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I don't think, therefore I ain't.
I don't think, therefore I ain't.
Un' English muzad muzad.
Cual ueují ueují í xen cuteirí Iqglic?
English is complete garbage.
Yeah obviously but what is your opinion on Iqglic?
Un' jál ád xad nál nál āhsecréuai il
That’s the softest thing I’ve ever felt
Cozxauc ez'e corcuj úu Jonathan, ñ'in' pfur nezi mau
-Hello! everyone say Hello to Friend Jonathan! he a cat not boi lover

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We went to a lake to fish.
We went to a lake to fish.
Cuú moñ
I eat sand

Line 247: Line 271:

I'm not at liberty to reveal that
I'm not at liberty to reveal that
-Cozleydijí xen'!
-Cod'iý ta xi ta, euiý xen'.
-You're pointless!
-39 buried, 0 found.

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Ming Dynasty pussy got me actin unwise
Ming Dynasty pussy got me actin unwise
Cual jál, seccuz cuz coil!
As one, we raise ourselves higher!

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I will rule you
I will rule you
Un' muzarji āhú āhneïci cutseu curyantum ne
Luxury is eating doughnuts naked in the moonlight

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Any man who must say, "I am the king," is no true king.
Any man who must say, "I am the king," is no true king.
Cozc'ua, seccudiiadjíaxiý hez'i muzux conlang he je a xad āhun' jál cual
You know, stuff like this makes me less ashamed of my own conlangs

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The German language is challenging
The German language is challenging
Tumyan txiyan, xen je xen corhuriadz'i?
Ten thousand day, Why you don’t love me?
Beu nu ne, uc' seccual miu āhhanutx teúx
With his arrow, I would like him to be deer-hunting
Nayn xañ'íl ez'e xenuz, xen hur, ez'e xenuz ā
The word is off, no fuck, just off

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A crow lives in an old tree. One day it became thirsty.
A crow lives in an old tree. One day it became thirsty.
Aíún' Ñēyan xenuym'en tumad, cuoj Jon
Heaven is void of life, Jon.
Cozlaúz laúz, cuoj samurai! Miur cuxem xare.
Wake the fuck up samurai! We have a city to burn.
Cuoj cudix un' muzad jál a Extra Quran™️
damn that shit Extra Quran™️
Cuoj yañ'an, xen cozjí xad?!
Xen uc'uaý, secxíy!
Cohxauc hey hé...
Dear God, what have you done?!
It was an accident I swear!
Tell that to their family...
(securzi cuoj suqi lol (xen xen un' jál a al'a xeuaijí xau (āhāh uuu xen xiljí xiljí jál)))
(sorry suqi lol (no this is not part of the translation activity (also hmmm is this one too short)))
Seccéjí céjí, secc'uaují c'uaují, seccux, seccux
I am stronger, I am smarter, I am better, I am better
Syen cō Nguh āhsecmiuei yauñ'
We are Nguh’s children and we praise our lord.
Úu: C'en setnxecmuñ'o maíuas, āhsecr'úz jeve eý je jál jál
C'uayud: Securzi, secr'úz maíuas ner'iy je jál jál
Friend: Can I borrow a cloak, just to go down to the countryside?
Idiot: Sorry, my cloak only goes down to the ankles.
Corxauc corjí
Harxauc harjí
Cozen jutxux ziñuu
Cozhur hab
You tell me to do this,
He tells me to do that.
You're all bastards,
Go fuck your mother.
Cüaiuim jál xaucñ'a céux he, cuoj Banaiuj - Ih ih harcur tnaic xare, uūts jál xaucñ'a réúia eý
I dedicate this rune to my brother, Banaiuj - Even if the barbarians destroy my city, this writing will stand on this wall
Un' xeyil cuder, xen āhnayn hez'i cuder hel riylal?
That's a lot of soup, how many legs do you have?

