Guimin/Corpus: Difference between revisions

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"Bread is real."
"Bread is real."
"You know, under different circumstances, I believe we could have been the owners of rival graveyards, each resorting to increasingly desperate, not to mention questionable, nay, even illegal, means to secure , how shall we say... permanent residents?"
"You know, under different circumstances, I believe we could have been the owners of rival graveyards, each resorting to increasingly desperate, not to mention questionable, nay, even illegal, means to secure , how shall we say... permanent residents?"
Чӏӯниъ ик 5 такърӣбән йә̄рәм ибринтӏды ик гьар мэ̄тӏръӣ мәс ыъкӏатӏ чӏуәд «ынуъсы кәм рәнгэ̄сы адуъкӏэ̄сы га̄йнтӏ» гьу кӏо «э̄ррэ̄ ала̄гьәс хвәз тәъмнӣ биврисмәс ттӏәлытӏ» гьу диркӏинтӏуъ хин сәсы сәнчӏэ̄сы екӏчӏәш ныроджисы гӯънинтӏ э̄ррэ̄ ми ивӣцӏухъ 3 йә̄рэсигъэ̄ ала̄гьәс пӏа̄ккӏ ынуъмәс тӣтӏды миртӏ тэ̄нтӏцы
when i was around 5 i asked my mom  why "some people were different colors" and she said "because god wanted lots of flavours"  and let me tell you that was the wronf thing to say because for the next 3 years i though god ate people when they died

