
Revision as of 16:45, 12 November 2012 by EmperorZelos (talk | contribs) (1 revision: Think this is all, saving it while I can)
To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. Any field left blank will not show up. Don't forget to include brackets, to make the fields into links.
Type {{infobox album|<...>}} somewhere, with parameters as shown below.
Sample output
{{infobox album
| name       = Album name [defaults to pagename]
| image      = Image:Example.jpg
| imagewidth = [defaults to 250]
| artist     = Artist name
| released   = Release date
| recorded   = Date recorded
| length     = Album length
| label      = Label
| producer   = Producer

Results in...

Template:Infobox album