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Sătmașian is a language in the Modern Windermere Dialect Continuum; it is a descendant of Classical Windermere.



b d g are full fledged fricatives as in greek

Final n and s disappear

m turns into labialization and nasalization, while ng turns into nasalization

ts = [t͡ɕ]

th = [s̪~z̪] (like Basque z)

s = [s̠~z̠] (Basque s)

r = Mandarin r

ș = Mandarin sh

Initial l turns into /dl/, final l becomes /j/


a aa e ee i ii o oo u uu ü üü ă > /a e e: iə ə i o uə o: u ø y ə/



  • ri
  • da
  • ə
  • tsa
  • inda
  • nãw