Guide: Concept sets: Difference between revisions

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=== Action/Process ===
=== Action/Process ===
* '''Be angry:''' Be in an angry state. [2223]
* '''Become angry:''' To turn into an angry mental state. [2215]
* '''Blame (somebody):''' To hold somebody responsible for something. [2716]
* '''Bother (harass):''' To annoy persistently. [2869]
* '''Carp:''' To complain or find fault in a petty or disagreeable way. [2193]
* '''Choose:''' To make a choice from a number of alternatives. [1750]
* '''Commend:''' To express approval or admiration. [3455]
* '''Cry:''' To shed tears due to the impact of an emotion. [1839]
* '''Dare:''' To have enough courage (to do something). [1779]
* '''Delight:''' To give pleasure to; to make happy or satisfied. [1271]
* '''Desire:''' To want to do something, to wish for something to happen, or to have affection for someone. [2117]
* '''Disturb:''' Interfere with somebody. [2883]
* '''Embrace:''' To squeeze someone in one's arms. [928]
* '''Fear (be afraid):''' To be scared of; to have an uncontrollable emotion of anxiety about something that causes a scared reaction or frightening impression. [1419]
* '''Fear or frighten:''' To be scared or to scare someone. [2109]
* '''Flirt:''' To talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions. [494]
* '''Forgive:''' To stop blaming someone for an offense. [1528]
* '''Grieve:''' To express deep sorrow for. [1955]
* '''Groan:''' To utter a low, guttural sound of frustration. [716]
* '''Hate:''' To dislike intensely; to feel strong hostility towards. [1607]
* '''Hope (something):''' To want something to happen. [3212]
* '''Hope:''' To want something to happen or the belief in the possibility that something one wants will happen. [1092]
* '''Kiss:''' To touch with the lips to express love or affection. [578]
* '''Laugh:''' To express pleasure, mirth or derision by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat. [1355]
* '''Lie (mislead):''' To knowingly say something that is untrue. [601]
* '''Like:''' To enjoy, be in favor/favour of. [1117]
* '''Long (for something):''' To have a very strong desire for something. [3473]
* '''Love:''' To have an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person. [923]
* '''Make angry (annoy):''' To cause somebody to be annoyed. [2892]
* '''Play:''' To act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in playful activities expressly for the purpose of recreation. [1413]
* '''Regret:''' To wish that a past event had not happened. [1875]
* '''Rejoice:''' To feel joyful; be delighted. [2192]
* '''Respect (somebody):''' To have respect for someone or something; to have regard for something, to observe a custom, practice, rule or right. [385]
* '''Revenge:''' To take revenge for a perceived wrong. [495]
* '''Smile:''' To make an upwards movement of the sides of the mouth, that indicates happiness or satisfaction. [1451]
* '''Surprise (somebody):''' To make someone feel surprised by giving, telling or doing something unexpected. [3627]
* '''Urge (someone):''' To encourage someone to do something. [2881]
* '''Want:''' To want to do something or to wish for something to happen. [1784]
* '''Worry:''' To be anxious about something. [150]

=== Other ===
=== Other ===
* '''On purpose:''' (Doing or feeling something) in a deliberate or controlled way. [1031]

