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Since adnominal demonstratives are phonologically part of the following word, they are affected by the rule that prohibits more than one strong consonant in a single word. So /ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/ [ˈkʷṳsːɨ] - "ocean fish" becomes /ʔaɴ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/ [ʔaŋˈkʷṳsːɨ] - "that ocean fish over there", not */haɴ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/, or /dəɻɨ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/ [dəɻʊˈkʷṳsːɨ] "those ocean fish", not */dʷəɻɨ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/.
Since adnominal demonstratives are phonologically part of the following word, they are affected by the rule that prohibits more than one strong consonant in a single word. So /ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/ [ˈkʷṳsːɨ] - "ocean fish" becomes /ʔaɴ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/ [ʔaŋˈkʷṳsːɨ] - "that ocean fish over there", not */haɴ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/, or /dəɻɨ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/ [dəɻʊˈkʷṳsːɨ] "those ocean fish", not */dʷəɻɨ=ˈkʷɨ̤sːɨ/.
===Noun Classes===
There is a complex animacy hierarchy, and, in the absence of demonstratives or other determiners, nouns phrases begin with a particle indicating the noun's position on the hierarchy. These particles also mark nouns for singular and plural. In the case of uncountable nouns (e.g. water), the plural form of the particle is used.
Each particle can have up to 4 allomorphs, conditioned by the same factors as demonstratives i.e. the following word's stressed vowel phonation, and whether the following word begins with a glottal consonant (which is replaced with the final consonant of the demonstrative).
{| class="wikitable"
! Class !! Breathy Phonation !! Tense Phonation !! Breathy Phonation + Initial Glottal Cons. !! Tense Phonation + Initial Glottal Cons.
| Honorific Human(s) || hɨʔa- || hə- || ʀʷ- || ʀ-
| Male Adult (Singular) || qaʔɨ- || qɨ-* || qaʔɨj- || qɨj-
| Female Adult (Singular) || ʂaʔɨ- || ʃɨ-* || ʂaʔɨj- || ʃɨj-
| Child (Singular) || kɨha- || kə- || kʷ- || k-
| Humans (Plural) || dʷə- || dʷaʔɨ- || dʷɨʔəj- || dʷɨʔaj-
| Animals (Singular) || haʔɨɴ- || hɨɴ- || haʔɨn- || hɨɲ-
| Animals (Plural) || ɻahɨɴ- || ɾʲɨɴ-* || ɻaʔɨm- || ɾʲɨmʲ-
| Body Parts (Singular) || hɨmɨ- || hɨmɨ- || hɨm- || hɨm-
| Body Parts (Plural) || hɨmɨ- || hɨmʲɨ-* || hɨm- || hɨmʲ-
| Perennial Plants (Singular) || gʷɨmaɴ- || gʷɨmaɴ- || gʷɨman- || gʷɨman-
| Perennial Plants (Plural) || gʷɨɴ- || gʷɨɴ- || gʷɨm- || gʷɨm-
| Annual Plants (Singular) || ʈahɨɴ- || tʲɨɴ-* || ʈahɨn- || tʲɨn-
| Annual Plants (Plural) || ʈahɨ- || tʲɨ-* || ʈahɨj- || tʲɨj-
| Fruit / Eggs / Seeds (Singular) || ʔahɨ- || hɨ-* || ʔahɨj- || hɨj-
| Fruit / Eggs / Seeds (Plural) || hama- || hama- || ham- || ham-
| Concrete Nouns (Singular) || bɨwaɴ- || bɨwaɴ- || bɨwaɴ- || bɨwaɴ-
| Concrete Nouns (Plural) || bɨ- || bɨ- || bɨw- || bɨw-
| Abstract Nouns (Singular) || tɨwaɴ- || tɨwaɴ- || tɨwan- || tɨwan-
| Abstract Nouns (Plural) || tɨ- || tɨ-- || tɨw- || tɨw-
| Locations (Singular) || kɨwaɴ- || kɨwaɴ- || kɨwan- || kɨwan-
| Locations (Plural) || kɨ- || kɨ- || kɨw- || kɨw-
If proclitics marked with an asterisk are followed by certain consonants, they are palatalised. The sound changes are:
* Retroflex /ʈ/, /ɖ/, /ʂ/ and /ɻ/ become post-alveolar /tʲ/, /dʲ/, /ʃ/ and /ɾʲ/ respectively.
* Labio-Velar /kʷ/, /gʷ/, /ŋʷ/, /xʷ/ and /w/ become Labio-Palatal /cʷ/, /ɟʷ/, /ɲʷ/, /çʷ/ and /ɥ/ respectively.
* Labial /p/, /b/ and /m/ become /pʲ/, /bʲ/ and /mʲ/ respectively.
* /x/ and /ɫ/ become /ç/ and /ʎ/ respectively.
Also, the honorific human prefix /hɨʔa-/ and the prefix for children /kɨʔa-/ labialise any following dorsal consonant (palatal, velar and uvular). The only exception to this is lateral consonants, which have no labialised equivalents.