Judeo-Gaelic: Difference between revisions

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Line 36: Line 36:
<!--3 and the storm is harsh-->
<!--3 and the storm is harsh-->
<!--4 when will she(the bird) fight the storm?-->
<!--4 when will she(the bird) fight the storm?-->
{{biggentium|''Mah neyagíth? Mah neyagíth?''}}
{{biggentium|''Mah neyagíth? Mah neqhamíš?''}}
<!--6 she waits for you in sadness-->
<!--6 she waits for you in sadness-->
{{biggentium|''bhirratz ˀeṭhphán''}}
{{biggentium|''bhirratz ˀeṭhphán''}}

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