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[[Wiobian/de|Diese Seite auf Deutsch ansehen]]<br/>
[[Wiobian/de|Diese Seite auf Deutsch ansehen]]<br/>

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' (Wiobian: ''Reber-Wiob-Muts'' [''żai4ziou6my5''] 'Courtly Wiobian') or '''Rzaimy''' (''Reber-Muts'' [''żai4my5''] 'the courtly language') is the modern standard variety of [[Wiobian]].
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' (Wiobian: ''Reber-Wiob-Muts'' [''żai4ziou6my5''] 'Courtly Wiobian') or '''Rzaimy''' (''Reber-Muts'' [''żai4my5''] 'the courtly language') is the standard variety of Modern [[Wiobian]].

Line 225: Line 225:
'''m, sm, mb''' > /m/
'''p''' > /pʰ/
'''sp, b''' > /p/
'''mp''' > /b/
'''f, Vp''' > /f/
'''V(n)f, Vb''' > /v/
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style="width: 700px; text-align: center;"
|+ '''Modern Standard Wiobian-B initials'''
! colspan="2"|
! | Labial
! | Alveolar
! | Lateral
! | Retroflex
! | Palatal
! | Velar
! | Glottal
! colspan="2" | Nasal
| /m/
| /n/
| /nˡ/
| /ɳ/
| /ɲ/
| /ŋ/
! rowspan="3" |Plosive/Affricate
! | <small>plain</small>
| /p/
| /t/
| /tɬ/
| /ʈʂ/
| /tɕ/
| /k/
| /ʔ/
! | <small>voiced</small>
| /b/
| /d/
| /dɮ/
| /ɖʐ/
| /dʑ/
! | <small>aspirated</small>
| /pʰ/
| /tʰ/
| /tɬʰ/
| /ʈʂʰ/
| /tɕʰ/
| /kʰ/
! rowspan="2" |Fricative
! | <small>voiceless</small>
| /f/
| /s/
| /ɬ/
| /ʂ/
| /ɕ/
| /x/
! | <small>voiced</small>
| /v/
| /z/
| /ʐ/
| /ʑ/
| /ɣ/
! colspan="2" |Approximant
| /w/
| /l/
| /j/

Line 389: Line 298:

===Parts of speech===
Classical Wiobian inflected nouns with endings. Case/number and personal endings were eventually elided or turned into tone distinctions. Writers were nevertheless expected to write all case and personal endings, until the 1811 v.C. re-standardization of the orthography abolished personal endings as well as most number/case endings.
Nouns have two genders, animate and inanimate. Nouns of each gender take their respective verb endings and pronouns in Classical Wiobian; pronoun agreement is preserved to some extent into Modern Wiobian.
Some Proto-Wiobic declensions
*stremja 'throng, crowd' (Wiobian Strimm, pl. Strimme)
NOM: *stremja
ACC: *stremjaz
GEN: *stremj
DAT: *stremjaç
PRED: *stremjaz
NOM: *stremjō
ACC: *stremjan
GEN: *stremjōh
DAT: *stremjanç
PRED: *stremjō
*katsi 'leaf' (Wiobian Käße, pl. Kaße)
NOM: *katsi
ACC: *katsiz
GEN: *katsiʔ
DAT: *katsiç
PRED: *katsjaz
NOM: *kats
ACC: *katsin
GEN: *katsēh
DAT: *katsinç
PRED: *kats
*hleʔk 'animal' (Wiobian Schleck, Schlöcke)
NOM: *hleʔk
ACC: *hleʔkez
GEN: *hleʔk
DAT: *hleʔkeç
PRED: *hleʔkaz
NOM: *hleʔkū
ACC: *hleʔkūn
GEN: *hleʔkūh
DAT: *hleʔkūnç
PRED: *hleʔkū
Classical Wiobian has many morphological ways of forming plurals, some of which may be combined.
