Hlou-Shum languages: Difference between revisions

→‎Initials: why not have breathy voiced stops if there are other breathy voiced consonants
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[[Hlou-Shum languages/Lexicon]]

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' /ˈdɮetʃɑn/ ({{PAGENAME}}: ''baeychnae Xaetjeon'' /ˈpejxne ˈɮetʃʰɑn/) is a Talman language spoken by the Dxaetjfa people. It is a [[Naquic languages|Naquic language]] (descendant of [[Naquian]]) inspired by Praimhín's [[Gussnish]].
'''Hlou-Shum''' ([[Hlou]]: ''Ntzog Ntzog Schlaub-Xön''; [[Ko]]: ''lees yoo ndoigh Hloodh-Xoo'') is a placeholder name for a language family that includes [[Hlou]]. Most modern Hlou-Shum languages are tonal. The proto-language, '''Proto-Hlou-Shum''' (PHS), is about 2500 years old. The family is based on the idea of recasting IE languages as Hmong-like languages.
TODO: actually look at OC more

Main sources of loanwords:
==Family tree==
**[[Hlou]] (''Ntzog Schlaub'')
***[[Shum]] (''lhàu śúṃ'')
*Some from [[Naquian]]
**[[Ko]] (''lees ndoigh Komh'')
**[[Tlu]] (χμῶ Τλὣ)
**[[Liai]] (''hmỳ Liaĩ'')
**[[Clooa]] (''Mois de la Crouet'')
Proto-Hlou-Shum: 2500 years BP
==Writing system==
Proto-Hlou-Shum was written with a system of logographs. Hlou, Ko and Shumian developed the logographs separately into their own writing systems.

A Proto-Hlou-Shum word had the structure
(preinitial) + (C)C(r/l)V(C)(C) <sup>tone</sup>.
Preinitials were unstressed derivational prefixes.

{| class="greentable lightgreenbg" style="text-align:center;"
*p t tθ ts tx ḱ k kw ʔ
*bh dh dθh dsh dxh ģh gh gwh
!colspan="2"| !!Labial !! Dental !! Alveolar !! Lateral !! Palatal !! Velar !! Glottal
*b d dθ ds dx ǵ g gw
*f θ s x h
*F Θ S X H = voiced/breathy f θ s x h
| '''m''' /m/|| '''n''' /n/|| || || || '''ng''' /ŋ/ ||
*m n ń ŋ y r l w
*M N Ń Ŋ Y R L W = breathy counterparts
| '''b''' /p/ || '''d''' /t/ || '''dz''' /ts/ || '''dx''' /tɬ/ || '''dj''' /tʃ/ || '''g''' /k/||
| '''p''' /pʰ/ || '''t''' /tʰ/ || '''ts''' /tsʰ/ || '''tq''' /tɬʰ/ || '''tj''' /tʃʰ/ || '''c''' /kʰ/ ||
| '''f''' /f/ || '''th''' /θ/|| '''s''' /s/ || '''q''' /ɬ/|| '''sj''' /ʃ/ || '''ch''' /x/ || '''h''' /h/
| '''v''' /v/ || '''dh''' /ð/|| '''z''' /z/|| '''x''' /ɮ/ || '''zj''' /ʒ/ || '''gh''' /ɣ/||
!colspan="2"| Approximant
|  || || || '''l''' /l/||'''y''' /j/ || '''w''' /w/||

θ-series > ɬ-series in some descendants
*In casual speech, the unaspirated stops and affricates /p t ts tɬ tʃ k/ are voiced intervocalically to [b d dz dɮ dʒ ɡ].
*Depending on speaker, /l/ may be slightly retracted [l̠] or slightly velarized [lˠ].

Ko and Clooa gain uvulars through velars + r/l.
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="greentable lightgreenbg" style="text-align:center;"
|+ '''{{PAGENAME}} vowels'''
!  style="width: 60px; "|
!  style="width: 60px; " |Front
!  style="width: 60px; " |Central
!  style="width: 60px; " |Back
! style="" |Close
| '''i''' /i/
| '''u''' /u/
! style="" |Mid
| '''ae''' /e/
| '''eu''' /ə/
| '''o''' /o/
! style="" |Open
| '''a''' /æ/
| '''eo''' /ɑ/

*/ɨ/ is near-close central [ɨ̞].
a e i o u ə ai au ei ou iə uə
*/ə/ may be pronounced [ɤ] by some speakers.

