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From [[Coeñar_Aerānir#Proto-Iscaric|Proto-Iscaric]] '''''{{term|xloiðos}}''''' ("ear"), from [[PME_Lexicon|PME]] ''{{term|geli}}'' ("to be clear, to hear; ear, eye, faculty").  Compare with ''{{term|helior}}'' ("I am bright"), ''{{term|helisciç}}'' ("to clear up"), ''{{term|hollus}}'' ("window, porthole").  Cognate with [[Dalitian#Classical Dalitian|Dalitian]] ''{{term|gleîdos}}'' ("sky, field"), [[Proto-Fyrdic]] ''{{term|glaudaz}}'' ("trophy").
From [[Coeñar_Aerānir#Proto-Iscaric|Proto-Iscaric]] '''''{{term|xloiðos}}''''' ("ear"), from [[PME_Lexicon|PME]] ''{{term|geli}}'' ("to be clear, to hear; ear, eye, faculty").  Compare with ''{{term|helior}}'' ("I am bright"), ''{{term|helisciç}}'' ("to clear up"), ''{{term|hollus}}'' ("window, porthole").  Cognate with [[Dalitian#Classical Dalitian|Dalitian]] ''{{term|gleîdos}}'' ("sky, field"), [[Proto-Fyrdic]] ''{{term|glaidaz}}'' ("trophy").



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