Glommish/Swadesh list: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<poem> this: þise that: jéne the: þa here: hír there: þár who: va what: vat where: vár when: van how: ví not: yncz all: ale many, much: fiel some: eþig few: fiáw ot...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:39, 24 August 2016

this: þise
that: jéne
the: þa
here: hír
there: þár
who: va
what: vat
where: vár
when: van
how: ví
not: yncz
all: ale
many, much: fiel
some: eþig
few: fiáw
other: óþier
big: wielьk
long: long
wide: wíd
thick: þikь
heavy: hiefí
small: mal
short: szort
narrow: njaru
thin: þyn
woman: wíman
man: wierman
human: czьlowiék
child: czild
wife: żiena
husband: mondżь
mother: módor
father: fedier
animal: zwierь
fish: fisz
bird: paták
dog: hund
louse: lús
snake: snaka
worm: wyrm
tree: trió
forest: lies
stick: stika
fruit: ofiet
seed: séd
leaf: liáf
root: korienь
bark: bark
flower: kwiet
grass: tráwa
rope: pwórz
skin: hýd
meat: flész
blood: blód
bone: kostь
fat: fét
egg: é
horn: horn, róg
tail: tél
feather: fieþier
hair: wolsy
head: hiád
ear: járie
eye: oko
nose: nos
mouth: múþ
tooth: tóþ
tongue: tungie
fingernail: fingiernél
foot: fót
leg: noga
knee: knió
hand: hand
wing: skridlo
belly: briúh
guts: þiarm
neck: hnieka
back: hrycz
breast: brióst
heart: hiortie
liver: lifier
to drink: drinka
to eat: jeta
to suck: súca
to spit: spita
to vomit: spíwa
to blow: bláwa
to breathe: oddyha
to laugh: smie
to see: sió
to hear: hiúra
to know: zná
to think: þiencza
to smell: jéþi (transitive), onha (intransitive)
to fear: dréda
to sleep: slépa
to live: lifi
to die: stiórfa
to kill: kwiela
to fight: fióta
to hunt: hunti
to hit: hita
to cut: sníþa
to split: kliófa, romba
to stab: snésa
to scratch: drapa
to dig: grafa
to swim: swima
to float: flióta
to fly: flió
to walk: hodi
to come: kuma
to lie: lieża
to sit: siedi
to stand: standa
to turn: hwirfa
to fall: fiala
to give: jefa
to hold: hialda
to squeeze: tiska
to rub: tieri
to wash: wasza
to wipe: wípi
to pull: puli
to push: pieha
to throw: riúti
to tie: wienza
to sew: siówi
to count: liczi
to say: sedża
to sing: singa
to play: plié
to flow: flówa
to freeze: friósa
to swell: swiela
sun: sunie
moon: móna
star: gwiezda
water: wetier
rain: rién
river: rieka
lake: jeziero
sea: sé
salt: sialt
stone: stán
sand: sand
dust: dust
earth: ziemlie
cloud: wolъczien
fog: miegla
sky: niebo
wind: wind
snow: snáw
ice: ís
smoke: smoka
fire: fýr
ash: popiel
to burn: biorna
road: dorga
mountain: góra
red: riád
green: griénь
yellow: jólu
white: hwít
black: swiart
night: nít
day: dé
year: jár
warm: wiarm
cold: kiald
full: full
new: nów
old: jald
good: gód
bad: zol
rotten: zogníl
dirty: ádlít
straight: prost
round: kronglan
sharp: sziarp
dull: dol
smooth: smóþ
wet: wét
dry: drý
correct: rít
near: niáv
far: fior
at: at
in: in
with: mid
and: ok
if: iv, sadь
because: forþ
name: namen