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Latest revision as of 02:45, 9 March 2017


Deyryck is an artistic conlang set in the multiverse of Alaaban. It is designed as one of the most famous language of one of the most famous intergalactic empire in one of the universes composing Alaaban. Therefore this language is a priori and is meant to be able to adapt many species and cultures.

The language in itself is quite easy to get. Yet, it filled with so many different possibilities that it become very complex in the end.

The language is about 9 years old (2017) and has a very large amount of vocabulary already. There are only two speakers though. Its creation was mainly focused on the cultural aspects. It's grammar will be presented the way it would be to its speaker. Therefore it'll be quite different from the usual presentations.

Also it should be kept in mind that this language is excessively focused on pure direct communication.


Deyryck is not necessarily a spoken language. It is based on key and rythme which have their phonological equivalent for earth (har'sôra). It has to be kept in mind that the pronunciation given here are not absolute. Depending on where one's from or their accent, they'll pronounce each sounds differently. This is only a general idea.

Every character is either a strong or derived from a strong. The strong's derivations are as follow : weaker, typical variant ; weakest, rare variant ; auxiliary, representation of a possible other prononciation of the strong ; access, supposedly something between the strong and its stronger ; stronger, a rare variation of the strong.

NB: only the mainly used character will be described here.


(!!!! The actual writing system will be uploaded here later but can be seen over there :

API Keyboard
/a/ a
/o/ o
/ɪ/ î
/t/ t
/p/ p
/k/ k
/ʁ/ r
/s/ s
/f/ f
/œ/ ê
/e/ é
/ɛ/ è
/ɑ̃/ à
/ɔ̃/ ò
/œ̃/ ì
/m/ m
/n/ n
/h/ h
/ʃ/ c
/j/ y
/y/ u
/ʊ/ ù


API Keyboard Strong
/i/ i î
/d/ d t
/b/ b p
/g/ g k
/l/ l r
/z/ z s
/v/ v f
/ʒ/ j c
/u/ û u
/ø/ e ê


API Keyboard Strong
/r/ £ r
/θ/ ç s


API Keyboard Strong
/x/ µ r
/?/ § c


API Keyboard Strong
/w/ w r
/ð/ q t


API Keyboard Strong
/ɑ// â a
/ɔ/ ô o


The "x" character is used as the divine character. It is something related to the conworld and will almost never be used. Although, just so you known, it is pronounced /kts/ or /ksts/ (sometimes /ks/ as simplification).

Little rules

Two same strong in a row

When there are two of the same strong in a row in a single word, the first one will be pronounced /t/ unless it was already pronounced /t/. In that case, it would be pronounced /k/.


Nassé /natse/
Katta /kakta/


Kadasssé /kadastse/

Two same weaker in a row

The rule is the exact same with weaker correspondant character.


Nazzé /nadze/
Kadda /kagda/


"Ûû" or "ûhû" can also be pronounced as "ê".


The Deyryck syntax's best representation is as follows: ctCG(r) or CTCGR.

These stand for: Context Target Core Goal and Reaction. A sentence has to be made out of the Core and the Goal mostly. and the Reaction is an element that is not realy often used.

Rather than talking about sentences I'll talk about "facts" for Deyryck doesn't sees its way of working as sentences. As said before it is focused on direct communication.


The context of the fact is quite exactly the context of the fact. It can be mostly anything that is not related to the fact directly.

If the Deyryck syntax were to be strictly followed, a fact would be composed by five words max. This doesn't happen because the syntax can be modified by words called "synthesizers". The context is most of the time introduced by these. Depending on whether the synthesizer is placed before or after the context we will be talking, respectively, of pre or post synthesizers.


I'm training in Japan.
Nihon èn kérala' (post synthesizer)

/!\ The following is not a context! (It's a target)

It's raining in Japan.
Nihon gûkasiya'


Once again, the name is pretty clear. This is the target of the fact, the entity toward which the fact is applying. There again, a target can also come along with a synthesizer.


I'm speaking with you.
Ti isprah'

I'm talking about you.
Ti na isprah' (post synthesizer)

He's mad at me.
I rodôvargya

It's raining over me.
I gûkasiya'


Now comes the core. This the most important part of the whole fact as it is what describes the fast itself. This is the part where everything happens. Most of the time it composed of two elements. The nature of the fact and who or what's causing it as description. In most cases that will be equivalent to what would be the subject and the verb in other languages. It can be found in many forms thanks to synthesizers.


I love you.
Ti ilaka'

My brother and I found it.
I mita ivêvê id mitélapa'

I'm happy.


The goal is the second part of what must be found in a sentence. This is the part where you will explain why you're saying what you're saying. The goal will often be "a", which basically means you don't have a peculiar reason to say what you said, don't want to express it or found it too obvious.


In my father's opinion, I'm wrong. (My goal is to express my father's opinion on the matter)
Fûli bêbis

Don't come back after that for fuck's sake. (Willing to express I'm pissed off)
O kikohânû kadas


Reaction is not often used but is still important to keep in mind. This is a way to express the reaction of the environnement of the fact to the fact.


He said a nice joke, everybody laughed.
Soki roséjséjapa'j ah'aséja

Example texts

Never let you down (song lyrics):

Will you come along cause I'm about to leave this town

In my eyes, a waterfall, all I can hear, a siren call

Could you be waiting by the shore, oh I could drown without you

Will you be holding out the line when I fall?

Tiko savfali ûd araka hyûa béza'

Klûwa nè makoyam da Ôsirénam caê'réya

Azèyca nan maya djé °D so tisé' sa kénmah'

I tipôj'naylaw aha niw koy ni an

I'll never let you down, never let you down

Never let you down, never let you down

I'll never let you down, never let you down

Nass'ni tkozsama'ôn Nass'ni kozsama'

Nass'ni kozsama' Nass'ni kozsama'

Nass'ni tkozsama'ôn Nass'ni kozsama'

Have you ever had to be the one who sail away

Have your heart torn apart, feel your love float astray

Do you remember all the sounds, when I found you by the lake

And how the water seemed to call your name

Ah'ni afio dô midjati mihyûy'sµa dan

Ah'ni kan milamgka'n Milakam bioa'n

Ah'sôr' myadméa ramésawn ttérla ni méa nè

Mahama'sôlrô tinaka fèrvf' da

I'll never let you down, never let you down

Never let you down, never let you down

I'll never let you down, never let you down

Nass'ni tkozsama'ôn Nass'ni kozsama'

Nass'ni kozsama' Nass'ni kozsama'

Nass'ni tkozsama'ôn Nass'ni kozsama'

Baby I will find you

Baby I can hear you call

Baby I can feel your heart

°D lag - titérla'ôn

°D lag - tibéla caê

°D lag - tilamka méa

Baby I will find you

Just wait a little longer

Baby I can hear you call

I won't ever let you fall

°D lag - titérla'ôn

Bodbodi maya djaén

°D lag - tibéla caê

Tikoy itayna'ônna

Other resources

Will come later