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=Grammar & Syntax=
Independant Clauses are SVO whilst Dependant and Relative Clauses are SOV. There is also a slight distinction between Prepositional Clauses depending on whether the preposition attaches to the Direct Object; expressing location of the Direct Object during the action, or the Indirect Object; expressing the location of where the action affecting the Direct Object happened.
An Example in English and how it could be interpreted in Gwythyr depending on the location of the preposition:
I killed the man on the table.
#In English this can interpreted as I killed the man who was on the table, or on the table is where I killed the man. In Gwythyr if one wanted to convey the first meaning then the preposition would attach to the Direct Object, whereas if one meant the other interpretation then the preposition would attach to the Indirect Object.
The stress is always placed on the second last accentuated vowel, and in the case where this is not accentuated then the stress swaps to the nearest accentuated vowel. In the case of two syllable words then the stress is always placed on the accentuated vowel and in the rare case where both vowels are accentuated the first one is favoured.
*In words with words that are more than four syllables long the first accentuated and second last accentuated vowel are stressed.
**E.g ''donsênansêwe'' where the stress is on both ''sên'' and ''sê''.