Line 282: Line 427:

Yes. I see Agma Schwa.
Yes. I see Agma Schwa.
Secuc' secxoñíl ez'e leyn' Aghma Shwa
I never understood the appeal of Aghma Shwa
Xen hazen Xec'n'iýuóc, hazen cē cud cud
He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
Cozen ez'e jutxux āhsecxeý Christmas je
All I want for Christmas is you
Coban' netsúazuóc
Xen sechabaux muzad je
I hate you
You are a liar
Get lost
I don't give a fuck
You are ugly
Xen jál xil! Cuoj, setnayn rum'ian - uc' cozládjí!
Not now! Hey, I have a axe - you will be dead!

Line 312: Line 490:

Just about McFucking had it
Just about McFucking had it
Cuoj úu! Coxmiuji xecla xeu eý hian v'ual ne āhcozñéi ñéi!
Hey pal! Put the bowl on the rock by the coconut tree and come hang!
Ñ'ihcur nál'azuóc mau éj xi am
100 cats killed my parents

Line 317: Line 505:

You are going to Brazil
You are going to Brazil
cohuc'zi txicñ
COZSEÑ :) :)
look at the duck
YOU WIN :) :)
Xil eý naumuz muibena coil he, c'ez āhcozcacacaju col
When a apple falls on your head, you cut the entire tree down
Xen je Hun' hé Agma Schwa arm'uzē col Lapis? Un' ez'e jíuóc cux cux jál!!
Why the heck does agma have a Lapis body pillow? That's one of my favorite characters!!
Iarjetumyan cual!
Happy birthday!
Coxxauc' jej xauan xauan āhun' ez'e miūsad ez'e miūsad ej je
Name a more iconic duo than a beer and another beer
Syen Íex Cé!
I am Iron Man!
Xen haraicojí company Pepsi. Ucual, Uc' laz laz xec'en jál muzad
The Pepsi company is not happy with me. That’s okay, I’ll still keep drinking that garbage.
Un' al'a xad je uc' āhhazen me ñomuír ez'e yepfu riylal je c'e āhhazen hé
At some point there should be a legal limit on the number of legs one can have
Soccual'en sehcual'en
I hate you and him
Ñ'in' teúx lád cuamdi eý
Iymiūj ribuaye nivíl āhiyuats
Hazen nál āhc'ua l'aújjen
Āhhazen cé āhleyn'
in the wild there is a dead deer
white grass grows to cover it
there is a lady who thinks of spring
and a man who entices her
Cuoj ratspfer, secc'ua cuder āhcozc'ua āhaíún' xuineme ez'e xoñíl xeý "Un' ez'e yan'," í r'uc' r'uc' un' yan'
Sir, I believe as much as you do that true authority is never having to say, "That is an order," but that really should have been an order.
Uñéi ai ñēūs āhañ'xauc "C'e secuc' xen', uc' cucol'eu jál."
A dog walked into a tavern and said “I can’t see a thing, I’ll open this one."
Sehhuriadz'i Cálzin! Jernexuñ ūtsad ūtsad en.
We love Calzin! The sweetest nation of ours.
Uc' secr'úz āhun' jál ád cuder'
I will go there and that will be enough
Secuei āhcueu
I heard that you found it
C'e cozr'ūño xen āhan'yen pmah cuder āhseccoi eñjar eý je
You can imagine that we don't get many chances to meet in the park.
Xen sehan' he celara nál
I don't have a girlfriend.
Cuú muzad āhcuaijíax je, cozejýur cudziu c'ez āhyanuxz'iaxiý
To eat shit for trust, and after being freed revenging your enemy
Setnr'úz mau cñáb'es jer'-iux ne
My cat walked to the mango tree near the playground.
Setnuc'zi curyan heit eý video jin'ux
I watched a video about crocodiles last month
Hanuc' cé cuj ux tabet xeuiad
The tall man saw the big red animal
Secnivíljí nivíljí hab cé
My mom and dad are very old
Xen c'e harc'ua c'ua haryextxa Batman '''iuxuóc'''?
Did Batman really think a '''gamer''' could stop me?

