Chlouvānem/Syntax: Difference between revisions

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#: pair_of_chopsticks.<small>DIR.SG</small>. papaya-<small>ACC.SG</small>. boy-<small>ERG.SG</small>. eat-<small>IND.PRES.3SG.EXTERIOR-INSTR</small>.
#: pair_of_chopsticks.<small>DIR.SG</small>. papaya-<small>ACC.SG</small>. boy-<small>ERG.SG</small>. eat-<small>IND.PRES.3SG.EXTERIOR-INSTR</small>.
#: A boy is eating [pieces of] papaya with chopsticks. (''or:'' *the chopsticks are being eaten [pieces of] papaya with by the boy.)
#: A boy is eating [pieces of] papaya with chopsticks. (''or:'' *the chopsticks are being eaten [pieces of] papaya with by the boy.)
# ''liliā ñæltah mæn lære lunaikeike lalteh gun ē ša.''
# ''lilyā ñæltah mæn lære lunaikeike lalteh gun ē ša.''
#: <small>1SG.POSS-ERG</small>. sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>.  <small>TOPIC</small>. yesterday. tea_house-<small>LOC.SG</small>. friend.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>NEG</small>=be.<small>IND.PAST.3SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
#: <small>1SG.POSS-ERG</small>. sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>.  <small>TOPIC</small>. yesterday. tea_house-<small>LOC.SG</small>. friend.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>NEG</small>=be.<small>IND.PAST.3SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
#: As for my sister, her friend wasn't at the tea house yesterday. (''interpreted as:'' My sister didn't meet her friend at the tea house yesterday.)
#: As for my sister, her friend wasn't at the tea house yesterday. (''interpreted as:'' My sister didn't meet her friend at the tea house yesterday.)