*''-e'' suffix
*''-er'' collective suffix
*''-(e)t'' suffix
*''Þe-'' prefix
*''<sup><s>i</s></sup>'' "de-umlauting" the singular stem (''Þrömm'' 'wall' > ''Þromm'' 'walls')
*''<sup>u</sup>-e'' ''u''-umlaut
The plural form of a noun was unpredictable. Thus many speakers, especially non-Gamedan speaking foreigners, found this system chaotic and opted for the most common number used, usually singular for highly individualized nouns and plural for collective nouns. Thus Modern Wiobian has grammatical number only for some common nouns referring to people.
=====Case endings=====
In Classical Wiobian, nouns are also inflected in 5 cases:
*Nominative: subject
*Accusative: direct object, some adverbial expressions
*Dative: indirect object, some adverbial expressions, possessor after Classical Wiobian
*Genitive: it's your bog-standard genitive case.
**The genitive is often "hyphenated" to the word it modifies because of its ambiguity. In particular, the genitive noun ''must'' be hyphenated to the head noun whenever the genitive noun is not modified by an adjective. Cf. similar rules for compounds in [[Trây]].
*Predicative: predicate
In Modern Wiobian, there is no number and case inflection (the dative remains in fossilized expressions).
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible " style=" text-align: center;"
! colspan="3" | Wiobian declension
! style="width: 90px;" | Case
! style="width: 150px;" | Singular
!  style="width: 150px;" | Plural
! Nominative
! Accusative
| [SINGULAR STEM]''-e'' || [PLURAL STEM]''-n''
! Genitive
| [SINGULAR STEM]''-''Ø || [PLURAL STEM]''-(e)''
! Dative
| [SINGULAR STEM]''-s'' || [PLURAL STEM]''-ns''
! Predicative
| [SINGULAR STEM]''-e'' || [PLURAL STEM]''-''Ø
Wiobian uses the indefinite article ''ƕiem'' 'one' for indefinite singular nouns. This is one of the only ways number is still indicated in modern Wiobian.
=====Case and adpositions=====
Adjectives may take the same case endings as nouns or, more commonly, take no ending. Adjectives in the predicative position, however, must have the predicative ending.
Wiobian uses analytic constructions for degrees of adjectives.
In Classical Wiobian, to form the comparative one attaches the semi-serial verb ''&kloh'' ('cross') to the predicative form of the adjective. (The same applies to verbs.) The standard of comparison is in the accusative. The superlative is identical to the comparative.
:'''''in biule{{blue|&klöhen}} mie Winke.'''''
:[ʔin ˌbiuləˈkløːən ˈmiə ˌwiŋkə]
:<small>1SG.NOM just-PRED=cross/PRES-1SG this-ACC.SG mortal-ACC.SG</small>
:''I am more upright than this man.''
Classical Wiobian forms the negative comparative by using the adverb ''quäs hioleng'' after the finite verb. The standard of comparison is in the dative.
:'''''ofel in dräzzzime {{blue|quäs hioleng}} mis.'''''
:[ˈʔoːvəl ˈʔiːn ˈdrɛcːˌciːmə ˈkʷɛːç ˌhioˈleŋː ˈmiːç]
:<small>behold 1SG.NOM sinful-PRED less below this-DAT.SG</small>
:''Indeed, I am less sinful than he.''
The full case inflection is still upheld for personal pronouns in Modern Wiobian.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="width: 450px; text-align: center;"
|+'''Personal pronouns'''
!style="width:90px;"|Person →
! colspan="2" |1
! colspan="2" |2
!|Number →
!style="width:90px;" rowspan="2" |Singular
!style="width:90px;" rowspan="2" |Plural
!style="width:90px;" rowspan="2" |Singular
!style="width:90px;" rowspan="2" |Plural
!|Case ↓
| |{{abbtip|usually with short &quot;i&quot;; long &quot;i&quot; when emphasized|''in''}}
| |''ƕind''
| |''i''
| |''lind''
| |''inne''
| |''ƕien''
| |''ie''
| |''lien''
| |''inno''
| |''ƕio''
| |''io''
| |''lio''
| |''ins''
| |''ƕiens''
| |''ies''
| |''liens''
| |''inte''
| |''ƕinte''
| |''iete''
| |''linte''
Wiobian lacks true third-person pronouns. The closest equivalents are the demonstratives ''mi'' 'this' and ''a'' 'that'.