Allowed finals:
*-p -t -k
*-mp -nt -nk
*-m -n -l -w -y
*-ʔ -s
*nasal + s or ʔ
*plosive + s

{| class="greentable lightgreenbg"
PHS was non-tonal.  The tones in daughter languages are actually reflexes of final types in PHS:
! Normal
*A: -0, -N, -l
|| p || f || t || th || ts || s || tq || q || tj || sj || c || b || v || d || dh || dz || z || dx || x || dj || zj || g
*B: -ʔ
*C: -s
! Lenited
*D: -t
|| f || f || th || th || s || h || q || q || sj || sj || ch || v || v || dh || dh || z || 0 || x || x || zj || zj || gh
*E: -p, -k

The incidence of tones A, B, C in Hlou-Shum words follows the ratio 2:1:1.

{| class="greentable lightgreenbg"
Proto-Hlou-Shum was head-initial like Vietnamese.
! Normal
|| m || n || ng || w || l || y
Total reduplication was used for noun plurals, verbal imperatives, and adverbs from adjectives.
! Lenited
|| v || n || ng || w || w || y

Some descendants turned this into partial reduplication.
In native words stress is on the first syllable, not counting prefixes. In loans, stress falls on the same syllable as in the source language.

Sometimes two prefixes could be used.
*''s-'': nominalization, "metonymy", adjectivizer
**''louʔ'' 'spring (season)' > ''slouʔ'' 'springlike, where there is spring'
*''-ʔ'': nominalization
**''lou'' 'to plant' > ''louʔ'' 'spring (season)'
*m- preinitial
*r- preinitial
**lenition/retroflexion in Hlou
*θ- preinitial
**changes some consonants in Shum
**maybe it's the same as the r-preinitial

=== Hlou ===
==== Initials ====
Initial clusters (not every cluster may be allowed)
*ḱ ǵ ś > tx dx x
*pl tl ḱl kl ʔl > pl tl schl kl schl
*npl ntl nḱl nkl > npl ntl nkl nkl
*bl dl ǵl gl > bl dl gl gl
*nbl ndl nǵl ngl > nbl ndl ngl ngl
*fl vl sl śl > fl fl schl schl
*tzl tsl > tz ts
*ntzl ntsl ntxl > ntz nts ntx
*dz ds dxl > dz ds dx
*ndzl ndsl ndxl > nl nl nl
*ml nl > ml nl
*pr, br > pf, v
*kr, gr > sch
*tr, dr > tr, dr
*sp, st, str, stl, sc, sk > schm, schn, schr, schl, x, sch
*sm, sn, sṇ, sń > schm, schn, schr, x
*stz sts stx > tz ts tx

The n-preinitial turns some consonants into prenasalized consonants
''-meo/-eom, -nae, -neu'' < ''ixmi, hinē, hinuoz''
{| class="greentable lightgreenbg" style="width: 440px; text-align: center;"
|+ '''''pa'' - person'''
! Nominative
|| ''pa'' || ''pameo'' || ''panae'' || ''paneu''
! Vocative
|| ''fa'' || ''-'' || ''-'' || ''faneu''

====Possessive pronouns====
The r-preinitial (some koineization)
The possessive pronouns are: (derived from [[Naquian]] possessive prefixes)
*r-p r-t r-ḱ r-k r-ʔ > f tr sch sch h
*r-np r-nt r-nḱ r-nk > mpf ntr nk nk
*r-b r-d r-ǵ r-g > v dr j g
*r-nb r-nd r-nǵ r-ng > mpf ndr ng ng
*r-f r-v r-z r-s r-x r-h > f w ntz nts ntx h
*r-tz r-ts r-tx > z s x
*r-ntz r-nts r-ntx > ntz nts ntx
*r-dz r-ds r-dx > j j j
*r-ndz r-nds r-ndx > ntz nts ntx
*r-m r-n r-ń r-y r-l r-w > w n j j drl r
*r-Cl > drl, trl, ndrl, ntrl

