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==Spanish parody==
==Tolkien parodies==
"ll" and "ch" are pronounced /ɬ/ and /x/ (and it could be related to a German parody language where /ɬ/ is spelled "schl")
===Inscription on the Ring===
ash na-zg durb-at-ul-ûk
moment no-DET renounce-FUT-2SG.OBJ-1SG.SUBJ
ash na-zg gimb-at-ul
moment no-DET let-down-FUT-2SG.OBJ
ash na-zg thrak-at-ul-ûk
moment no-DET desert-FUT-2SG.OBJ-1SG.SUBJ
agh bu-r(u)zum-ishi krimp-at-ul
SUBJ to-circle-path flee-FUT-2SG.OBJ
===Cirion's oath to Eorl===
Vanda sina termaruva elenna-nóreo alcar enyalien, ar elendil vorondo voronwe.
human all born-PL-PASS start-time-LOC freedom possess-PART, and dignity-CONJ rights-LOC equal.
Nai tiruvantes i hárar mahalmassen mi númen,
They give-PASS-APPL OBL reason-CONJ conscience GEN heart,
Ar i eru i or ilye mahalmar ea tennoio.
and DAT/OBL one OBL other brother spirit OPT act.
==Rafa Keli revamped==
Proto Finnic and Proto Semitic creole
w -> y but much more consistent
ja for "and", from both Finnic and Semitic

spirantized b, d and g written bb, dd and gg

verbs of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugation inflect in the 2nd, 3rd and 1st conjugation respectively in the subjunctive
Spoken in Bjeheond

3 words for 'to be'
native name: ''a Jahuuđiw'', ''a laxøøn Jahuuđiw''; Hebrew/Judeo-Eevo bilinguals may refer to it as ''ađ Eevo'' or ''a Talmiw''

Lexical layers: a separate evolution of Middle Eevo, Ashkenazi Hebrew with þ/s distinction, Modern Windermere, Netagin, Shalaian with the Canaanite shift
ð -> v

f -> ʃ (spelled sz)
==Random ideas==

front vowels æ: ø: y: spelled aä oö uü
binthaakaat - peanut butter

Balkan sprachbund grammar
==Hlou, Shumian==

==Backwards German-inspired language==
Should belong in another conworld
accumulated influences from Irish, Welsh and [[Tíogall]]
==PIE ideas==
p/fp/ß b t d ts thc k g /pʰ b tʰ d ts tʃ kʰ g/
f v th s hc/hcs z h /f v θ s ʃ z h/
===Nostraticist/Theo Vennemann heavenlang===
m/bm n/dn gn /m n ŋ/
l r lh rh w/mh j/nh /l r l̥ r̥ w j/
PIE turned Talmic/Semitic
different Grimm's law?
kwe -> te shift for question words?
þeht "child" from teḱtom? c.f. teknon in Greek
"to sing" from gʰel- c.f. galaną in PGmc
Hṛdhwos -> ard "big"
luk-tos -> loht "summer"
bhṛH-ent from onomatopoeic root -> "freezing" -> byrġend "winter"
h1eti -> directional preposition "et / eþ" -> accusative
d -> l as in Latin makes do -> lo for dative
h1epi -> fi "in"
-wē -> w- "and", some kʷ-word > ka- "like"
h1en-men- -> emmen- "to believe"
h1en-mn-tis -> emmeth "truth"
lubh-yom -> lybbe "that which loves" -> "heart"?

a e i o u ä ö ü ei ie /ʌ ɛ ɪ ɑ ʊ æ o u ej i/
h2nek' > nes- "to bear"
ua uä ue /ʊə ʊə y/
unstressed e = ə

Verbal affixes:
h2wes-bh- -> wsef- / jsef- "to sit"? c.f. sedere -> ser in Spanish
hcil-, me-, gnu-, ... are tense markers
nehc, galhcs, ... are auxiliaries

Noun cases: sin-, ne-, re-, le-, mut-, tie-, ...
h1en-h1e (eǵh₂), h1en-te, swe - pronouns

Imperative/Dative syncretism, Perfective/Ablative syncretism?
sen "old" > "year of age" > "year"

Free standing particles (may be suffixed with reh, nih or rad): na, fua, ba, mu, rebü, ...
woģn- > wazn "carriage" > "load, weight"?
Free standing particles that can't be suffixed: reih, ad

more ad words: rüfad, timad, novad, even 'niesad' (for a heidegger reference)

