
Revision as of 22:52, 17 February 2016 by IlL (talk | contribs) (→‎Phonology)

Meetzarri (mēzarri nēngatu 'our language') is a Meetzarric language that has influenced Nurian. Its phonology is loosely inspired by Baltic and Dravidian (particularly Badaga).


Bilabial Labio-
Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ng /ŋ/
Plosive p /p/ t /t/ k /k/
Affricate z /ts/ tsch /tʃ/
Fricative s /s/ h /h/
Trill rr /r/
Flap r /ɾ/
Approximant w /w/ l /l/ j /j/