In Modern Wiobian ''in'' 'I' is often used when referring to an object or place central to the deixis or discourse, "the way a camera would talk". It can also refer to an object or person with which the speaker identifies with intimately or closely. (Of course, the actual "me" is presumed to be outside of the domain of discourse.) Examples:
*for a trivial example, the player character in a video game
*when describing what happened to one's friend or pet
*as an empathy-signalling device.
:''Whoa, your professor was such a prick to you [lit. me]!''
Verbs have stem forms for present, past and verbal noun which are not always distinct. (A similar but more well preserved system is found in [[Themsarian]]). Verbs are often additionally marked by auxiliary words to disambiguate the tense, because most forms are identical or very similar.
The three principal parts are thus the present imperative, the past 2s form and the verbal noun.
The citation form is the present stem, which is also the short 2nd person singular imperative in Classical Wiobian.
Jussive endings are only found in Classical Wiobian.
=====Personal endings=====
In Classical Wiobian, the verb is also inflected for person.
Here the superscript <sup>i</sup> denotes umlaut of stems of "athematic" verbs.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style="width: 350px; text-align: center;"
!colspan="3" | Imperative endings
!style="width: 50px; "|
!style="width: 100px; "|Singular
!style="width: 100px; "|Plural
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style="width: 350px; text-align: center;"
!colspan="3" | Present tense endings
!style="width: 50px; "|
!style="width: 100px; "|Singular
!style="width: 100px; "|Plural
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style="width: 350px; text-align: center;"
!colspan="3" | Jussive endings
!style="width: 50px; "|
!style="width: 100px; "|Singular
!style="width: 100px; "|Plural
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style="width: 350px; text-align: center;"
!colspan="3" | Past tense endings
!style="width: 50px; "|
!style="width: 100px; "|Singular
!style="width: 100px; "|Plural
=====Formation of verbal principal parts=====
Quiet! I'm figuring out the morphology to produce the principal parts
A combination of redup, ablaut, infixing and prefixing... huh sounds a lot like PIE (also the whole idea of principal parts)!
*''peh-''~''pie-'', ''pie-'', ''Pap'' 'give charitably'
On the other hand, many verbs (especially derived ones) have identical stems for all three principal parts:
*''benuß'', ''benuß-'', ''Benuß'' 'judge'
Verbal nouns are formed by one of the following methods:
*Prefix ''Ze-''
=====TAM auxiliary constructions=====
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center;"
|+'''Some tense constructions'''
!|{{PAGENAME}} construction
|''duoɟ'' + [subject]-DAT + (''zraf'' can go here for progressive) + [verb]-VERBAL_NOUN-ACC
|[verb]-PRETERITE (no auxiliary)
!present habitual
!present progressive
|''zraf'' + [verb]-PRESENT
|''terl'' + [subject]-DAT + (''zraf'' can go here for progressive) + [verb]-VERBAL_NOUN-ACC
====Word order====
Constituents are arranged in SVO order in both Classical Wiobian and most modern topolects (with more variation allowed in classical poetry). Noun modifiers (adjectives and possessors) almost always precede the modified noun, except in the Tergetian-influenced Kurmian.
====Truth value====
For negation, Classical Wiobian uses a negative verb ''mei'' (present), ''quek'' (preterite), ''Quah'' (verbal noun) + the verbal noun in the dative case:
|phrase = in meien Borrs heite.
|IPA = /ʔin ˈmeilən borç ˈheitə/
|morphemes = in meil-en Borr-s heit-e.
|gloss = 1SG.NOM NEG/PRES-1SG sing/VN-DAT well-ACC
|translation = I do not sing well.
Compare the affirmative sentence:
|phrase = in borren heite.
|IPA = /ʔin ˈborːən ˈheitə/
|morphemes = in borr-s heit-e.
|gloss = 1SG.NOM sing/PRES-1SG well-ACC
|translation = I sing well.
