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[[Wiobian|↑ Wiobian]]
[[Wiobian|↑ Wiobian]]

==Use in other languages==
[[File:Wiobian alphabet.jpg|300px|thumb|right|The Wiobian alphabet]]
A notable feature of the Wiobian script is its capability of "abuse of notation" and encode a lot of phonetic information without using many diacritics.

After three-way tone develops:
Wiobian is written in a native alphabet named ''Trabe&Galster'' after the first two letters ''Trabe'' and ''Galst'', also used to write other languages such as [[Trây]]. The spelling rules reflect Classical Wiobian pronunciation; subsequent sound changes have made the relationship between orthography and pronunciation more opaque. (Think Tibetan, English or French spelling.)The transliteration of Wiobian used in this article attempts to reflect the Wiobian orthographical spelling standardized near the end of the Classical Wiobian period and re-standardized in the modern period in 1811 v.C. using classical texts and internal reconstruction from Wiobian topolects (especially utilizing Whetmerish, known for its conservatism in unstressed prefixes). Another factor in the orthography is that literacy was limited to the upper class. Thus often the elites spoke one language while writing in a fossilized form of the language, so that e.g. case endings were still written even after most of them dropped out in the spoken language. The Classical Wiobian they wrote was, however, written in the stricter syntax of the vernacular.

In open syllables or syllables ending in a resonant:
Modern Standard Wiobian employs consonant alternations triggered by originally unstressed prefixes. One difficulty is that originally unstressed prefixes often don't change a word's pronunciation anymore, because the particular initial consonant is immune to the mutation caused by the prefix:
*''mezz'' - 'wait'
*''bemezz'' - 'long for'

*'''modal tone''' is unmarked.
are both pronounced /məi̯k˥/. The homophony was solved by compounding nouns and verbs with other words to disambiguate them, creating a wealth of compounds, as in [[w:Chinese language|Chinese]].
*'''glottalized tone''' is marked with a final '''-h'''. Unfortunately '''h''' is also used for vowel lengthening. For nasals '''-mp''' /-m/, '''-nt''' /-n/, '''-nz''' /-ɲ/, '''-nk''' /-ŋ/ are also used.
===Letter names===
*'''breathy tone''' is marked with a final '''-s''' or '''-ß'''
Most letter names for consonants are derived from Proto-Netagin. Vowels, on the other hand, use the vowel itself as the name.

In syllables ending in a stop:
*'''T''': ''Trabe'' < *tenābōˀ 'jaws'
*'''G''': ''Galst'' < *gałṭon 'ground'
*'''K''': ''Kohl'' < *kōllon 'bird'
*'''W''': ''Wier'' < *wiˀron 'head'
*'''N''': ''Nark'' < *narkon 'cascade'
*'''Q''': ''Krit'' < *qarītis 'coast'
*'''L''': ''Lecken'' < *leqnon 'river'
*'''P''': ''Put'' < *pūton 'ox'
*'''Ḥ''': ''Ang'' < *ˀangon 'face'
*'''C''': ''Engarms-Ang'' 'emphasizing Ang'
*'''Z''': ''Zeib'' < *ƛeybon 'harp'
*'''J''': ''Jamm'' < *yanpon 'house' (Netagin ''ˀáb'')
*'''F''': ''Fitt'' 'worm'
*'''M''': ''Mespul'' < *mezpūlos 'bridge'
*'''D''': ''Dachel'' < *dakl 'tree'
*'''Đ''': ''Đruke'' <  *đirūkōs 'lips'
*'''R''': ''Rift'' < *ripṭon 'throat'
*'''S''': ''Schnade'' < *łinādōs 'gates'
*'''H''': ''Hammel'' < *hamlon 'flower'
*'''Ƕ''': ''Ƕieg'' < *huyegon 'wall'
*'''B''': ''Bruog'' < *barōgon 'knot'
*'''ẞ''': ''ẞicht'' < *siqdon 'road'
*'''Z''': ''Zamm'' < *cammun 'paw'

*'''glottalized tone''' is unmarked.
*'''breathy tone''' is marked with a fricative before the final stop. (Not used except in Wiobian)
Wiobian orthography has capital and lowercase letters. Wiobian capitalizes all nouns, but not necessarily words that are in the beginning of the sentence; this is reflected in the Romanization.

After tone split:
The ''Lusk-Frann'' ("binding mark") is a hyphen-like symbol used to link genitive nouns to their heads. It is transcribed with a hyphen (-).
The ''Je-Hust'' ("''je''-space"), also called the ''serializer'' in English, is used to link coordinated components in compounds and serial verbs. As its name suggests, it also indicates a missing ''je'' ('and') in poetry. The serializer is transcribed with an ampersand (&).