Plural: -eb

Parts of speech: Noun, Stative verb/Adjective, Active verb, Auxiliary, Preposition, (the usual: Adverb, Conjunction, Interjection, Determiner, ...)


m n l r s z h
Inspired by Italian and Latin: "what if Italian were a priori"

ph th ch b d g /f θ x v ð ɣ/
Incorporate words from BMAC

a e i o u (u = /y/, ou = /u/)
lion: singia

'''Nousiarchon''' is either the place where it's spoken or the people speaking it or the creator

==Primitive Seargais==
Spoken in: Italy, Albania, the Levant, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia

From PIE; t d dh -> tʰ d t
long vowels:
a: e: i: o: u: æ: ø: y: from
broad á aí/ai/oi oí/uí/ui ó/ao ú/ua/ui ái ói/aío/aoi úi/oío/uío/uai
slender eá ei/éi/éa í/ia/iai eo iú/io/iu ea/éa/eai/eái eoi iúi/ío

éa becomes æ: before broad d, n, l and r, and e: elsewhere
Inspirations: Baltic, Albanian
ui becomes u: before broad d, n, l and r, and i: elsewhere

short vowels:
PIE: h₂áu̯ei̯ h₁i̯osméi̯ h₂u̯l̥h₁náh₂ né h₁ést, só h₁éḱu̯oms derḱt. só gʷr̥hₓúm u̯óǵʰom u̯eǵʰed; só méǵh₂m̥ bʰórom; só dʰǵʰémonm̥ h₂ṓḱu bʰered.
a e i o u -> a ʲa ʲɨ a ɨ
*Proto-Mixolydian (tentative name): avī yasmī vilnō ne estʰ, sa ečʰvą̄s derčitʰ. sa girrų vačą večetʰ, sa mēǰą parą; sa manį āčʰu peretʰ. (to thematize)
**Old Nomadic Mixolydian (with Grassmann followed by Grimm): avyō yōs rōdai vilnō ne est, ešvą̄s vaide, smą girvą vačą večenθį, smą mēǰą parą; θu smą nērą āšu perenθį.
***Levantine Mixolydian: contributed some words to English
**Classical Mixolydian ("tentum" language, with Grassmann): avyō, kʰō vilnǭ ne tare, retʰvą̄s vaide, mą girvą vaθą veθei, mą mēðą perą veθei; tʰu mą nērą kʰirsvą perei. ''Greek transcription'': αϝιώ, χώ ϝιλνώμ νε ταρε, ρεθϝάμς ϝαιδε. μαμ γιρρυμ ϝαϸαμ ϝεϸει, μαμ μέζαμ περαμ ϝεϸει, θυ μαμ νέραμ χιρσϝαμ περει.
***Indian Mixolydian
**Eastern Mixolydian (a substrate for Heleasic)

changes from proto seargais to seargais
high vowels move one POA
(u -> ü, ü -> i but aü stays put)
there's the merger
now o becomes u to fill in the gap, a becomes o and æ becomes a
a e i o u æ ø y ->
o e i u y a ø i
e -> ə
which triggers i -> ia, ia -> e, y -> i, u -> ɨ, o -> u, a -> ua, ua -> o
so i get
a e i o u æ ø y ia ua ai au ay ->
o e i u y a ø i ia ua ai au ay ->
u ə ia ɨ i ua _ ia e o ai au _
ø -> ɛ -> a while ay -> aɨ
u ə ia ɨ i ua a ia e o ai au aɨ (i now have all the vowels!)
breathy voice ablaut patterns:
e/i/ai -> ə/ia/ai
o/u/au -> ɨ/i/au
ö/ü/aü -> a/ia/aɨ

a/ua -> u/o
A native logography in addition to the Greek alphabet
ä/ia -> ua/e

spelling: a e i o u y w = /a e i o u ə ɨ/
between Greek and Lithuanian

short a -> y
mediopassive marked with -i
short ɨ -> w (very few modern Seargais speakers make the distinction between the short vowels using y for both)
===Seargais superstrate===
same breathy voice pattern except there's a GVS
a e i o u ä ö ü ua ia ai au aü ->
o i ai u au e ü aü uo ie ä a a
u ə ia ɨ i ua a ia e o ai au aɨ
these are heard by seargais speakers as
o i ai u au ə ɨ aɨ e o e a a
===Seargais consonants===
p t q pʰ tʰ χ m n w θ ʟ r tɬ ɬ (broad)
f ts k f ts kʰ m n j s ɬ r tʃ ʃ (slender)