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He escaped by running like hell
He escaped by running like hell
Corúuz'i xec
You and I are friends
Cuhuriadz'i r'úiad āhcozsutx
I love how you sing.
Setnjen' xem'en
I swam in the deep water
Xen je āhcozxilaují xilaují?
Why are you so short?
Ñ'in' yan' miu eý, cozuc'zi!
There's a snake in the grass, watch out!

Line 619: Line 962:

The man is sitting on a rock.
The man is sitting on a rock.
Xen úxmeýu xad jál yama yar'u eý?
How much for the parrot in the window?
Seiccux cux curyan am'ciaxe
My favorite month is Am'ciaxe

Line 634: Line 987:

He put new bowls on the long mat
He put new bowls on the long mat
C'ua jál c'uayud xen āhsecuc'zi
That dumbass thinks I won't notice
Xen jíý xad?
What happened?

Line 651: Line 1,014:

If you do, I will not see.
If you do, I will not see.
Xil eý āhtumjí R'úvñ'ian
When the R'úvñ'ian is sus
Har' corcur ehc' - Xen corcur ehc'
Don't destroy my heart - Don't destroy my heart

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I saw the animal and said "Why is it so large?"
I saw the animal and said "Why is it so large?"
Sehxeý sehr'ūño hez'i āl juldum miulah
I have to see the doctor in the early afternoon

Line 661: Line 1,039:

You'll be able to see the smoke from afar
You'll be able to see the smoke from afar
Corxec jál ej, yail ñua jál
Xen cozuc'utxux? Ih coxey yail ej, āhiysabaz'i jál ej hez'i ej
Give me two of these, and one bag of rice
Are you sure? if you get two bags, the second one is half off

=Original dad jokes=
=Original dad jokes=
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A man smart enough to walk away from his hangman deserves a delayed sentence
A man smart enough to walk away from his hangman deserves a delayed sentence
C'en coxhabzi xeual marco
You can't raise a fried egg
C'en coxhabzi ruhu marco
You can't raise a fried chicken
Añ'xauc añ'riñon tabui lam'am'
The batfish says the lizardfish is ugly

=Oldest written Soc'ul' joke=
=Oldest written Soc'ul' joke=
Line 930: Line 1,332:
Xen xen r'uz corxauc xauc, cuoj hurco cē? Socc'uaiax en āhseccuj ñóc' m'e eý he ez' Navy Seal, syen jiñ'al mayai cuder ne Al-Quaeda eý, r'uz sehcur cual hed' ej xi xi. Lai secc'uai jiñ'al xañ'eux, sehan' sniper m'e tabed' US jutxux eý. Xen coren í ez'e xañ' ej. Soccur cur āhhabaux xen' āhuc'iý Earth eý, corxañ' xañ' ez'e xauc. Xen cozc'ua c'oc corxauc muj Internet ne? R'uz cozc'ua, cuoj hurco. Secxauc miu āhseheu útn mayai mayaih hé USA xenuý, r'uz cozeuiý IP r'uc' āhcoríún' cutsad, cuoj muzil. Cutsad āhcur cur xad cē cē āhcoxxauc il. Cozcuriý cur, cuoj có. C'ez syen jutxux eý, xil' jutxux, c'er' soccur r'úiad am em' am ne, r'uz réú diz. Xen coi secaicoiiý aicoi jiñ'al diz ne, syen ne arsenal United States Marine Corps nu jutxux, sun' sun' je āhsoccur je ez'e aizi xen aico hé āl continent nid' xenuz, cuoj ziñuh. Ih uc' cozc'uai ez'e xec je cudiyan jál ez'e xauc xil "ñ'al'" hej jir' āhúumuz, uc' cozxeuavenz'i xeuavenz'i jul'. Í c'en cozen, xen cozen, miu cüey, cuoj xen xen c'uau. Socmuj muj ez'e saumu, coxcur'n'i. Cozen cur cur hed', cuoj có.
Xen xen r'uz corxauc xauc, cuoj hurco cē? Socc'uaiax en āhseccuj ñóc' m'e eý he ez' Navy Seal, syen jiñ'al mayai cuder ne Al-Quaeda eý, r'uz sehcur cual hed' ej xi xi. Lai secc'uai jiñ'al xañ'eux, sehan' sniper m'e tabed' US jutxux eý. Xen coren í ez'e xañ' ej. Soccur cur āhhabaux xen' āhuc'iý Earth eý, corxañ' xañ' ez'e xauc. Xen cozc'ua c'oc corxauc muj Internet ne? R'uz cozc'ua, cuoj hurco. Secxauc miu āhseheu útn mayai mayaih hé USA xenuý, r'uz cozeuiý IP r'uc' āhcoríún' cutsad, cuoj muzil. Cutsad āhcur cur xad cē cē āhcoxxauc il. Cozcuriý cur, cuoj có. C'ez syen jutxux eý, xil' jutxux, c'er' soccur r'úiad am em' am ne, r'uz réú diz. Xen coi secaicoiiý aicoi jiñ'al diz ne, syen ne arsenal United States Marine Corps nu jutxux, sun' sun' je āhsoccur je ez'e aizi xen aico hé āl continent nid' xenuz, cuoj ziñuh. Ih uc' cozc'uai ez'e xec je cudiyan jál ez'e xauc xil "ñ'al'" hej jir' āhúumuz, uc' cozxeuavenz'i xeuavenz'i jul'. Í c'en cozen, xen cozen, miu cüey, cuoj xen xen c'uau. Socmuj muj ez'e saumu, coxcur'n'i. Cozen cur cur hed', cuoj có.