{| class="greentable lightgreenbg " style="width: 350px; text-align: center;"
-k > glottal stop final
==== Tones ====
Tone split from voiceless initial/voiced initial?
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg"
! Tone class
! Voiceless initial (5/8)
! Voiced initial (3/8)
!colspan="4" | Possessive pronouns
! A (10/27)
| ''-b'' (23%)
| ''-0'' (14%)
!style="width: 50px; "|
! B (5/27)
!style="width: 100px; "|Singular
| ''-n'' (12%)
!style="width: 100px; "|Plural
| ''-s'' (6.9%)
! C (5/27)
|''neu '''v'''if''<br/>''neu ow''
| ''-s'' (12%)
|''meu '''v'''if''<br/>''meu ow''
| ''-g'' (6.9%)
!|1 + 2
! D (4/27)
| ''-ß'' (9.3%)
|''peu '''v'''if''<br/>''peu ow''
| ''-d'' (5.6%)
! E (3/27)
|''sjeu '''v'''if''<br/>''sjeu ow''
| ''-hn'' (6.9%)
|''tseu '''v'''if''<br/>''tseu ow''
| ''-h'' (4.2%)
|''i '''v'''if''<br/>''i ow''
|''i '''m'''if''<br/>''i '''n'''ow''
|colspan=2|''tae '''v'''if''<br/>''tae ow''

Possession is indicated with third-person possessive pronouns: Ex. ''i vif fanae'' = 'the man's house' (The ''panae'' lenites since it follows a feminine noun ''mif''.)
Among non-E syllables the distribution is:

b (23%) > s (19%) > 0 (14%) > n (12%) >  ß (9.3%) > g (6.9%) > d (5.6%)
Adjectives do not take affixes. However, adjectives modifying indefinite feminine nouns (i.e. nouns that ended in a vowel in Naquian) undergo lenition.

:'''''pa seowan'''''
:''a small person''
s- triggers tone split

:'''''mif heowan'''''
b p > bh p
:''a small house''

However, the suffixes ''-nae'' and ''-meo'' (''-eom'' is used for nouns ending in labials) always lenite the following noun:
sb sp > b p

:'''''panae heowan'''''
np nb > b mh
:''the small person''

:'''''mifeom heowan'''''
spr pr > ph p
:''the small houses''

Predicative adjectives precede the subject, while attributive adjectives follow it.
sbr br > bh bh

nCl, r.Cl > nl or nlh
===Prepositions and conjunctions===
*''tjeo-L'' = and
*''teo-L'' = at
*''yae-L'' = to

l > l, D.l > ll
The word order is usually tense-subject-verbnoun-object or, when the object is a pronoun, tense-subject-object-verbnoun. However, tense-verbnoun-subject is acceptable as well. A nominal direct object is lenited; in fact, any indefinite dependent noun is lenited when used after a sequence of verbnoun + adjunct (similarly to the Welsh 'syntactic mutation' and the Modern Standard Arabic 'faulty accusative').

Most verbnouns end in ''-asj'' (cognate to Tíogall verbnouns in ''-ach''), but there are exceptions among common verbs.
f > h
*''Lon teo siv'' = 'I'm running' (''siv'' is a lenited form of ''tsiv''.)
*''Lon teo i chaevasj'' = 'I'm protecting it' (lit. "I'm at its protecting")
*''Lon teo i chaevasj vifnae'' = 'I'm protecting the house'
*''Lon teo chaevasj vifnae'' = 'I'm protecting the house' (colloquial)

Examples of syntactic mutation:
Dp Db Dt Dd Dk Dg > f v th dh ch gh

*''Lo teo siv yae vin '''f'''a.'' = 'Tonight, a man is running.'
f v th dh ch gh > p bh t dh k gh

x > tl

{| class="greentable lightgreenbg " style="width: 350px; text-align: center;"
z > ś, s > s
!colspan="4" | Present tense
!style="width: 50px; "|
!style="width: 100px; "|Singular
!style="width: 100px; "|Plural
!|1 + 2

k' > ś, g' > jh
Numbers 1-12: paev, tiho, natj-L, tsov, tsaweo, bael-L, oth, loseoth, bas-L, gaeyo, dav, dadheo-L (multiples of 3 lenite the following noun!)

===Derivational morphology===
*kw > p
*''-asj'' (f): nominalizer
*gw > v > vh in shum
*''-iy'' (f): abstract noun
*w > w > v in shum

*''Lon Dxaetjfa.'' = I am a Dxaetjeon person.
'''ʔouh ʔak zamp-zamp'''

The Sheep and the Horses
[[Category:Naquic languages]]
[[Category:Tricin]][[Category:Language families]]
[[Category:Quihum languages]]
