Duozynis/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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Line 110: Line 110:
| /ʃu'ha/ || hand ||  
| /ʃu'ha/ || hand ||  
| /nu'ma/ || moon ||
| /***/ || *** || (***)
| /***/ || *** || (***)

Revision as of 05:35, 5 January 2018


Duozynis English Notes
/ɸadzi/ warm
/go/ weak
/kehome/ wealthy
/muhun/ wet
/frygɯ/ white
/muɾø/ whole
/dzektu/ wide
/auŋ/ wise
/zojjo/ wrong
/jiŋo/ yellow
/ɸuɾe/ young
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Duozynis English Notes
/kozu/ yet
/maɾmø/ yesterday
/kaɲer/ well
/fu/ when
/re/ where
/gi/ why
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Duozynis English Notes
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when = tedzon (adv wort) where = fuso whether = kor while = sa


Duozynis English Notes
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what = mun whatever = sho which = suj whose = detso


Duozynis English Notes
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Duozynis English Notes
/'ɸeto/ yes
/jo/ no
/ʃɯ'ʎe/ no
/kwi/ maybe


Duozynis English Notes
/'kuto/ fire
/ha/ year
/'aɾeɾe/ youth
/ʃu'ha/ hand
/nu'ma/ moon
/***/ *** (***)

waist = ruto waiter = soyuto wall = shekayk war = lechon warrior = lechonrsu water = si wave (salutation) = chitol (v chitol) wave (ocean) = yulul wax = weyo way = kogert wealth = guhe weapon = hoflaxurekl weather = shochol week = xor weight = yoja well = hobabalo (prep suchomiw/ adv tuyun) west = yusu wheel = hou whore = kor, xox width = yirene wife = tachoyu wind = xoyux window = hila wine = jihe winery = jihex wing = tebol winter = lijo wire = shola witch = xo wolf = hege woman = ho wood = dzolo wool = mawok word = lotoso work = duhu (v ha) worker = duhursu world = tifom worm = juwon wound = jure wrist = mulo/ writer = sire/


Duozynis English Notes
/'ota/ one
/'nəfi/ two
/'fudətʃ/ three
/ʎe'taɾ/ four
/ro/ five
/ro ʃɯ'ota/ six (five add one)
/'nəfi rot/ ten (two fives)
/'nəfi rot ʃɯ'ota/ eleven (two fives add one)
/'fudətʃ rot/ fifteen (three fives)
/'fudətʃ rot ʃɯ'ota/ sixteen (three fives add one)
/'ʑeho/ twenty
/'ʑeho ʃɯ'ota/ twenty one (twenty add one)
/'ʑeho ʃɯ'nəfi rot ʃɯ'ota/ thirty one (twenty add two fives add one)
/'nəfi 'ʑehot/ fourty (two twenties)
/'nudo/ one hundred
/'kinə/ four hundred
/'fahdu/ two thousand
/dɯ'mit/ eight thousand
/ˈdʒadʒi/ zero


Duozynis English Notes
/***/ *** (***)

well = suchomiw (n hobabalo/ adv tuyun) with = mi within = buwon without= loja


Duozynis English Notes
/ji/ I 1st sing, subject
/jøn/ me 1st sing, object
/ɸi ji/ my, mine 1st sing, possessive
/ni jøn/ to me 1st sing, dative
/jønjøn/ myself 1st sing, reflexive
/y/ you 2nd sing, subject
/gu/ you 2nd sing, object
/ɸi y/ your, yours 2nd sing, possessive
/ni gu/ to you 2nd sing, dative
/gugu/ yourself 2nd sing, reflexive
/də/ he/she/it 3rd sing, subject
/daf/ him/her/it 3rd sing, object
/ɸi də/ his/her, hers/its 3rd sing, possessive
/ni daf/ to him/her/it 3rd sing, dative
/dafdaf/ (him/her/it)self 3rd sing, reflexive
/ar/ we 1st pl, incl, subject
/ak/ us 1st pl, incl, object
/ɸi ar/ our, ours 1st pl, incl, possessive
/ni ak/ to us 1st pl, incl, dative
/akak/ ourselves 1st pl, incl, reflexive
/ɾar/ we 1st pl, excl, subject
/ɾak/ us 1st pl, excl, object
/ɸi ɾar/ our, ours 1st pl, excl, possessive
/ni ɾak/ to us 1st pl, excl, dative
/ɾakɾak/ ourselves 1st pl, excl, reflexive
/tɯ/ you 2nd pl, subject
/dut/ you 2nd pl, object
/ɸi tɯ/ your, yours 2nd pl, possessive
/ni dut/ to you 2nd pl, dative
/dutdut/ yourselves 2nd pl, reflexive
/ɸaj/ they 3rd pl, subject
/θəʎ/ them 3rd pl, object
/ɸi ɸaj/ their, theirs 3rd pl, possessive
/ni θəʎ/ to them 3rd pl, dative
/θəʎθəʎ/ themselves 3rd pl, reflexive
/*/ each other, one another reciprocal
/muj/ this (close to speaker) sing, demonstrative, proximal
/nuj/ that (close to addressee) sing, demonstrative, medial
/ɲuj/ that (far from speaker and addressee) sing, reciprocal, distal
/*/ these (close to speaker) pl, demonstrative, proximal
/*/ those (close to addressee) pl, demonstrative, medial
/*/ those (far from speaker and addressee) pl, reciprocal, distal
/*/ no one, nobody, nothing sing, indefinite, negative
/*/ none, neither pl, indefinite, negative
/*/ everyone, everybody, everything sing, indefinite, universal
/*/ both, all pl, indefinite, universal
/*/ each sing, indefinite, universal distributive
/'madza/ someone, somebody, something sing, indefinite, assertive existential
/maz/ some pl, indefinite, assertive existential
/*/ anyone, anybody, anything sing, indefinite, elective existential
/*/ any, either pl, indefinite, elective existential

who = dujach

another - few - little

many more most much

one other others


whatever whichever whoever whomever


Duozynis English Notes
/hu'zo/ study
/ʑa/ help
/dʒin/ stop
/mɯ/ know
/tuz/ be
/ʃɯ/ add
/ø'dø/ wait
/idy'tu/ wake up
/'haju/ write
/'zkɾiky/ wash
/ha/ work
/i/ will
/feɾ/ win
/ʑɯ'ɕɯ/ worry
/ma'zi/ wonder
/'muʃu/ whistle
/'zude/ wear
/θɯʃøgyk/ weigh
/tʃytoɾ/ wave (salutation)
/ari/ want
/ije/ walk
/riŋhu/ watch
/jiɸo/ waste
/muh'ʎo/ wet
/'ʃɯje/ name
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