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From Proto-Indo-European *puH- (rotten)


pútsōne (class 0, deponent conjugation, third-person singular present putsúdē, third-person singular perfect pútsot, passive participle pútsō)

  1. (intransitive) to become rotten, rot
  2. (intransitive, perfect tense) to be rotten, rot


Conjugation of pútsōne (deponent conjugation)  
Information deponent conjugation
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
passive present putsúdā putsúsē putsúdē putsúsmē putsústē putsúdōr
perfect pútsār pútsos pútsot pútsosme pútsoste pútsūr
pluperfect pútsāri pútsosi pútsoti pútsosime pútsosite pútsūri
imperfect putsúdēm putsúdīs putsúdīt putsúdēme putsúdēte putsúdīr
future putsôsiōm putsôsius putsôsiut putsôsiume putsôsiute putsôsiūr
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
passive present putsútsem putsútses putsútset putsútseme putsútsete putsútsen
perfect putsâra putsârs putsârt putsârmes putsârte putsârnat
pluperfect putsârem putsâris putsârit putsâreme putsârete putsâren
imperfect putsútsīm putsútsīs putsútsīt putsútsīme putsútsīte putsútsīn
imperative singular plural
second informal second formal first second
passive putsú putsúrō putsúme putsúte
other infinitives participles
passive passive
pútsōne pútsō

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