Judeo-Gaelic: Difference between revisions

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{{biggentium|''Ha-dheghaˁ, róngígh niššnálann,''}}
{{biggentium|''Ha-dheghaˁ, róngígh fannišnél,''}}
{{biggentium|''Ha-dheghaˁ, róngígh nigcíˁlann!''}}
{{biggentium|''Ha-dheghaˁ, róngígh fannighnél!''}}
{{biggentium|''Ha-ˀadáˀ ním medhách niṭhšér.''}}
{{biggentium|''Ha-ˀadáˀ ním medhách niṭhšér.''}}
{{biggentium|''Tal ním nḥitál niphˁén gášér''}}
{{biggentium|''Tal 'ním nḥáphál niphˁén gášér''}}
<!--5{{biggentium|''when it becomes less hospitable''}}-->
<!--5{{biggentium|''when it becomes less hospitable''}}-->
<!--6{{biggentium|''when it becames less friendly''}}-->
<!--6{{biggentium|''and hostile winds envelop it''}}-->

<!--1{{biggentium|Git ˁar śánégh, śán ˁar gitígh}}-->
{{biggentium|Git ˁar śánégh, śán ˁar gitígh}}
<!--2{{biggentium|Baghósámh déi ˀel srítígh}}-->
{{biggentium|Baghósámh déi ˀel rotígh}}
{{biggentium|ˀAním medhách nethilˁál}}
<!--4{{biggentium|ˀAch ˀaním nḥitál}}-->
{{biggentium|ˀIs ˀach ˀaním láˁíl nḥáphál}}
<!--5{{biggentium|King's world and land}}-->
{{biggentium|Nˁášíbh, hóghašáˀ,}}
<!--6 you are no longer our king-->
{{biggentium|ˀAním bhagíšáˀ.}}
<!--7 when snow falls, and summer falls-->
{{biggentium|Cad nimeh bešéḥí šún ḥálí}}
<!--8 also/again comes seed, thy resting-place.-->
{{biggentium|Tzúl ˁán ˀaním gcór ghašílí.}}

<!--1 Thou sleepest in fear, fox-->
{{biggentium|Passónn mezíbhégh ha-bhóšaḥ}}
<!--2 for our friend warm_with_flame against cold-->
{{biggentium|<!--for our friend warm_with_flame against cold-->}}
<!--3 and the storm is harsh-->
<!--3 and the storm is harsh-->
<!--4 when will she(the bird) fight the storm?-->
<!--4 when will she(the bird) fight the storm?-->

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