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A Méich Bhaonnáiqh non-human language by [[Verse:Aoife|Aoife Ní Fhlaithbheartaigh]] spoken by uplifted crows

== Phonology ==
"how close to Tiberian Hebrew can I get with an avian vocal tract anatomy and still sounding bird-like" (Assume similar constraints as C'aar)
* No rounded vowels; i e ɛ a ʌ ɤ ɯ (assuming backness is possible), with short, long and overlong
* Rostral: /p b pˁ φ β ʙ/
* Apico-palatal: /t d tˁ θ ð θˁ l r/
* Lamino-palatal: /c ɟ cˁ ç j/
* Pharyngeal: /ħ ʕ/
* Syringeal: /h ʔ/ (one syrinx), /h² ʔ²/ (both syrinxes)

Latest revision as of 01:03, 10 May 2023