In copular sentences, though affirmative sentences do not require a copula, negative sentences do:
|phrase = in Hauere.
|IPA = /ʔin ˈhauərə/
|morphemes = in Hauer-e.
|gloss = 1SG.NOM king-PRED
|translation = I am the king.
|phrase = in meien Luos Hauere.
|IPA = /ʔin ˈmeien luoç ˈhauərə/
|morphemes = in meil-en luos Hauer-e.
|translation = I am not the king.
For contrastive negation of a constituent other than the verb, the main verb need not be repeated:
|phrase = ins priuden ƕiem Zall, meien ƕiem Zrüsch.
|IPA = /ʔinç ˈpriuden xʷiem calː ˈmeiən xʷiem cryçː/
|morphemes = in-s priud-en ƕiem Zall mei-en ƕiem Zrüsch
|gloss = 1SG.DAT be_needed/PRES-3SG.AN INDEF.NOM man.NOM NEG/PRES-1SG INDEF.NOM child.NOM
|translation = I want a man, not a boy.
Polar questions utilize an interrogative auxiliary ''hüf, snöf, Hof'' (< 'swear'):
|phrase = i hüfe Quarþes inne?
|IPA = /ʔiː hyfə ˈkʷarsəç ʔinnə/
|morphemes = i hüf-e Quarþ-es inn-e
|gloss = 2SG.NOM Q/PRES-2SG love.VN-DAT 1SG-ACC
|translation = Do you love me?
An echo response is often used to interrogative questions. For "yes" the interrogative verb may be echoed instead.
|phrase = quörþen.
|IPA = /ˈkʷørsən/
|morphemes = quorþ-<sup>i</sup>en
|gloss = love/PRES-1SG
|translation = Yes. (to the question "Do you love me?")
|phrase = meien [Quarþes].
|IPA = /ˈmeiən (ˈkʷarsəç)/
|morphemes = mei-en [Quarþ-es].
|gloss = NEG/PRES-1SG [love.VN-DAT]
|translation = No. (to the question "Do you love me?")
If a "yes" answer involves a predicate, the predicate noun is echoed:
|phrase = Hauere.
|IPA = /ˈhauərə/
|morphemes = Hauer-e
|gloss = king-PRED
|translation = Yes. [to the question "Are you a/the king?"]
In Modern Wiobian the preterite form is lost and ''mei'' /mi˩/ has been generalized as the interjection for ''no'' or the adverb for ''not''.
====Relative clauses====
Relative clauses are internally headed: The head is the first constituent of the relative clause, and an anaphoric "co-relative pronoun" ''nie'' occurs after the relative clause that refers back to the head.
Simpler relative clauses often use the gap construction and use the ''nie'' determiner as the relativizer.
:'''''na drott himm liuwes nükksen, geto uom naß huoleme.'''''
:<small>ANA-SG.NOM thief-NOM 2PL-DAT yesterday steal-3SG.AN here 1EX.NOM ANA.ACC see-1EX</small>
:''This is where we saw the thief that robbed you yesterday.'' (Note that the demonstrative ''na'' both marks the relativized noun and refers to it.)
:'''''geto uom himm liuwes nükksen drotteß huoleme.'''''
:<small>here 1EX.NOM 2PL-DAT yesterday steal-3SG.AN thief-SG.ACC see-1EX</small>
:''This is where we saw the thief that robbed you yesterday.''
:'''''geto uom huoleme gaß nükksen liuwes himm gaß drotteß.'''''
:<small>here 1EX.NOM see-1EX DEF-SG.ACC steal-3SG.AN 2PL-DAT DEF-SG.ACC thief-SG.ACC</small>
:''This is where we saw the thief that robbed you yesterday.''
====Serial verbs====
Wiobian loves serial verb constructions, unlike Germanic languages, but like East Asian languages.
==Derivational morphology==
==Derivational morphology==
Some suffixes are pronounced differently depending on the final consonant of the root.
Some suffixes are pronounced differently depending on the final consonant of the root.


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