
High Valyrian


  • (Post-Classical) IPA(key): [syːz]


sȳz (equative sȳrpa, comparative sȳrkta, superlative sȳrje)

  1. good
  2. well-made


Declension of sȳz (class IIr)
Prepositive lunar and solar​ terrestrial and aquatic​
sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
nominative sȳz sȳri sȳrior sȳriar
accusative sȳz sȳri sȳrior sȳriar
genitive sȳro sȳro, sȳrot sȳrȳr sȳrȳ, sȳrȳt
dative sȳro, sȳrot sȳro, sȳrot sȳrȳr sȳrȳ, sȳrȳt
locative sȳrē sȳro, sȳrot sȳrȳr sȳrȳ, sȳrȳt
instrumental sȳros sȳros sȳrȳs sȳrȳs
comitative sȳron, sȳrom sȳron, sȳrom sȳrȳn, sȳrȳm sȳrȳn, sȳrȳm
vocative sȳres sȳris sȳrios sȳrīs
    Postpositive lunar and solar​ terrestrial and aquatic​
    sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
    nominative sȳz sȳri sȳrior sȳriar
    accusative sȳz sȳri sȳrior sȳriar
    genitive sȳro sȳroti sȳrȳro sȳrȳti
    dative sȳrot sȳroti sȳrȳro sȳrȳti
    locative sȳrē sȳroti sȳrȳro sȳrȳti
    instrumental sȳrose sȳrossi sȳrȳso sȳrȳssi
    comitative sȳrome sȳrommi sȳrȳmo sȳrȳmmi
    vocative sȳres sȳris sȳrios sȳrīs