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'''{{SUBPAGENAME}}''' (''omokwoȝiłtséenofin'') is a language isolate spoken in [Dry Iceland]. It is inspired by Arapaho, PIE and [[Wiobian]].
'''{{SUBPAGENAME}}''' (''omokwoȝ Iłtséenofin'') is a language isolate spoken in the Iseenof province in Skella. It is inspired by Arapaho and [[Wiobian]].


Ceroneȝ ełeptséewoneȝ d-oseejełtóosocinkwi. = Once there was a childless king who wanted a son.
Ebéeȝ ceron ełeptséewon d-oseejeł tóos ocin kwi. = Once there was a childless king who wanted a son.


p b f t d ȝ c j y k g h kw gw w = /pʰ p f tʰ t θ cʰ c ç kʰ k h kʷʰ kʷ ʍ/
p b f t d ȝ c j y k g h kw gw w = /pʰ p f tʰ t θ tʃʰ~tʃ~c ʃ~ç kʰ k h kʷʰ kʷ ʍ/

s ts l ł tł r /s ts l ɬ tɬ r/
s ts l ł tł r /s ts ʟ χ tχ r/

m n /m n/
m n /m n/
The modern pronunciation of ''l ł tł'' is due to Eevo influence.