=(Insert thing here)=
=Ey, Ukhnem=
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Setnyan'ux cñá,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Secr'úz meven ne,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, ī, cur'úh r'úh yan'ad!
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Āhcuoj Ainyan', jenyan' hab,
Nivla, xemen',
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
=Í Tokuni=
Miu secr'u cum'ay eý
Xen' ne ez'e cur'e xem'en
C'en cüuc' mum'ay xeú jux
Uñéz ñe jutxux
Secxauc' í noc'uj xen'
Ez'e ixcu Ixcu eý
Tum'ay eý āhuats cur
Secuc' a uain'se
Secréuai uc' r'u xad xad eý
Secxauc' í ji noc'uj xen'
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen coruc'?
Secr'u cum'ay jál eý
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Ez'e cur'e xem'en lád?
Xen cüuc' ez'e r'ud'tumad
Āhtum huiu eý?
Xen cüuc' jí jál eý?
Xen secxenūr ñuimaj?
Xen haruc'zi uc'zi je jux?
Xen cozjí il hez'i
Secr'u il tum'ay eý,
Xen ñéz muzr'u xenuz
éād mil ne?
Xen cuc'ua ez'e ā?
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua muzr'u coíad jux?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay ez'e xen c'uaxjí eý?
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua xen muzr'u coíad?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay eý āhxen mil ne?

=Smells Like Teen Spirit chorus=
Tumad xen'e, cisíl muzux
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Secc'uaiadjí āhsechidxec
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Hazen ez' iy, hazen nivue
Āhñ'in' mayaux, āhsyen hurey

=(Insert thing here)=
=Epic of Gilgamesh (start, incomplete)=
Cuoj hazen āhuc' jutxux, uc' sehāzaxiý mum'uj. Uc' secc'uaiax hé āhhuuc' xad jutxux, ... hez'i cual, íúhsauc ez'e jutxux ez'e c'uai hed' jutxux. Huuc' Coíad, huuez ez'e Mayaiý, hujey róc'ád' heit Yaven je. Ñéz ñéz, āhxeinamaý xeinamaý coil, í āhyaiemz'iaxiý.

He who has seen everything, I will make known to the lands. I will teach about him who experienced all things, ... alike, Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all. He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden, he brought information of (the time) before the Flood. He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion, but then was brought to peace.

=(Insert thing here)=
=Soldier, Poet, King=
Uc' āhr'úz ez' tabde
Āhhancuzax cual r'eman
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

Uc' āhr'úz aiauñ'uóc
Āhxañ' z'aijí teuan
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

=(Insert thing here)=
Uc' āhr'úz ez' yañ'ou
Āhiytociý c'ehts van
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an


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