m n ʟ mʰ nʰ χ m n pf θ ʟ r nl tɬ (broad)
*wolf: wilkʰas, wilkʰą, wilkʰasya, wilkʰai, wilkʰātʰ, wilkʰai; wilkʰą̄s, wilkʰās, wilkʰą̄, wilkʰamas, wilkʰamis, wilkʰasu
m n ŋ mʰ nʰ ŋʰ m n f ts ɬ r n tʃ (slender)
*seed: tanō, tanǭ, tanōs, tanōi, tanōtʰ, tanōi; tanōs, tanǭs, tanōwą̄, tanōmas, tanōmis, tanōsu
the combined set of phonemes:
*chair: selwą, selwą, selwasya, selwai, selwātʰ, selwai; selwō, selwō, selwą̄, selwamas, selwamis, selwasu
p pʰ t tʰ k kʰ q
*i-stems (extremely uncommon)
f θ s ɬ ʃ χ
pf ts tɬ tʃ
m mʰ n nʰ ŋ ŋʰ nl
j w ʟ r
h is missing
broad sm and sn can become h
urúing to tʰ
actually it should stay as θm and θn
θm -> voiceless m -> h also works
it doesn't impact the morphology

The neuter gender merges into the masculine in Classical Mixolydian. Levantine Mixolydian around the 10th century is about as analytic as Hindi.

==Irquhadoon ideas==

Phonologies taken from Iu Mien, Hmong(-> Seargais), and Hmu
Mixolydian has the accusative and infinitive construction found in Latin and Ancient Greek, and in Classical and Levantine Mixolydian the accusative and infinitive construction by itself is the most common way of expressing the optative.

Eastern Pulchric has Gussnish and an Icelandic pseudo-gib
ρεθϝας means 'horse' in Classical and reθwas means 'wheel' in Nomadic

==Strikethrough mania==
smas/ainas, dwā, tʰrīs, kʰetʰwār, pʰenkʰe, swečʰs, septʰį, ačtʰau, nawį, dečʰį
-> Classical mas/ainas, dvā, tʰrīs, ketʰvār, penkʰe, vetʰs, septʰį, attʰau, navį, detʰį

some subset of: a ⱥ b c ȼ d e ɇ f g h i j k ꝃ l ł m n o ø p q r s t ⱦ u v ꝟ w x y z  ꝛ ꝝ
Levantine: en, dva, θri, kaθar, peng, veš, seft, ašt, nò, deš (20: wišt?)

dūras: faint, soft (drifted from "distant")

ā ē ī ō ū ʲā ʲē ʲī ʲō ʲū -> ā ē ī ō ū ǟ ē ī ȫ ǖ -> ō ī əi ū əu ī ī əi ǖ əü
leupyą (''Nomadic''): hobby (calqued from Old Togarmite)

a e i o u ja je ji jo ju ->
===Levantine Mixolydian===

some kind of "Balkan Sprachbund Hindi"? (Balkan grammar and Hindi syntax)

1: ev
Old Nomadic Mixolydian had a very simple declension system, merging the accusative with the nominative and the locative with the dative:
2: lood
3: keev
4: splud
5: dhawm
6: ruv
7: gleed
8: thauj
9: frood
10: ste
11: strab
12: kauv
24: bloov
144: rawj
1728: sleb

The dogs bark = Av pluj ib teeb
nom, gen, dat, abl
The dog barks = Av pluj teeb ib
*vilxa, vilxas, vilxē, vilxaθ; vilxas, vilxa, vilxam, vilxam
*tano, tanos, tanī, tanoθ; tanos, tano, tanom, tanom

to drive = klajlov
Levantine Mixolydian went even further, dropping the -a ending and gender agreement:

Welcome = Kooj tib laig
nom, obl
*vilx, vilxe; vilxas, vilxam
*tano, tani; tanos, tanom

personal pronouns:
The oblique case is used as an ergative in perfect tenses.
I = fij
you = blus
he/she/it = tam
we = woogsid (incl), sid (excl)
you (pl.) = blus
they = tam

good day = haub drim
good night = fleej drim


Broad/slender Rõktiapic
Due to Levantine Mixolydian being a peripheral member of the Levantine sprachbund, there are a few occasional similarities between its verbal system and English's, but also some differences:

õe/õi/ie/ei/ee/iu/io -> e/i/je/je/je/ju/jo
*The simple past tense is split-ergative and has a perfective aspect. The original Old Mixolydian past tense became a subjunctive.
*The optative is formed just like the present tense but with the infinitive instead of the conjugated verb; it derives from the Old Mixolydian accusative and infinitive construction which is also present in Levantine Mixolydian.
*There is a distinction between simple present and progressive as in English. The past progressive is used as a general imperfective past tense. Do-support is common for emphasis.


ƛuduy -> tłətuu should mean "person"
horse: eš
tłu- is the agentive then
wheel: reθu
tłumüt = botanist
language: verdan
tłukəplaor = ornithologist
krea should mean study
===Indian Mixolydian===
tłukrea = scholar
Proto-Mixolydian *tʰ d t -> Proto-Indian Mixolydian *t d t -> t ð t (t ð t' in Himalayan Mixolydian?)  
definite suffix
fully tentum
maybe -ing
or -ung
avyō, kō vilnǭ ne tare, retvą̄s vaide, mą girvą vatą vetei, mą mēdą perą vetei; tu mą nērą kirsvą perei.
i need a good tsimulhic source: *xiN? (too quihum?)
i can use *aNk'ə which strangely enough would become something like -ok in Boot Polish
looks tok pisik!
tłətung = the person
(TENSE-CONSTRUCT) tłətung krea nin doan müt
nin = see
or üter = see?
maybe lüb
_??_ tłətung krea lüb doan müt
the definite suffix can surface as -ing after a front vowel
the present tense prefix should look like CVC
Rettłətung krea lüb doan müt.
= The person studies a flower.
PRES-person-DEF study see one flower
(a noun phrase must be preceded by an auxiliary verb to indicate its case)
should "one flower" be "doan müt" or something more fusional?
maybe the indefinite article is "do"
Rettłətung krea lüb do müt.

windermere participles:
make it really ancient/cuneiformy? could be the oldest written attestation of Mixolydian
VN ("da" + verb?)
dakrea = studying, datsai = moving, dadziei = doing

Greek gods: Apōllas, Asklēpyas, Hugeiō, Panakeiō?
Mixolydian/Paleobalkan gods?
===Hippocratic Oath===
''Vērtʰą Ečʰvakʰratʰasya'' (<- wṛh₁tóm)
''Amunvō Apōllą samyetʰrą, tʰu Asklēpyą, tʰu Hugeiǭ, tʰu Panakeiǭ tʰu vičʰvą̄s deivą̄s tʰu deivǭs anadirčʰrą̄s verǰamuną̄s ...''

==Tsimulhic numbers==

Language with welshy mutations: əs, urí, uyl, trə́s, ǘmidz, weso, ivim, pidi, dzašo, ehro, ames, əsrə
Inspired by Japanese and a literal reading of Mycenaean Greek

A priori with Greek loanwords pronounced just like Linear B

==Tsimulh → Hetomic vowel changes==

==Old Chinese-inspired conlangs==
==="Chinese gone Altaic"===
Inspired by [[Türiŋit]]
ə and əˁ disappear
Ah! serkets lhüügömüd tamõŋ rembi;
a i u -> ɛ ɪ ʊ
Taaŋ, põltõn dzurbõŋõts khiredimsüb;
a: i: u: -> æ i u
ə: → ə
Äräitüd! Kholurtud Valimarõm!
ac ic uc -> ɔ ɨ ʊ
Jõnũlõm kholurtud! Äräitüd!
sorry, ic -> ə
a:c i:c u:c ə:c -> ɑ ɨ u o
aj ij uj əj → ɪ i ʏ ɪ
aw iw uw əw → œ/ø ʏ u ʊ
a:j i:j u:j ə:j → ɛj i yj əj
a:w i:w u:w ə:w → ɛw yw u əw
i'll change the y-diphthongs to ø-diphthongs
so i have:
i ɪ ɛ æ ʏ ø ɨ ə u ʊ o ɔ ɑ ɛj əj øj ɛw əw øw
ʏ -> y
13 monophongs and 6 diphthongs

