Paang/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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thrîet - flower
thrîet - flower
baang - hand
baang - hand
vooi - take
vòoi - take


Revision as of 19:58, 1 September 2015

khôet - I
oer - you
uum - 0
tjalʔ - 1
ijʔ - 2
vòet - 3
gâai - 4
zèng - 5
kìet - 6
veer - 7
nôea - 8
ngíat - 9
ràat - 10
jǽng - 100
ngàep - we
nîj - not
gee - the
hìel - very
nâeuw - no
wooi - hate
ngán - open
gîek - can (to be able to)
kóuw - must
òet-khwâap: necktie
khliáuw - nice
vouw - lime (the mineral)
hàam - probably
ngáo - light (color)
ngào - dark
prák (< Wb. Brack) light (energy)
ngeuʔ - say
naawʔ - bottle
tjúi - nose
wán - remember
wal - deaf
wàn - body
tek - and (nouns)
zìek - small
voeaʔ - big
raauwʔ - grass
gàet - water
thuungʔ - can (container)
phijʔ - do
gijʔ - bend
móek - stand
jòeng - sit
ríem - sleep
mùk - word
jiauwʔ - fry
hâet - time
khìp - snow
schôol - bird
goel - give
lóuw - eat
jáar - drink
khìep - sun
nie - weak
nîet = tell
níe - die
nìet - mix
nieʔ - expensive
miang - head
pèon - collect
hàat - fish
schóoi - tulip
ngui - think
gua - moon
schek - zoo- as in zoology
zùi - walk
zéeuw - fire
wîat - literary word for sky
míeuw - sky
zæng - lady
ngòoi - noodles
bíj - rice
rua - thin
rúa - write
be'-rúa - describe
zîel - know
pàauw - boat
leeuw - to leave
nun - only, sole
gwaarʔ - rain
kwàat - baby
tjie - like
mìerthjiáuw - definitely
thúu - moon
thjòep - laugh
bethjòep - mock
hûut - ground
mienwæl - continent
zian = throne
wêek - boil
zalor - era
nak - tri- (3)
thoorʔ - sell
vúa - beautiful
víj - wake up
klîj - speak
prij - house
phrij - snake
tieljuar- rhyme
rât - power (Wiobian Rast)
berât - empower
jeng - ocean (Jenger- in Wiobo-Neckthai)
gij - play (an instrument)
Gruar - meal
thjian - to walk
naaʔ - to fly
thjôer - to dive
zawîet - fall
tjóoi - human
tjalʔ - one
ijʔ - two
vòet - three
khrooiʔ = heart
zùa = liver
aan = ancestor
mâal = mother
tjaang - father
scháop = younger sibling
tjaeuwʔ - daughter
díang = son
thrâauw = child
'enthrâauw = to bear a child
a wiob-neckthai hybrid like, say, English 'beautiful' which is half French half Germanic
vîer = city
mée = yes
ngaoi = older sibling
troorʔ - spice
be'troorʔ - to spice
betar - use
benâeuw - deny
Gàok vrij vòeai zîen, aom khôet nîj Nékthij tjóoi ngìe! "They will quickly find out that I'm not a Necktai!"
Nékthij dàoi - Neckthai language
Wîap dàoi - Wiobian language
dàong - if
Khôet dàoi nîj Nekhthij. "I don't speak Neckthai."
the capital of Neckthailand:
Schwünterheibentalerfernsteilengrüßertrachtensträtzgeschweibersteineslorteskehrwarteurendspannwachenblatzstaufentreitschzerstraubendesgraußvertöhlemshauersdinz Vîer
ráe - metal
ráa - white
ràa - letter (character)
râa - fruit
raa - easy
raaʔ - vase
thrîet - flower
baang - hand
vòoi - take