Verse:Hmøøh/Onishia: Difference between revisions

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'''Lõis''' (地 ''Lõis'' /lɤis/, [[Türiŋit]] for 'Earth') is a collaborative alt-hist Earth created by [[User:Praimhín]] and [[User:IlL]].
'''Lõis''' (地 ''Lõis'' /lɤis/, [[Türiŋit]] for 'Earth') is a collaborative alt-hist Earth created by [[User:Praimhín]] and [[User:IlL]].
Numbers: ''ein, ßwei, drî, feaur, finf, sechs, siben, acht, neun, ßehen'' /ej, swe, dyi, fœj, fiːf, θeː, θəbu, ajt, nyː, sɛwu/
Indefinite article:
*''ein, einß'' /ə(n), eɪs/ (,
*''de, deß, deu'' /də, dəs, dy/ (,, pl.)
Common nouns: ''-0/-e, -er''
*''de frau, deu frauer'' /dy fjo, dy fjoji/ 'woman'
*''de hrabe, deu hraber'' /ɕap, ɕabi/ 'raven'
Neuter nouns: ''-0, -e''
*''des cind, deu cinde'' /də siːʔ, dy siːt/ 'child'
Irregular nouns:
*''name, namen'' /nɔm, nɔmu/ 'name'
Adjectives: predicative ''-0'', attributive ''-e''
*''Der ist stark'' /deː i t˭ajʔ/ 'he is strong'
*''ein starke man'' /ə t˭ɛːk mɔn/ 'a strong man'
"of": ''u''
''Cl'' = /Cw/?
''r'' = /j/; ''cr, gr'' = /tɕ, dʑ/; ''c, g, ch'' + front vowel = /s, z, s/; ''ch'' = /x/
''s'' = /θ/; ''ß'' = /s/; ''sch'' = /sʰ/
''(sc)hm, (sc)hn, (sc)hl, (sc)hr'' /m̥, n̥, l̥, ʃ/
*''hlauß'' /l̥os/ = lot, fate
''a'' = /a/, ''â'' = /aʊ/, ''âr'' = /aɪ/, ''au, aun'' = /o~oʊ/
''e'' = /ɛ/ (/ə/ in unstressed syllables), ''ê'' = /aɪ/, ''eau, eaun'' = /ø/
''eu'' = /y/
''é, en, én'' = /e~eɪ/
''i'' = /ə/
''î, in'' = /i/
''u, un, an'' = /ɔ/
''û'' = /u/
Final stops become glottal stops after a vowel, vanish otherwise
*''machen'' /maxu/
*2sg: ''mache'' /max/
*2pl: ''machet'' /max/
Present tense:
*''ich mache'' /əx max/
*''du maches'' /du max/
*''der/deu/deß machet'' /deː max/
*''wir machons'' /wiː maxu/
*''irleu  machet'' /ily max/
*''deuleu machent'' /dyly max/
Past tense:
*''ich ha gemacht'' /əx hagəmax/
*''du hast gemacht'' /du hak˭əmax/
*''der/dî/deß hat gemacht'' /deː hak˭əmax/
*''wir hans gemacht'' /weː hɔŋəmax/
*''irleu hat gemacht'' /ily hak˭əmax/
*''deuleu hant gemacht'' /dyly hɔŋəmax/
From Proto-Dravidian to Austro-Dravidian:
From Proto-Dravidian to Austro-Dravidian:
