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(Created page with "Nyosangeyish (natively Nyosangé'g or jığo Nyosangé'g) is a conlang by CellularAutomaton. As his first conlang, there are inevitably things he di...")
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Nyosangeyish (natively Nyosangé'g or jığo Nyosangé'g) is a conlang by [[User:CellularAutomaton|CellularAutomaton]]. As his first conlang, there are inevitably things he dislikes about it, although it is at the time of writing under a week old.
Nyosangeyish (natively Nyosangé'g or jığo Nyosangé'g) is a conlang by [[User:CellularAutomaton|CellularAutomaton]]. It is inspired by Turkish and Indonesian, but some English characteristics have accidentally slipped in.
== Phonology ==
== Phonology ==
m n ny ng<br>
{| class="wikitable"
p t c k<br>
b d j g<br>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" |
f s ş h<br>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''labial'''
w l y ğ<br>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''dental'''
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''palatal'''
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''velar'''
i ı u<br>
é e o<br>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''nasal'''
| m
| n̪ <n>
| ɲ <ny>
| ŋ <ng>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''stop'''
| p b
| t̪ d̪ <t d>
| t̠͡ʃ d̠͡ʒ <c j>
| k g
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''fricative'''
| f
| s <s>
| ʃ <ş>
| h
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''approximant'''
| w
| l̪ <l>
| j <y>
| (ɰ) <ğ>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''tap'''
| ɾ <r>
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background-color:#efefef;" |
! style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''front'''
! style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''central'''
! style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''back'''
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''close'''
| i
| ɯ u <ı u>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''mid'''
| ᴇ <é>
| ə <e>
| ꭥ <o>
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | '''open'''
| ᴀ <a>
== Morphology ==
== Morphology ==
Nyosangeyish is an analytic language, with verb tense and aspect being expressed with adverbs, and noun cases expressed with postpositions (which can become clitics, as in a=g "my" or ngedlo=f "at night".) The main exceptions to this are some derivational morphology, as well as verb mood, which is expressed with a suffix (fonşow-ec "accidentally see", akı céjug-u "smell that!"). Verb voice is also expressed with a suffix, which allows the speaker to modify word order.
Nyosangeyish is an analytic language, with verb tense and aspect being expressed with adverbs, and noun cases expressed with postpositions (which can become clitics, as in a=g "my" or ngedlo=f "at night".) The main exceptions to this are some derivational morphology, as well as verb mood, which is expressed with a suffix (fonşow-ec "accidentally see", akı céjug-u "smell that!"). Verb voice is also expressed with a suffix, which allows the speaker to modify word order.
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While normally SOV, Nyosangeyish can switch to OSV with the right verb suffix. Adjectives and adverbs come after the word they modify, but unusually for a head-initial language, adpositions are post- instead of pre-.
While normally SOV, Nyosangeyish can switch to OSV with the right verb suffix. Adjectives and adverbs come after the word they modify, but unusually for a head-initial language, adpositions are post- instead of pre-.
== The Cat and the Bird ==
== The Cat and the Bird ==
'''Maye fe céfod icégğu'm dıjun ag lejiğ nofé oyeny.'''<br>
[ˈ majə fə t̠ʃe̞ˈ fo̞t̪ it̠ʃe̞ʔˈ um̥ dɯˈ d̠ʒun̪̊ äʔ l̪ɛˈ d̠ʒiː n̪o̞ˈ fe̞ ˈ o̞jɛɲ]<br>
cat and bird persimmon=ACC tree ABL eat ATR want<br>
''A cat and a bird both wanted to eat persimmons from a tree.''<br>
'''Céfod feyefdıjun mu aweng fe icégğu mu lejiğ.'''<br>
[t̠ʃe̞ˈ fo̞t̪ fɛjʌfd̪ɯˈ d̠ʒun̪̊ mu ˈ ɑwʌŋ̊ fə it̠ʃe̞ʔˈ u mu l̪ɛˈ d̠ʒiː]<br>
bird treetop ACC fly and persimmon ACC eat<br>
''The bird flew to the top of the tree and ate all the persimmons.''<br>
'''Maye fonşow hefyet fe buju mu ngıre.'''<br>
[ˈ majə fo̞n̠̊ˈ t̠ʃo̞w həfˈ jət̪ fə buˈ d̠ʒu mu ˈ ŋɯ̟ɾə]<br>
cat see IPFV and anger ACC go<br>
''Seeing this, the cat became angry.''<br>
'''"Ngi a ngi aweng," mu tiğ ngége, "yo mu lejiğem hetıtajığ!"'''<br>
[ŋi ä ŋi ˈ ɑwʌŋ̊ mu t̪iː ˈ ŋe̞gə jo̞ mu l̪ɛˈ d̠ʒiː.əm̥ hʌt̪ɯ̟t̪äˈ d̠ʒɯ̟ː]<br>
if 1sg if fly ACC 3sg say 2sg ACC eat-COND instead<br>
''"If I could fly," it said, "I would eat you instead!"''<br>
'''Déğé-héj yişiny şoduğ dıjun-pisre'g ice.'''<br>
[d̪e̞je̞ˈ he̞t̠ʃ jiˈ ʃiɲ̊ ʃo̞ˈ d̪uː d̪ɯˌd̠ʒum̥ˈ pisɾəʔ ˈ it̠ʃə]<br>
just.then mouse large bush=ABL run<br>
''Just then a large mouse darted out from a bush.''<br>
'''Céfod ığuş, jél maye tiğ mu rağol déğé.'''<br>
[t̠ʃe̞ˈ fo̞t̪ ɯˈ ɰuʃ d̠ʒe̞l̪̥ ˈ majə t̪iː mu ɾɑːo̞l̪ d̪e̞ˈ je̞]<br>
bird attack but cat 3sg ACC catch now<br>
''The bird lunged for it, but the cat had already caught it.''