
  • Purpose
    • Artlang: a language that is created for artistic purposes
    • Auxlang: a language made and to facilitate international communication
    • Engelang: enginereed languages are created for philosophical and experimental purposes
  • Style
    • Relex: a language that is just the grammar of another language with different words or endings
    • Romlang: a language intended to be of the Romance language family
    • Altlang: a language based in an alternative history
    • Exolang: a language used by non-humans that may contain sounds humans cannot produce or methods humans cannot use
    • KSL: a kitchen sink language hogs all the grammar
  • Origin
    • A posteriori: conlangs that take their vocabulary from one or more natural languages (even if the grammar is very different from those natlangs)
    • A priori: conlangs have vocabulary whose phonological forms were invented from scratch (even if their grammar is strongly influenced by certain natlangs)