• Head Direction Possessive Phrase Either
  • Adpositional Phrase First
  • Verb Phrase First
  • Adjective Phrase Final
  • Dominant Marking Possessive Phrase Either
  • Adpositional Phrase Zero?
  • Verb Phrase Both (verb marks for person of direct Object, word order means case)
  • Writing Direction Modern English
  • Verbs conjugate according to...
    • Voice, Person(SUBJ)
    • Tense, Aspect
    • Volition, Number


  • Nouns
    • [PREP - ART] - [DET.INDF - DET.DEF] - NUM - CL - ADJ(s) - NOUN
    • compound adj : all over six feet tall trees
    • either articles or determiners, cannot have both
    • no relative clauses
  • Verbs



Cöordinating conjunctions (Independent - Independent)

goes before the subject and needs COMMA

  • Mary walked to the party, but she was unable to walk home.

Subordinating conjunctions (Independent - Dependent)

goes after the subject and needs multiple SENTENCES

  • I fed the cat. I after brushed my teeth. FRU
  • after I fed the cat, I brushed my teeth. ENG
  • I brushed my teeth after I fed the cat. ENG
  • I slept. I because was sleepy. FRU
  • because I was sleepy, I slept. ENG
  • I slept because I was sleepy.  ENG

also used for subjunctive mood with word for "if" - WORD GOES HERE

Dual Conjunctions (and, or, nor, xor...)

"English" Oñ Fruwi NOTE
and (...)gai all
xor (...)bai only one
or (...)dai at least one
nand in(...)gai max 1
nxor in(...)bai both or none
nor in(...)dai none

(...) = first item

Serial Conjunctions

"English" Oñ Fruwi
and (...)gaisi
xor (...)baisi
or (...)daisi
nand sijin(...)gaisi
nxor sijin(...)baisi
nor sijin(...)daisi

(...) = first→ second-last items



  • Instruction
    • “Go”
    • At start of Sentence always
  • Warning
    • N/A(Use Infinitive of verb)


  • Yes/No
    • just put "Or not" at the end of a normal sentence
  • "Wh" Interrogative
    • “Ger/Gerañ” as Stative Case; dO or iO, dO -> S in passive. “Ber/Berañ” as Active Case (use inplaceof x in Indicative clause)
    • before or after verb add -thing EX: “Ger-Yukeni” means What=time-STAT
    • tojho Īmi ítte Ger (Your name is X -> Your name is what-STAT) ACT STAT(dO) S
    • tojho Īmi ítte Gerañ (Your name is X-P -> Your name is what-P-STAT) ACT STAT(dO) P
    • Ger fe yisʌ To (X PASS eat you-ACTI -> what-STAT PASS eat you-ACTI) PASS STAT(dO) S
    • Gerañ fe yisʌ To (X-P eat you-ACTI -> what-P-STAT PASS eat you-ACTI) PASS STAT(dO) P
    • To slipta áro Ger-Yukeni (You-ACTI sleep at X -> You-ACTI sleep at what=time-STAT) ACT STAT(iO) S
    • To slipta áro Gerañ-Yukeniñ (You-ACTI sleep at X-P -> You-ACTI sleep at what=times-P-STAT) ACT STAT(iO) P
    • Ber-Mano doyisʌdi Ōgge (X HAB-is=eating-?S-PAST this-O-STAT -> who HAB-is=eating-0S-PAST this-O-STAT) ACT ACTI S
    • Berañ-Manoñ doyisʌdiñ Ōgge (X-P HAB-are=eating-?P-PAST this-O-STAT -> who-P HAB-is=eating-0P-PAST this-O-STAT) ACT ACTI P
    • Ōgge fe doyisedi Ber-Mano (X HAB-is=eating-?S-PAST this-O-STAT -> who HAB-is=eating-0S-PAST this-O-STAT) PASS ACTI S
    • Ōgge fe doyisʌdiñ Berañ-Manoñ (X-P HAB-are=eating-?P-PAST this-O-STAT -> who-P HAB-is=eating-0P-PAST this-O-STAT) PASS ACTI P

Derivative Morphology

Participle (Verb -> ADJ)

add a <qa> to the end Ex: <vekocheqa Qoita> /vekʰot͡ʃeɣa ɣoitʰa/ "cooked goat"

Possessive /Genitive

(use as seperate words with nouns ; go to pronouns page for use with pronouns)

Dependent Headless Dependent? Head?
oñ Fruwi jho je co
IPA /d͡ʒo/ /d͡ze/ /t͡so/
Use 's 's of
Example It is John's dog

It is John's (*a) dog

It is John's

It is John's [It]

It is Dog of John

It is (a) dog of John