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add some Korean phonological influences? like final devoicing
add some Korean phonological influences? like final devoicing
Rõktiap -> dative: Rõktiabel
Rõktiap -> dative: Rõktiabel
fewer CVC syllables / more CVCV... words


Revision as of 05:19, 29 September 2021



add some Korean phonological influences? like final devoicing Rõktiap -> dative: Rõktiabel fewer CVC syllables / more CVCV... words


Kkiasi ngõipma siimno nrup giis tre. Ngaimttel mroos qiim mrästrun sõõn ᴋᴋaapkõõns ȝuum? Kein mõelnarken ʜeipnõn ȝaes ȝuum quas riip drun qeik sõins priis tre. Sõeptoo dios ngääl ʜontrun qua. Ziupma ttiis rusnõs ɢõel qiupken ȝuum.



Rõktiap uses a syllabic alphabet called Rõktiapma Rõethar [r̝ɤktʰi̯ɒpmɒ r̝ɤɜthɒr̝̥ ~ ʒɤktʰi̯ɒpmɒ ʒɤɜthɒʃː], which resembles Hangul. The same script is used for a modern descendant called Zienruol, but not for Hʻõelmriusi, another modern descendant, which uses the Rietz alphabet.


Labial Alveolar Velar Uvular Glottal
Stop voiceless aspirated p /pʰ/ t /tʰ/ k /kʰ/ ĸ /qʰ/ q /ʔ/
voiceless unaspirated pp /p/ tt /t/ kk /k/ ĸĸ /q/
voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /ɡ/ ɢ /ɢ/
Fricative voiceless s /s/ ʜ /χ/ h /h/
voiced z /z/ ȝ /ʁ/
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ng /ŋ/
Lateral l /l/
Fricative trill r /r̝/

Nasals and liquids are devoiced in syllable codas. For example nool (wave) is pronounced [no:ɬ], and ᴋᴋurs (shoulders) is pronounced [qur̝̥s] or [qur̝̥ɕ].


Front Back
Unrounded Rounded
High i /i/ u /u/
Mid e /e/ õ /ɤ/ o /o/
Low ä /æ/ a /ɒ/



The first syllable of a multisyllabic word is pronounced at a slightly higher pitch, on a falling tone.



The syllable structure of Rõktiap is (C)(l/r)V(V)(C)(s).




Nouns inflect for case and number. There are two numbers, the singular, which is unmarked, and the plural, which uses the suffix -i for nouns ending in s and -s otherwise. For example:

  • qiim (flower), qiims (flowers)
  • ᴋol (language), ᴋols (languages)
  • ʜeik (shark), ʜeiks (sharks)
  • lias (mound), liasi (mounds)
  • ttões (beaver), ttõesi (beavers)

There are 18 cases in Rõktiap:

Case Singular Plural
Nominative qiim qiims
Accusative qiimken qiimsken
Genitive qiimma qiimsma
Dative qiimtoo qiimstoo
Instrumental qiimtrun qiimstrun
Equative qiimttin qiimsttin
Adessive qiimnõs qiimsnõs
Ablative qiimnõn qiimsnõn
Illative qiimbo qiimsbo
Inessive qiimhos qiimshos
Elative qiimhon qiimshon
Sublative qiimzaat qiimszaat
Superessive qiimʜes qiimsʜes
Delative qiimʜen qiimsʜen
Translative qiimttel qiimsttel
Benefactive qiimro qiimsro
Causal qiimkõns qiimskõns
Terminative qiimᴋip qiimsᴋip


The first person and second person pronouns are dii and kein, which pluralize to diis and keins.

Here are the other pronouns:

Pronoun Singular Plural
Animate proximate kir kirs
Inanimate proximate käl käls
Obviative za zas
Animate interrogative põi põis
Inanimate interrogative pel pels
Animate relative sum sums
Inanimate relative suul suuls


[To be revised]

There are only two verbs in Rõktiap: qua (to do) and tre (to be). These are extremely irregular, and tre is defective in that it doesn't have progressive forms:

Simple Progressive Perfect
Past ȝuum ȝuon ȝiums drun
Present qua quan ȝiums tre
Future uᴋor uᴋõn ȝiums nrup
Simple Perfect
Past drun triis drun
Present tre triis tre
Future nrup triis nrup

Rõktiap often relies on circumlocutions for many verbs that can't be translated directly from English:

Dii·nõn kein·too ttos tre.
1SG.ABL 2SG.DAT love be.PRES
I love you.
Ttões·ma ʜõip·s·hos qiup qiim tre.
beaver.GEN eye.PL.INESS one flower be.PRES
The beaver sees a flower.
Buot·no·ma ɢaim·s·bo qiup säi ʜeik ȝuum.
brain.AGENT.GEN hand.PL.ILL one big shark do.PAST
The scholar caught a big shark.
Hʻeik ngiäl·ttel ȝuum, qeik buotno "Quõi"·ttin drun.
shark earth-TRANSL do.PAST, CONJ scholar "Wow".EQU be.PAST
The shark died, and the scholar said "Wow".


Constituent order

Rõktiap is almost completely head-final, except for complementizer phrases, such as those using the word lo (whether, interrogative marker) and met (if), which are head-initial.

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Other resources