Paang/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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Khôet nîj dàoi Nekhthij dàoi. "I don't speak Neckthai."
Khôet nîj dàoi Nekhthij dàoi. "I don't speak Neckthai."
the capital of Neckthailand:
the capital of Neckthailand:
The capital of Neckthailand:

''Khrúmá Kijphen Zàtaalá Vaen Zàtijlen Khruuzenʔ Tràk Zàtrèt Khéschàwijʔpét Khijn Théloatét Kia Wítzàtà Kan Wákhenʔ Phlátzàtouvenʔ Kîjk Trouphen Khéteul Thétphouzét Houwá Thing Vîer''
''khrúmá-kijphen-zàtaalá-vaen-zàtijlen-khruuzenʔ-tràk-zàtrèt-khéschàwijʔpét-khijn théloatét-kia-wítzàtà-kan-wákhenʔ-phlát-zàtouvenʔ-kîjk trouphen-khéteul-thétphouzét-houwá-thing vîer''
'The miracle of the exalted king of celestial splendor who forged paradise, shines in art and wisdom, and guards his subjects in a ten-wister-long eternal marble wall'
''Grümmerŧeibenstalerfernsteilenđrüßentrachtensträtzgeschweibesđeinesdelorteskierwisterŧannwachenblatzstaufenŧeischestraubengetöhldesbaußeshauerdinŧ Vîer''
"The miracle of the exalted king of celestial splendor who forged paradise, shines in art and wisdom, and guards his subjects in a ten-wister-long eternal marble wall"
ráe - metal
ráe - metal
ráa - white
ráa - white
