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Real sentences are those where the sentence expresses an implication that is always true. These sentences are generally in the indicative mood; note that in real, just like in hypothetical, sentences, ''mārim'' (then) is optionally used in order to introduce the second clause:
Real sentences are those where the sentence expresses an implication that is always true. These sentences are generally in the indicative mood; note that in real, just like in hypothetical, sentences, ''mārim'' (then) is optionally used in order to introduce the second clause:
# ''pū hālyanēṃṣom vasi ndaheɂinē ga lārvājuṣu mišiṣyeste.''
#: if. Hālyanēṃṣah-<small>DAT</small>. go_with_vehicle.<small>MONODIR-IND.PRES.2SG.EXTERIOR.AGENT</small>. Ndaheɂinē.<small>DIR</small>. <small>ADP</small>. temple-<small>ACC.SG</small>. see-<small>IND.FUT.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| phrase = pū hālyanēṃṣom vasi ndaheɂinē ga lārvājuṣu mišiṣyeste.
#: If you go to Hālyanēṃṣah, you'll see the Ndaheɂinē Temple.
| gloss = if. Hālyanēṃṣah-<small>DAT</small>. go_with_vehicle.<small>MONODIR-IND.PRES.2SG.EXTERIOR.AGENT</small>. Ndaheɂinē.<small>DIR</small>. <small>ADP</small>. temple-<small>ACC.SG</small>. see-<small>IND.FUT.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
# ''pū yamei naikū lāma udhyuɂeste, mārim tailīsālta.''

| translation = If you go to Hālyanēṃṣah, you'll see the Ndaheɂinē Temple.
#: if. <small>HON</small>. Naikā-<small>ACC.</small>. <small>HON</small>. call-<small>IND.PERF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. then. come-<small>IND.FUTINT.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
#: If you have called Ms. Naikā, she will come. (''or:'' "...she's expected to come".)
| phrase = pū yamei naikū lāma udhyuɂeste, mārim tailīsālta.
| gloss = if. <small>HON</small>. Naikā-<small>ACC.</small>. <small>HON</small>. call-<small>IND.PERF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. then. come-<small>IND.FUTINT.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| translation = If you have called Ms. Naikā, she will come. <small>OR:</small> [...] she's expected to come.
Hypothetical sentences are those where the result may be or might have been true if the condition gets/would have been fulfilled. There are two main possibilities:

Hypothetical sentences are those where the result may be or might have been true if the condition gets/would have been fulfilled. There are two main possibilities:

Sentences with a present condition, regardless of whether the condition might be fulfilled or it is completely impossible. If the condition is ultimately fulfillable, then it differs from "real if-sentences" as the result they express is not likely to happen or used as a warning.<br/>
Sentences with a present condition, regardless of whether the condition might be fulfilled or it is completely impossible. If the condition is ultimately fulfillable, then it differs from "real if-sentences" as the result they express is not likely to happen or used as a warning.<br/>
The condition (''pū'' clause) is always in the imperfective subjunctive; the main clause can be in the indicative (if stating an implicate result) or, more commonly, in the subjunctive (implying a wish). Some particular meanings always need the subjunctive due to their semantics being incompatible with depicting an "implicate result", e.g. all potential verbs with the meaning of "may". If the condition is impossible, then the second clause is always in the subjunctive:
The condition (''pū'' clause) is always in the imperfective subjunctive; the main clause can be in the indicative (if stating an implicate result) or, more commonly, in the subjunctive (implying a wish). Some particular meanings always need the subjunctive due to their semantics being incompatible with depicting an "implicate result", e.g. all potential verbs with the meaning of "may". If the condition is impossible, then the second clause is always in the subjunctive:
# ''lili mæn pū nanū nūlastān gī lališire hāris lgutēt.''
#: <small>1SG.DIR</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. if. more. money.<small>DIR.SG</small>. be-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. be_new-<small>IND.PRES.3SG.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>. carpet.<small>DIR.SG</small>. buy-<small>SUBJ.PERF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| phrase = lili mæn pū nanū nūlastān gī lališire hāris lgutēt.
#: If I had more money, I'd buy a new carpet.
| gloss = <small>1SG.DIR</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. if. more. money.<small>DIR.SG</small>. be-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. be_new-<small>IND.PRES.3SG.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>. carpet.<small>DIR.SG</small>. buy-<small>SUBJ.PERF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
# ''lili mæn pū nanū nūlastān gī chlǣcæm lilati.''
| translation = If I had more money, I'd buy a new carpet.
#: <small>1SG.DIR</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. if. more. money.<small>DIR.SG</small>. be-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. better. live-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.1SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
#: If I had more money, I'd live better.
# ''pū nenē tuheiladom kitī āndriṣya.''
| phrase = lili mæn pū nanū nūlastān gī chlǣcæm lilati.
#: if. this.<small>DIR</small>. six_year_plan-<small>DAT.SG</small>. put-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. build-<small>IND.FUT.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| gloss = <small>1SG.DIR</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. if. more. money.<small>DIR.SG</small>. be-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. better. live-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.1SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
#: If this were included in the [next] six-year plan, it would be built.

| translation = If I had more money, I'd live better.
| phrase = pū nenē tuheiladom kitī āndriṣya.
| gloss = if. this.<small>DIR</small>. six_year_plan-<small>DAT.SG</small>. put-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. build-<small>IND.FUT.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| translation = If this were included in the [next] six-year plan, it would be built.

In unfulfillable past conditions, the condition is always in the perfective subjunctive, while the aspect of the main clause, always subjunctive, depends on the intended meaning/collocation in time.
In unfulfillable past conditions, the condition is always in the perfective subjunctive, while the aspect of the main clause, always subjunctive, depends on the intended meaning/collocation in time.
# ''mei tati pū kulētate yaiva gātarirya.''
#: yes. <small>QUOT</small>. if. say-<small>SUBJ.PERF.1SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. all. be_different-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>.
| phrase = mei tati pū kulētate yaiva gātarirya.
#: If I had said "yes", everything would be different (now)."
| gloss = yes. <small>QUOT</small>. if. say-<small>SUBJ.PERF.1SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. all. be_different-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>.
# ''mei tati pū kulētate nanā gu najēt ša.''
| translation = If I had said "yes", everything would be different (now)."
#: yes. <small>QUOT</small>. if. say-<small>SUBJ.PERF.1SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. that.<small>DIR</small>. <small>NEG</small>=happen-<small>SUBJ.PERF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
#: If I had said 'yes', that wouldn't have happened.
| phrase = mei tati pū kulētate nanā gu najēt ša.
| gloss = yes. <small>QUOT</small>. if. say-<small>SUBJ.PERF.1SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. that.<small>DIR</small>. <small>NEG</small>=happen-<small>SUBJ.PERF.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
| translation = If I had said 'yes', that wouldn't have happened.

