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Line 824: Line 824:
||-ot || ot < *ot || same || dóomot "the same house" || pösóodot || the same person || tóopot || the same place
||-ot || ot < *ot || same || dóomot "the same house" || pösóodot || the same person || tóopot || the same place
||-[C]im || im < prim || the [very] first || dóom[m]im "the very first house" || pösóoddim || the very first person || tóoppim || the very first place
||-Cät || lät < lätik || the [very] last || dóommät " the very last house" || pösóoddät || the very last person || tóoppät || the very last place



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