Verse:Irta/Hebrew: Difference between revisions

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Modern Hebrew no longer observes the distinction between masculine plural and feminine plural pronouns, phonetically or orthographically (an edge case remains in the numeral + pronoun complexes שנינו/שתינו ''šnênu/štênu'' 'we two (m/f)', שניכם/שתיכם ''šnêchę/štêchę'' 'you two (m/f)' and שניהם/שתיהם ''šnêhę/štêhę'' 'they two (m/f)'). Gender in plural remains almost exclusively in nouns, adjectives, and the (participial) present tense, and numerals. Hence הלכתם (''holáchtę'' 'y'all went'); אתם הולכים\הולכות (''atę hølchį́/hølchǿs'' 'y'all go' (mp/fp)).
Modern Hebrew no longer observes the distinction between masculine plural and feminine plural pronouns, phonetically or orthographically (an edge case remains in the numeral + pronoun complexes שנינו/שתינו ''šnếnu/štếnu'' 'we two (m/f)', שניכם/שתיכם ''šnếchę/štếchę'' 'you two (m/f)' and שניהם/שתיהם ''šnếhę/štếhę'' 'they two (m/f)'). Gender in plural remains almost exclusively in nouns, adjectives, and the (participial) present tense, and numerals. Hence הלכתם (''holáchtę'' 'y'all went'); אתם הולכים\הולכות (''atę hølchį/hølchøs'' 'y'all go' (mp/fp)).

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