Minhast/Noun Incorporation: Difference between revisions

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| gloss = INCIP-INCH-SIM-be.tsunami-sea-PST-INTR
| gloss = INCIP-INCH-SIM-be.tsunami-sea-PST-INTR
| translation = The sea started to rise high until it became almost like a tsunami.
| translation = The sea started to rise high until it became almost like a tsunami.
It remains debatable as to whether stative verbs with incorporated meteorological nouns are monovalent or zero-valent.  The following example lends support to a monovalent interpretation: an overt non-null pronominal agreement marker ''-i-'' indicates that an underlying third person inanimate plural absolutive argument exists and has undergone pro-drop:
|phrase = Intarwakkayyuššitiran.
| IPA =
| morphemes = ntar-wakkay-iyuššit-i-ar-an
| gloss = INCIP-incidentally.meet-storm.cloud-3P.NEUT.ANIM.NOM-PST-INTR
| translation = Storm clouds gathered.
On the other hand, such examples of agreement marking are uncommon or extremely rare.  When agreement marking does appear, they tend to occur with collective or mass nouns, such as the inherently collective ''iyuššit'', and only with certain verbs, particularly ones indicating movement.  An example where agreement marking is lacking with the very same collective noun follows in the next example.  Note that the verb ''-adu-'' ("be many"), unlike ''-wakkay-'', is not a motion verb.  The lack of an overt agreement marker with ''-adu-'' leads to a zero-valent interpretation:
|phrase = Intasaxtaduyyuššitaran.
| IPA =
| morphemes = nta-saxt-adu-iyuššit-ar-an
| gloss = INT-INCH-be.many-storm.cloud-PST-INTR
| translation = The sky became thick with storm clouds (lit. "The storm clouds became quite many.")
Similarly, the positional verb ''-puħt-'' "to stand upright" lacks agreement marking:
|phrase = Intasaxtaduyyuššitaran.
| IPA =
| morphemes = puħt-iyuššit-ar-an
| gloss = stand.upright-storm.cloud-PST-INTR
| translation = The storm clouds hung (over us) (lit. "The storm clouds stood upright")
