Dzetcavu: Difference between revisions

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Line 152: Line 152:
| -ri
| -ri
| -ric
| -ric
| -ni
| -nic
! 2nd Person
! 2nd Person
Line 160: Line 160:
| -riz
| -riz
| -rita
| -rita
| -niz
| -niza
! 3rd Person
! 3rd Person
Line 167: Line 167:
| -izev
| -izev
| -rize
| -rize
| -riev
| -riv
| -nize
| -niv

Line 183: Line 183:
| -ru
| -ru
| -ruc
| -ruc
| -nu
| -nuc
! 2nd Person
! 2nd Person
Line 191: Line 191:
| -ruz
| -ruz
| -rut
| -rut
| -nuz
| -nut
! 3rd Person
! 3rd Person
Line 199: Line 199:
| -ruzī
| -ruzī
| -ruv
| -ruv
| -nuzī
| -nuv

Line 214: Line 214:
| -rī
| -rī
| -rīc
| -rīc
| -nī
| -nīc
! 2nd Person
! 2nd Person
Line 222: Line 222:
| -rīz
| -rīz
| -rīt
| -rīt
| -nīz
| -nīt
! 3rd Person
! 3rd Person
Line 230: Line 230:
| -rīze
| -rīze
| -rīv
| -rīv
| -nīze
| -nīv

Line 245: Line 245:
| -re
| -re
| -rec
| -rec
| -ne
| -nec
! 2nd Person
! 2nd Person
Line 253: Line 253:
| -rez
| -rez
| -ret
| -ret
| -nez
| -net
! 3rd Person
! 3rd Person
Line 261: Line 261:
| -reze
| -reze
| -rev
| -rev
| -neze
| -nev

Revision as of 08:25, 29 November 2017




Bilabial Dental Alveolar Post Alveolar Velar
Plosive voicless p /p/ t /t/ k /k/
voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /g/
Nasal m /m/ n /n/
Fricative voiceless f /f/ s /s/ c /ʃ/ x /x/
voiced v /v/ z /z/ j /ʒ/ ĝ /ɣ/
Trill r /r/
Lateral Approximant l /l/
Affricate voiceless ps /ps/
pc /pʃ/
pf /pf/
ts /ts/
tc /tʃ/
ks /ks/
kc /kʃ/
voiced bz /bz/
bj /bʒ/
bv /bv/
dz /dz/
dj /dʒ/
gz /gz/
gj /gʒ/


Front Back Diphthongs
Close i /i/ u /u/ ui /ui/
Near-Close ī /ɪ/
Close-Mid e /e/ o /o/ ei /ei/
Open a /a/ ai /ai/


Romanized Alphabet

Dzetcavu Alphabetical Order
p b t d k g m n r f v s z c j x ğ l i u ī e o a


Word Order

  • Modifier second


Morphosyntactic Alignment

  • Ergative-Absolutive



Tenses in Dzetcavu are indicated by tense particles proceeding the verb except for the present tense, indicated by the lack of tense particles . There are five tense particles: past, near past, future, near future, and the infinite.


Near Past


Near Future


The Infinite Particle

The infinite "tense" particle is not so much a tense marker as a lack-of-tense marker. The infinite tense is used most often when stating facts or making promises and oaths. Any other situation where tense is not a factor, the infinite tense is used. It can also be used to make emphasize a declaration of some sort such as a declaration of faith, love, or guilt.

Imperative Mood

-ij Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -i -iac -ri -ric -ni -nic
2nd Person -iz -ita -riz -rita -niz -niza
3rd Person -ize -izev -rize -riv -nize -niv

-uj Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -u -uīc -ru -ruc -nu -nuc
2nd Person -uz -utī -ruz -rut -nuz -nut
3rd Person -uzī -uzīv -ruzī -ruv -nuzī -nuv

-īj Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -īc -rī -rīc -nī -nīc
2nd Person -īz -īt -rīz -rīt -nīz -nīt
3rd Person -īze -īv -rīze -rīv -nīze -nīv

-ej Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -e -ec -re -rec -ne -nec
2nd Person -ez -eta -rez -ret -nez -net
3rd Person -eze -ezev -reze -rev -neze -nev


Sample Texts