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Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Velar
Nasal /m/ /n/ - /ŋ/
Stop /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ - /k/ /g/
Fricative /ɸ/ /s/ /ʒ/ /ʃ/ -
Flap - /ɾ/ -


Front Back
Close /i/ /u/
Close-mid /e/ /o/
Open /a/ /ɒ/


Below are the phonotactic constraints for Rjali

Characters between parenthesis are optional

In no situation does /j/ follow a /w/

Initial Syllables


Where C stands for single consonants and clusters

V stands for any vowel

Initial consonants allowed: /p t k b d g ɾ s w/

Initial clusters allowed: /sp st sk bɾ dɾ gɾ/

Medial Syllables


Where C stands for single consonants and clusters

V stands for any vowel

Medial consonants allowed: /m n ŋ p t k b d g ɸ s x ʃ ʒ ɾ w/

Medial clusters allowed:

  • Any stop followed by /ɾ/
  • /s/ followed by any consonant except itself. /st sn sɸ/
  • /ɾ/ followed by any consonant except itself. /ɾm ɾk ɾʃ/
  • /m n ŋ/ followed by an equally articulated or more frontal non-nasal, non-flapped consonant. /mp ŋs nd/

Final Syllables


Where C stands for single consonants and clusters

V stands for any vowel

Final consonants allowed: /m n ŋ s x ɸ ʃ/

Final consonant clusters allowed: /ɾb ɾd ɾg/

Single Syllable


Where C1 stands for initial consonants and clusters

C2 stands for final consonants and clusters

V stands for any vowel

Sample words

pɒwoʒon, ageboʃ, bisbusbe, skuŋirʒes, ewɒtaɾg, aɾiwas, arbirnus, egɒsʃan, ɒdowe, awatox, inasɸos, tatoʃan, dasbaŋaŋ, weʒoprux, ɒssusaŋ, osgome, wɒrnasan, sparpabaɾg, wɒwɒnaʃ, starbeŋgi, gokraŋtun, wɒsbawɒn, ɾɒpadum, udɒko, egɒdrɒ, stoxogoʃ, okɒbu, wostesa, skasɒtuɾg, etɒdu, kɒʒɒbaʃ, artumɒ, gudrortox, kodrokon, aɾossɒm, argeɾax, oʃaŋtɒɾb, tutodraʃ, uwawoɸ, pɒrtogoŋ, kabrɒtaŋ, oŋduɾaɾd, ɒkenbɒ, gjɒnɾawa, uponan.

ersaʃ, skiwɒŋ, gɾorsɒm, woʃon, bjaɾam, ana, kuwo, wurbas, ɒno, stjawuʃ, wadɒn, ɒʃuŋ, kawɒm, uʃus, posŋuŋ, wakis, gasnaɾd, wapus, wɒka, stjatos, ɾompuɾb, apreɾd, pjiki, tɒʃaŋ, wodiʃ, ogaʃ, ardaɾg, ɒpiŋ, stawem, oɾɒŋ, skargaʃ, arkix, skuwɒŋ, wopoʃ, spugaʃ, kukem, skoɸis, staɾox, aʒaɾg, waspan, gɾɒweʃ, uwas, pargiŋ, skɒdroʃ, odɒ, oŋkeŋ, wodɒ, stugro, dɾjupran, kjebrɒʃ, skuskon, wonʃan, kotrom, gewu, ɾɒpan.

skjom, kaʃ, tiɾg, gɾeɸ, goɾb, spja, stɒm, spiŋ, dɾɒŋ, stoʃ, spjus, dɾoŋ, skaɾg, bɒŋ, gun, djaɸ, tjaɾd, spjɒn, gɒɸ, stos, baɾg, pam, spɒn, paɸ, baʃ, stom, kɒŋ, kɒ, tem, gjaɾd, ɒŋ, do, ta, spiɾd, spem, aɾg, gju, spaʃ, spɒm, poŋ, us, gɾaŋ, skos, skun, stjɒɸ, gu, eŋ, ɒɸ, guɾd, geɸ, go, eʃ, gɒʃ, ki, gɾo, spon, stu, spɒɾd, biŋ, pɒŋ, dɾɒn, tɒɸ, ɒn, teŋ, stjɒx, ɒx, kon, ɾuɸ, de, stjaʃ, os, stɒx, spaɾb, pos, dɾax.




Word Order

The general word order in Rjali depends on the definiteness of the nouns in the sentence, nouns precede the verb if they are definite and they follow the verb if they are indefinite. The subject goes before the object whenever possible.

Noun Phrase

Verb Phrase

Adposition Phrase

Adjective Phrase

Adverb Phrase



In Rjali, verbs are inflected for Tense, Mood and Polarity. Aspect and more more complex moods can be achieved by inflecting the agent for tense and an extra mood. When a noun is inflected for tense, this determines the frame of reference of the sentence while the tense in the verb indicates the Aspect.

