Unclassified language isolate in the Amazonas Basin

There are three recordings of that tongue; one Portuguese wordlist from the 1860s, one Spanish document from the early 19th century, and some words in a Dutch diary entry from 1666.

Meaning Portuguese Paper Spanish Paper Dutch Paper Reconstructed
one rnate jnat hnat hnat
two pnate pnat pnat
three prim pjin pchin phin
four mai ñay niai
many nhum ñun ('five') njun ('ten') niun
bird quique kik
Brazil paquil pakiu
eye, to see pi pi
ear, to hear cam kann kan
white tna tna
day tarrate tajjat tahhat
moon rate hat
sun tar tah
gold tape tap
dark tuque tuk
alone rhaquenique haknik
red ritenham hitnian
European quitão ('stranger') kitau
other ji hi
thou pi pi
first tan tan
man tca tka
to smell cnic knik
I want natap na-tap
thou wantest pitap pi-tap