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The origin of the language being with the splitting of the [[w:Proto-Balto-Slavic language|Proto-Balto-Slavic]] languages that then branched into Proto-Baltic and Proto-Slavic which the other branched into Proto-West Baltic, Proto-East Baltic and Proto-South Baltic. Like [[w:Lithuanian language|Lithuanian]] it is highly conservative but a little bit more than the other, retaning many archaic features only found in classical languages like [[w:Sanskrit|Sanskrit]]. It also shares with Lithuanian the most conservative phonology and morpohlogy in Indo-European languages. However, unlike it's forefathers, Primorskian was actually the first Baltic language to be ever attested, with it's earliest writings go back as far as the mid-10th century, where it was inscribed on Viking runes. The earliest documentation is an billingual manuscript in Old Norse and Old Primorskian, honoring the peace between Viking lord Arni and Primorskian cheiftain Usarada.
The origin of the language being with the splitting of the [[w:Proto-Balto-Slavic language|Proto-Balto-Slavic]] languages that then branched into Proto-Baltic and Proto-Slavic which the other branched into Proto-West Baltic, Proto-East Baltic and Proto-South Baltic. Like [[w:Lithuanian language|Lithuanian]] it is highly conservative but a little bit more than the other, retaning many archaic features only found in classical languages like [[w:Sanskrit|Sanskrit]]. It also shares with Lithuanian the most conservative phonology and morpohlogy in Indo-European languages. However, unlike it's forefathers, Primorskian was actually the first Baltic language to be ever attested, with it's earliest writings go back as far as the mid-10th century, where it was inscribed on Viking runes. The earliest documentation is an manuscript in Old Norse, honoring the peace between Viking lord Arni and Primorskian cheiftain Usarada.
The last two lines of this manuscript, however, is in Early Primorskian: ᛬ᚺᚫᛊ᛫ᚢᛉáᚱᚫᛞᚫ᛫ᚲᛟᚱ᛫ᛗᛁᛊᚺ᛫ᚷᛁᛞᚫᚱᚾᚫᚲᛁ "Has Uzārada kor mish gidarnaki" which translates to "For Usarada whom we worship!" and ᛬ᚹᚢᚲ᛫ᚾᛃᚫ᛫ᛁᚹᚫᛊᛏᚫ᛫ᛈᛚᚫᚲᚫᛊᚫ᛫ᛖ᛫ᛗᛖᚱᚫᛞᚫ᛬ "Vuk nja iwasta plakasa e merada" which translates to "May he bring order and peace!"
In modern spelling both are: "Hás Uzárada kor miš gídarnaki, Vuk ña iwasta plakasa e měrada!".



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