=== Person/Thing ===
=== Person/Thing ===
* '''Amusement:''' A feeling caused by doing or watching something entertaining or funny. [3850]
* '''Anger:''' Belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins). [82]
* '''Anxiety:''' An unpleasant complex combination of emotions that includes fear, apprehension and worry, and is often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, nausea, chest pain and/or shortness of breath. [1000]
* '''Awe:''' A feeling of deep respect mixed with slight fear or wonder. [3851]
* '''Bad luck:''' An undesirable event such as an accident. [56]
* '''Blame:''' Accusation for something negative or undesirable. [381]
* '''Concentration:''' The ability to direct all the attention to one thing or activity. [3852]
* '''Confusion:''' A feeling of uncertainty about what to do or what is happening. [3853]
* '''Contempt:''' A feeling of ultimate disgust and a complete lack of respect towards somebody. [3844]
* '''Courage:''' A state or quality of mind that enables to face danger and fear; bravery. [3049]
* '''Coward:''' A person who lacks courage. [1319]
* '''Cunning person:''' A smart and witty person. [2079]
* '''Danger:''' A situation that constitutes an immediate risk for injury on a person or property. [1810]
* '''Deceit:''' The act or practice of deceiving. [13]
* '''Depression:''' A state of feeling sad that can become a chronic illness. [3877]
* '''Disappointment:''' A feeling of sadness because something did not happen the way it was expected or did not happen at all. [3845]
* '''Discipline:''' The ability and training of self-control and diligence, usually in abiding by a set of rules. [3962]
* '''Disgust:''' The feeling that one gets when seeing something rotten. [2465]
* '''Envy:''' A feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc. [40]
* '''Excitement:''' A feeling of extreme but short-term happiness. [3846]
* '''Fault:''' Responsibility for a wrong act done deliberately or a good act omitted deliberately. [134]
* '''Fear (fright):''' An emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger. [781]
* '''Good luck:''' Something positive that happens to someone by chance. [720]
* '''Grief:''' Mental suffering or pain caused by injury, loss, or despair. [1668]
* '''Happiness:''' In philosophy, happiness translates the Greek concept of eudaimonia, and refers to the good life, or flourishing, rather than simply an emotion. [2941]
* '''Hate (loathing):''' A strong feeling of dislike for something or somebody. [3749]
* '''Hope (faith):''' The belief in the possibility that something one wants will happen. [3211]
* '''Hostility:''' An aversion, feeling of rivalry, or aggressiveness experienced by an individual or group towards another. [3955]
* '''Inclination:''' A likelihood of behaving in a particular way or going in a particular direction. [918]
* '''Interest (feeling):''' A desire to learn about something or somebody. [3847]
* '''Jealousy:''' A jealous feeling, disposition, state, or mood. [2016]
* '''Joy:''' Mental happiness. [2524]
* '''Kindness:''' The quality of being caring, generous and helpful towards other people. [3468]
* '''Kiss (noun):''' The action of touching with the lips to express love or affection. [3454]
* '''Laughter:''' Laughter is a physical reaction in humans and some other species of primate, consisting typically of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. [2958]
* '''Lie (falsehood):''' Intentionally false statement for the purpose of deception. [2826]
* '''Location of emotions:''' The place where emotions are thought to be stored. [2198]
* '''Longing (wish):''' The strong desire for something. [2960]
* '''Love (affection):''' A feeling of affection and fondness for someone. [3834]
* '''Misery:''' The state of being poor or emotionally suffering. [2553]
* '''Mistake:''' A mistake, an oversight, a slight; usually apologetic, referring to one's own failures. [1293]
* '''Mourning:''' The feeling of great sadness because someone has died. [3673]
* '''Obligation (duty):''' Either a moral or legal responsibility to accomplish a certain task. [3471]
* '''Pain:''' An unpleasant, usually localised physical sensation that is often the result of an injury, disease or other ailment. [1783]
* '''Pity:''' Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it. [1141]
* '''Pleasure:''' An emotional state of sensual gratification or frivolous amusement. [3916]
* '''Praise:''' The act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation. [1687]
* '''Pride:''' An emotional state of being proud. [3915]
* '''Reason:''' Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. [2968]
* '''Respect (noun):''' An attitude of admiration or esteem. [1912]
* '''Riddle:''' A riddle is a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved. [2970]
* '''Sadness:''' A feeling of being unhappy because something is missing or wrong. [3854]
* '''Shame:''' The consciousness or awareness of dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation. [1776]
* '''Splendor:''' The aesthetic and moral quality of being splendid, magnificent, or grand. [3964]
* '''Surprise (feeling):''' A feeling caused by something unexpected. [3848]
* '''Tear (of eye):''' A drop of liquid produced from the eyes by crying or irritation. [1651]
* '''Trauma:''' A physical wound and, in particular, a psychological state of pain, ensued from a harmful experience of set of events. [3965]
* '''Triumph:''' A feeling of extreme pleasure and excitement as a result of success or a victory. [3849]
* '''Truth:''' That which conforms to reality. [1638]
* '''Untruth:''' A false statement made with the intention to deceive. [475]
* '''Violence:''' Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as *the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation*, although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of *the use of power* in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word. [2976]

