Sixth Linguifex Relay/Nankôre: Difference between revisions

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The language is neither an Ergative-Absolutive language, like Minhast, nor is it a Active-Stative language, like Nahónda. Instead, Nankôre is a Direct-Inverse language, where a nominal hierarchy determines the syntactic role of core arguments. The nominal hierarchy is complex; at least ten noun classes based on animacy can be identified, and within those classes sub-hierarchies are observed based on semantic features, although discourse processes (e.g. the introduction of new arguments that are roughly equal in animacy with previously established arguments) may affect how direct-inverse marking is expressed.
The language is neither an Ergative-Absolutive language, like Minhast, nor is it a Active-Stative language, like Nahónda. Instead, Nankôre is a Direct-Inverse language, where a nominal hierarchy determines the syntactic role of core arguments. The nominal hierarchy is complex; at least ten noun classes based on animacy can be identified, and within those classes sub-hierarchies are observed based on semantic features, although discourse processes (e.g. the introduction of new arguments that are roughly equal in animacy with previously established arguments) may affect how direct-inverse marking is expressed.

More information about the grammar can be found in the [[Nankôre]] wiki and the [[Sixth_Linguifex_Relay/Nankôre#Additional_Notes|supplementary grammar notes]] on this page .  Readers are directed to the sections dealing with the [[Nankôre#The_Nominal_Hierarchy|animacy hierarchy]] and familiarize themselves with the direct-inverse marking system of the copula, as well as the [[Nankôre#The_Verb_Complex|verb complex]].
More information about the grammar can be found in the [[Nankôre|Nankôre wiki]] and the [[Sixth_Linguifex_Relay/Nankôre#Additional_Notes|supplementary grammar notes]] on this page .  Readers are directed to the sections dealing with the [[Nankôre#The_Nominal_Hierarchy|animacy hierarchy]] and familiarize themselves with the direct-inverse marking system of the copula, as well as the [[Nankôre#The_Verb_Complex|verb complex]].

== Nankôre Text ==
== Nankôre Text ==

Yorai, rasneskoro, kantómašak yistá', sikoryak itá';<br/>
Yoray, rasneskoro, kantómašak yistá', sikoryak itá';<br/>
Sipaishi Tipāré šaroc hakór nitá';<br/>
Sipaisi Tipāré šaroc hakór nitá';<br/>
Šokankór ta'intá', šampe ta'intá', šaroc rohpakór itá';<br/>
Šokankór intá', šaroc iyayay itá', šekah;<br/>
Pakornene šorika itá', yuki kantó kaniskoro royuki itá';<br/>
Pakornene šorika itá', yuki kantó kaniskoro royuki itá';<br/>
Kaniskoro cercokór ita', ocerokór yorai ita', šoysak ita',<br/>
Kaniskoro cercokór ita', ocerokór yoray ita', šoysak ita',<br/>
Nan yistá'.
Nan yistá'.

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|phrase = Yorai, rasneskoro, kantómašak yistá', sikoryak itá';
|phrase = Yoray, rasneskoro, kantómašak yistá', sikoryak itá';
| IPA = jo'ɾaɪ ɾaʃ'neʃkoɾo kan'tomaʃak jiʃ'taʔ ʃɪ'koɾjak ʔɪ'taʔ
| IPA = jo'ɾaɪ ɾaʃ'neʃkoɾo kan'tomaʃak jiʃ'taʔ ʃɪ'koɾjak ʔɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = yorai rasne=skoro kantó-mas=ak yistá-'  si=kôre=ak itá-'
| morphemes = yorai rasne=skoro kantó-mas=ak yistá-'  si=kôre=ak itá-'
Line 31: Line 31:

|phrase = Sipaishi Tipāré šaroc hakór nitá';
|phrase = Sipaisi Tipāré šaroc hakór nitá';
| IPA = ʃipaɪʃi tɪpa:'ɾɛ 'ʃaɾotʃ ɦa'koɾ nɪ'taʔ
| IPA = ʃipaɪʃi tɪpa:'ɾɛ 'ʃaɾotʃ ɦa'koɾ nɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = Si=Paishi Tipāré šaroc ha-kór n-itá-'
| morphemes = Si=Paishi Tipāré šaroc ha-kór n-itá-'
Line 42: Line 42:
| IPA = ʃokan'koɾ ʔɪn'taʔ ʃa'ɾotʃ ɪjajaɪ ʔɪ'taʔ ʃɛkaɦ
| IPA = ʃokan'koɾ ʔɪn'taʔ ʃa'ɾotʃ ɪjajaɪ ʔɪ'taʔ ʃɛkaɦ
| morphemes = šokam-kór intá-', šaroc iya-yay itá-' si=ekah
| morphemes = šokam-kór intá-', šaroc iya-yay itá-' si=ekah
| gloss = thank-EVID.HEAR DIR.HP.PRS.COP-LS world save-EVID.SEM DIR-HS.PRS.COP-LS CONN=reason
| gloss = thank-EVID.HEAR DIR.HP.PRS.COP-LS world save-EVID.INF DIR-HS.PRS.COP-LS CONN=reason
| translation =  
| translation =  
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|phrase = Kaniskoro cercokór ita', ocerokór yorai ita', šoysak ita',
|phrase = Kaniskoro cercokór ita', ocerokór yoray ita', šoysak ita',
| IPA = ka'nɪʃkoɾo tʃeɾtʃo'koɾ ʔɪ'taʔ otʃeɾo'koɾ joɾaɪ  ʔɪ'taʔ ʃoɪsak  ʔɪ'taʔ
| IPA = ka'nɪʃkoɾo tʃeɾtʃo'koɾ ʔɪ'taʔ otʃeɾo'koɾ joɾaɪ  ʔɪ'taʔ ʃoɪsak  ʔɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = kani=skoro cerco-kór ita-' ocero-kór yorai ita-' si=oysak ita-'
| morphemes = kani=skoro cerco-kór ita-' ocero-kór yorai ita-' si=oysak ita-'
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|phrase = Nan yistá'.
|phrase = Nan yistá'.
| IPA = nan jɪʃ'taʔ
| IPA = nan jɪʃ'taʔ
| morphemes = Nan yis-itá-'.
| morphemes = nan yis-itá-'.
| gloss = man INCH-DIR.PRS.COP-LS
| gloss = man INCH-DIR.PRS.COP-LS
| translation =  
| translation =  
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EVID.DUB = Dubitative evidential<br/>
EVID.DUB = Dubitative evidential<br/>
EVID.HEAR = Hearsay evidential<br/>
EVID.HEAR = Hearsay evidential<br/>
EVID.INF= Inferential evidential<br/>
HA = High Animate core argument<br/>
HA = High Animate core argument<br/>
HP = High Animate Plural core argument<br/>
HP = High Animate Plural core argument<br/>
HS = High Animate Singular core argument<br/>
INCH = Inchoative<br/>
INCH = Inchoative<br/>
INV = Inverse Voice<br/>
INV = Inverse Voice<br/>