Tense and Aspect

Below there is a table with the tense combinations to create the different aspects

Verb None Past Present Future
None Gnomic Past Habitual Present Habitual Future Habitual
Past Past Perfective Past Retrospective Present Retrospective Future Retrospective
Present Present Perfective Past Progressive Present Progressive Future Progressive
Future Future Perfective Past Prospective Present Prospective Future Prospective

Verb Moods

Verb inflected moods indicate evidentiality and internal factors such as willingness and desire.

  • A - The action is completely accidental, out of the causer's control. "I slipped and made him fall".
  • B - The action is not accidental but it's consequences were not intended. "I pushed him but didn't thought he would fall".
  • C - The action is not accidental, it's consequences intended but not desired. "I pushed him so he would fall, but I regret it" or "it was on the heat of the moment".
  • D - Both the action and it's consequences are intended and purposeful. "I pushed him because I wanted to".
  • E - The action and it's consequences are either planned or hoped for. "I went there to push him".
  • I - Indicates evidence against the verb.
  • II - Indicates lack of evidence.
  • III - Indicates indirect evidence or hearsay.
  • IV - Indicates witnessing or direct evidence in past tense.


  • Positive - It is the default polarity and it is unmarked.
  • Negative - It negates the verb.


Verbs and nouns are conjugated by adding a prefix which encodes tense, mood and polarity.

The prefix is structure is the following:



  • V1 Marks the Tense.
    • a- indicates Past tense.
    • e- indicates Present tense.
    • i- indicates Future tense.
    • an omitted vowel marks no tense.
  • C Marks the Internal or External mood.
    • -p- indicates the A mood.
    • -b- indicates the B mood.
    • -t- indicates the C mood.
    • -g- indicates the D mood.
    • -k- indicates the E mood.
    • -r- or -s- indicate no mood.
  • -j- if present, indicates negative polarity.
  • V2 Marks Evidentiality or Probability.
    • -e- indicates the I mood.
    • -a- indicates the II mood.
    • -ɒ- indicates the III mood.
    • -o- indicates the IV mood.
    • -u- indicates no mood.


Nouns in Rjiali have the feature that they don't only inflect for cases, they can also inflect for tense and mood.

Noun Moods

Noun inflected moods indicate Probability and external factors such as permission and obligation.

  • A - The action is permitted or allowed. "You may go".
  • B - The action is requested or suggested. "You should go".
  • C - The action is expected or imposed. "You are supposed to go".
  • D - The action is compulsory or required. "You must go".
  • E - The action is obligatory or needed. "You really must go".
  • I - The action is certain not to happen.
  • II - The action is possible.
  • III - The action is likely.
  • IV - The action is almost certain.


  • Positive - It is the default polarity and it is unmarked.
  • Negative - It inverts the external mood.


Noun conjugation functions the same as verb's.

Noun Cases

There are three levels of cases for nouns in Rjali. The Argument Cases which determine which role does the noun perform in the sentence, the Thematic Cases which dictate the thematic relations between the nouns and the verb and the Proximity Cases which mark less salient objects to avoid ambiguity in formal talk.

Argument Cases
  • The Nominative (nom) case marks the Agent. When Agents are marked with thematic cases these are understood to be reflexive, i.e. the agent acts on itself.
  • The Absolutive (abs) case marks the Direct Object. When the direct object takes thematic cases it is to show the relation with the agent and the verb.
  • The Dative (dat) case marks the Indirect Object(s). When indirect objects take thematic cases it is to show secondary relations with the agent and the verb.
Thematic Cases
  • The Patientive (pat) case marks the Patient, Theme and/or Experiencer.
  • The Instrumental (ins) case marks the Instrument or Sociate.
  • The Locative (loc) case marks the Location, Time and means of transportation.
  • The Benefactive (ben) case marks the Beneficiary or Recipient.
  • The Origative (ori) case marks Origin or Source and Cause.
  • The Metative (met) case marks Goal or Direction and Purpose.
Proximity Cases
  • The Obviative (obv) case indicates a noun that is less salient than others in a given context.
  • The Further Obviative (fobv) case indicates an even less salient noun than obviative.

Noun numbers

  • Zero - Indicates no objects. No one dares.
  • Singular - Indicates a single object.
  • Singulative - Indicates a single object of a mass noun. One grain of rice
  • Plural - Indicates multiple objects.


Noun declension is marked on a suffix.

The suffix structure is the following:



  • C marks the Thematic case
    • -d- marks the Patientive case.
    • -ʃ- marks the Instrumental case.
    • -m- marks the Locative case-
    • -k- Marks the Benefactive case
    • -x- Marks the Origative case
    • -ʒ- marks the Metative case.
  • Proximity:
    • -j- marks the Obviative.
    • -w- with a previous duplicated vowel to accompany it marks the Further Obviative.
    • The lack of a semivowel marks the Proximate.
  • V marks the Number.
    • -u- or -o- when preceeded by /w/ indicates the Zero number.
    • -a- indicates the Singular.
    • -ɒ- indicates the Singulative.
    • -i- or -e- when preceeded by /j/ indicates the Plural.
  • rC marks the Argument case.
    • the nominative is unmarked.
    • -rg marks the Absolutive case.
    • -rd marks the Dative case.

Pronouns and Determiners






Writing System