=== Property ===
=== Property ===
* '''Amazing:''' Causing great surprise or sudden wonder. [1863]
* '''Angry:''' Irritated, in a temper, feeling or displaying anger. [1826]
* '''Anxious:''' To feel uneasiness of mind caused by anxiety. [3869]
* '''Ashamed:''' Feeling shame or guilt. [1894]
* '''Astonished:''' Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock. [1900]
* '''Bad or evil:''' Not good; unfavorable; negative, or intending to harm or being/acting ethically wrong. [3764]
* '''Bad:''' Not good; unfavorable; negative. [1292]
* '''Beautiful:''' Having nice or positive properties (specifically with regard to the senses, and most commonly, that of sight). [1427]
* '''Boring:''' Causing boredom. [905]
* '''Brave:''' Having or characterized by courage. [3]
* '''Contemptible:''' Deserving of contempt or scorn. [1]
* '''Correct (right):''' To be in accordance with expectations. [1725]
* '''Cowardly:''' Not being brave or courageous; an attribute describing someone who is easily frightened or disheartened in the face of difficulty or danger. [3812]
* '''Cruel:''' Indifference towards the suffering of another and even deriving a positive feeling from it. [500]
* '''Curious:''' Having a strong desire to learn about things and people around. [3633]
* '''Dangerous:''' Capable of injuring or harming someone. [3466]
* '''Dear:''' Beloved or loved. [2470]
* '''Depressed:''' A mental state of despondency, unhappinness, or hopelessness. [3973]
* '''Diligent:''' Being busy-working. [2077]
* '''Disgusting:''' Creating disgust in somebody. [2507]
* '''Disobedient:''' Refusing to obey what someone in authority is requesting. [3813]
* '''Dreadful:''' Causing dread; very bad. [528]
* '''Emotional:''' Having any strong feeling, as of joy, sorrow, or fear. [3761]
* '''Evil:''' Intending to harm or being/acting ethically wrong. [45]
* '''Exact:''' Without diversion from the desired or agreed specification; neither exceeding nor failling short in any way. [1466]
* '''Excited:''' Arousal or a feeling of enthusiasm about something. [3972]
* '''Faithful:''' Steadfast in affection. [100]
* '''False:''' Not concurring with a given set of facts; fake; unreal. [3069]
* '''Familiar:''' Knowing somebody or something well. [3005]
* '''Generous:''' Willing to give more than expected, especially money. [3632]
* '''Gentle:''' Tender and amiable; of a considerate or kindly disposition. [1954]
* '''Gloomy:''' A bit sad. [1552]
* '''Good:''' Having desired or positive qualities. [1035]
* '''Greedy:''' Excessively desirous of money, wealth or possessions. [2018]
* '''Handsome:''' Used to describe a person that is attractive and pleasing in appearance. [3814]
* '''Happy:''' Having a feeling of satisfaction, enjoyment or well-being, often arising from a positive situation or set of circumstances. [1495]
* '''Honest:''' Not disposed to cheat or defraud. [1120]
* '''Impatient:''' Becoming irritable in difficult situations or during long waiting times. [3885]
* '''Important:''' Having relevant and crucial value. [1285]
* '''Insolent:''' Unrestrained by convention or propriety. [91]
* '''Jealous:''' Feeling insecure over an anticipated loss of status or affection in a human connection. [2821]
* '''Keen:''' Full of or characterized by enthusiasm. [39]
* '''Kind or polite:''' Being nice and giving off the impression of benevolence or keeping to a given society's standards of social manners in order to show respect. [583]
* '''Kind:''' Being nice and giving off the impression of benevolence. [3299]
* '''Lovely:''' Beautiful especially in a pleasing or charming way. [2233]
* '''Merry:''' In good spirits. [1976]
* '''Mighty or powerful or strong:''' Holding much (political, social, ...) power or being done using a huge amount of energy or having great physical strength. [3188]
* '''Nervous:''' A mental state of nervousness or agitation. Also, being easily excited or irritated. [3975]
* '''Painful or sick:''' To cause pain or to be ill. [2103]
* '''Passionate:''' Characterized by intense emotion. [1880]
* '''Patient:''' Enduring difficult situations or a long waiting time with an even temper. [3884]
* '''Polite:''' Keeping to a given society's standards of social manners in order to show respect. [3300]
* '''Precious:''' Being dear or important to somebody. [3002]
* '''Proud:''' Feeling greatly pleased, or satisfied by something or someone that is highly honorable or creditable to oneself. [174]
* '''Rude:''' Bad mannered. [1412]
* '''Sad:''' Feeling mentally uncomfortable because something is missing or wrong. [699]
* '''Safe:''' Having a feeling of security or protection from harm. [3762]
* '''Scared:''' Property of being scared of something or someone, having an uncontrollable emotion of anxiety. [3033]
* '''Shy or ashamed:''' The feeling of being uncomfortable with attracting attention or feeling shame or guilt. [3805]
* '''Shy:''' (For a personality) characterized by being uncomfortable with having attention drawn to them, for example when introducing oneself or when speaking in front of an audience. [487]
* '''Sorrowful:''' Filled with grief, sorrow, woe. [145]
* '''Stubborn:''' Unyielding; unlikely to change one's mind and determined not to be influenced by someone else's opinion. [3634]
* '''Surprised:''' Feeling that something unexpected has happened. [1572]
* '''True:''' Concurring with a given set of facts. [1657]
* '''Ugly:''' Not good looking. [1548]
* '''Unhappy:''' Feeling not cheerful or glad, sometimes due to a misfortune. [3974]
* '''Unpleasant:''' Not to one's liking. [26]
* '''Vulgar:''' Rude and likely to offend, using allusions on the sexual level. [1080]
* '''Wrong:''' Not correct. [1390]

== Food and drink ==
== Food and drink ==
