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Qíraşə ['ki:ʁaʃə] is the third language by Marvin Johanning and is still a work in progress


Pronouns and Verbs

Verbs are conjugated by adding the pronoun at the stem of the verb. Pronouns can usually not be on themselves, they have to be attached to another word. For example, the verb Qasarám [kasa'ʁa:m] (to be) is conjugated by removing the ending "rám" and adding the pronoun. The pronouns are:

I You He / She / It One We They You (pl.)
-mə -sə -tõ -té -ló -pët -ná

If you want to say "my" or "your", a "da" is added to the pronoun, and the new form is added onto a word. Example:
Xə = Language
məda = my
Xə'məda = My language


You make a word Plural, by adding "-tɵs" to the end of the word: Xə = language; Xətɵs = Languages.
You also add the "-tɵs" to pronouns and adjectives when they are in the Plural. But for nouns, there is a special case. If you want to tell a specific amount of things, for example, "three houses" a different plural is used. You add the number to the end of the word. For example:
I have houses -> Pafmə mákatɵs
I have three houses -> Pafmə mákaqɵla


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üga qaqi qɵla nëli dтə ũha áşu áşu’üga áşu’qaqi qaqiáşu ügaséqaqiáşu qɵlaáşu