Proto-Central Dynic

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Created byGaffney McCoy Flancer
  • Proto-Central-Dynic

Proto-Central-Dynic is a naturalistic constructed language made for the world of Veyn Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. It is descended from Proto-Dynic, the common ancestor to the largest language family in Veyn, the Dynic family.



The verb template

Proto-Dynic verb template
conjunct prefixes stem conjunct suffixes
1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6 7
direct object adverb (converb classifier) converb classifier subject stem auxiliary

Subject and object marking

Pronominal inflection
Number Subject Object
singular plural singular plural
1st person *t- ~ *Vt- ~ *V̄- *w- ~ *wi- ~ *u- *ti- ~ *t- *woh-
2nd person *n- ~ *VN- *bi- ~ *bi- *ni- ~ *n- *bih-
3rd person *Ø- *i-
4rd person *s- ~ *Vs- *ki- ~ *k-
Indefinite *a- *a-
Reflexive *Ø- *de- ~ *d-

The Proto-Dynic personal markers gain a series of conditional allomorphs in Proto-Central-Dynic, although whether or not these changes were present and synchronic in Proto-Dynic is a matter of debate. The first person singular subject prefix has a number of different forms, for example, depending on where it appears;

  • *t- : After a vowel, or word initially before a vowel; e.g. *nitmīd, *tonosi
  • *Vt- : Word initially before a consonant, or between two consonants. The realisation of *V further varies depending on the environment. It may appear as a mimic vowel of the previous syllable, or if it is word initial *i- is used; **i-ac-t-mugid*yacatmugid, **t-hur-si*ithūri
  • *V̄- : Word initially before an alveolar consonant, or between two consonants, the second being alveolar. Like show *V The realisation of *V̄ may appear as a long mimic vowel of the previous syllable, or *ī-; **ar-t-tes*arātes, **t-daŋʷa*īdaŋʷa