
< Verse:Irta
Revision as of 02:56, 27 November 2021 by IlL (talk | contribs)

LW rationalism inspired ethnoreligion; set in a post-climate change Future Tricin

Liturgical language: Eevo ("Classical Eevo")

Founder population: Lleebrand


  • Bwhsanos Binrymgéen (often shortened to Bwhsanos) - the Liberation Equinox
  • Vnwr Neh-Byþin ("rationalist solstice")

Eschatology: They want to give birth to some person or people who would get humanity to transhumanity.

Fairly strict gender roles like Ortho Judaism

Views on LGBT: trans ok, gay no (like Iran)

Ideological factions in future Tricin:

  • This rationalist ethnoreligion
  • Negutil vegan antinatalists
  • Hardcore conservationists
  • Nationalists/Fascists
  • Traditional Trician religions (on the decline)

(These might have the superficial trappings of moral philosophies but they're all traditionalist oppressive religions.)