || before
ifals if
| {{term|enor}} || and/or
iider either
| {{term|exklusiive}} || excluding, except, apart from
inklusiive including
| {{term|foor}} || before
minuus minus
| {{term|fuur}} || for
mit with
| {{term|fuurate}} || in order to
nelor nor
| {{term|ifals}} || if
niider neither
| {{term|iider}} || either
nite foor not before
| {{term|inklusiive}} || including
noc yet
| {{term|minuus}} || minus
plus plus
| {{term|mit}} || with
respektiive respectively
| {{term|nelor}} || nor
sinds since
| {{term|niider}} || neither
soo so
| {{term|nite foor}} || not before
sooals like
| {{term|noc}} || yet
soodat ⇄ because
| {{term|plus}} || plus
soowel as well
| {{term|respektiive}} || respectively
til until
| {{term|sinds}} || since
trots despite
| {{term|soo}} || so
vaneer when
| {{term|sooals}} || like
vant because
| {{term|soowel}} || as well
veder whether
| {{term|til}} || until
zunte without
| {{term|trots}} || despite
wail while
| {{term|vaneer}} || when
| {{term|vant}} || because
| {{term|veder}} || whether
| {{term|zunte}} || without
| {{term|wail}} || while