numbers: awc̓ān kiłu ukʷəl craysi uymədᶻ kʷicū əƞgʷim k̓ʷədi dᶻaƞƛ̓ū xīƞru amīs aƞc̓rax
==="Chinese gone Elvish"===
Inspired by IlL's [[Swuntsim]]
<nowiki>*</nowiki>ʔaʔ tsˁe srek Cə.lˁəʔ ɬugs t.mˁa r.meʔ -> a ci sσech dlV σucs thəba σvə
*Lenition from prepositions ending with a vowel: tsˁe srek -> ci σech
*Devoicing/provection from prepositions ending with a stop: Cə.lˁəʔ srek -> dlV sσech
*Nasalization from prepositions ending with a nasal: troŋ srek -> ξu nξech
Heavy compounding followed by semantic drift (so verbs can end with things that historically were noun markers etc.)

==Special letters, may be Hetomu or Luminese==
===Riffs on real world languages===

Ꝑꝑ Ꝓꝓ Ꝕꝕ Ŧŧ Ⱦⱦ Ꞓꞓ Ȼȼ Ꝁꝁ Ꝃꝃ Ꝅꝅ Ꝗꝗ Ꝙꝙ Ꝛꝛ Ꝝꝝ Ꝟꝟ Ꝥꝥ Ꝧꝧ Ꝉꝉ Ꝋꝋ Ꝯꝯ ꝰ Ꝫꝫ Ꝭꝭ Ꝩꝩ
*Polysynthetic quasi-Mandarin with Slavic morphology
*Analytic quasi-German with Cantonese tones
*Polish/Khmer hybrid?
**r.meʔ -> rzmia /ʐmʲa/
*Sino-Korean/[[Tsjoen]] hybrid


clickless !Xóõ gib related to Rõktiap
''Hôthen'' <- *hosken

Latest revision as of 13:21, 13 March 2023

Tolkien parodies

Inscription on the Ring

ash na-zg durb-at-ul-ûk
moment no-DET renounce-FUT-2SG.OBJ-1SG.SUBJ
ash na-zg gimb-at-ul
moment no-DET let-down-FUT-2SG.OBJ
ash na-zg thrak-at-ul-ûk
moment no-DET desert-FUT-2SG.OBJ-1SG.SUBJ
agh bu-r(u)zum-ishi krimp-at-ul
SUBJ to-circle-path flee-FUT-2SG.OBJ

Cirion's oath to Eorl

Vanda sina termaruva elenna-nóreo alcar enyalien, ar elendil vorondo voronwe.
human all born-PL-PASS start-time-LOC freedom possess-PART, and dignity-CONJ rights-LOC equal.

Nai tiruvantes i hárar mahalmassen mi númen,
They give-PASS-APPL OBL reason-CONJ conscience GEN heart,

Ar i eru i or ilye mahalmar ea tennoio.
and DAT/OBL one OBL other brother spirit OPT act.

Rafa Keli revamped

Proto Finnic and Proto Semitic creole

w -> y but much more consistent

ja for "and", from both Finnic and Semitic


Spoken in Bjeheond

native name: a Jahuuđiw, a laxøøn Jahuuđiw; Hebrew/Judeo-Eevo bilinguals may refer to it as ađ Eevo or a Talmiw

Lexical layers: a separate evolution of Middle Eevo, Ashkenazi Hebrew with þ/s distinction, Modern Windermere, Netagin, Shalaian with the Canaanite shift

Random ideas

binthaakaat - peanut butter

Hlou, Shumian

Should belong in another conworld

PIE ideas

Nostraticist/Theo Vennemann heavenlang

PIE turned Talmic/Semitic

different Grimm's law?

kwe -> te shift for question words?

þeht "child" from teḱtom? c.f. teknon in Greek

"to sing" from gʰel- c.f. galaną in PGmc

Hṛdhwos -> ard "big"

luk-tos -> loht "summer"

bhṛH-ent from onomatopoeic root -> "freezing" -> byrġend "winter"

h1eti -> directional preposition "et / eþ" -> accusative

d -> l as in Latin makes do -> lo for dative

h1epi -> fi "in"

-wē -> w- "and", some kʷ-word > ka- "like"

h1en-men- -> emmen- "to believe"

h1en-mn-tis -> emmeth "truth"

lubh-yom -> lybbe "that which loves" -> "heart"?

h2nek' > nes- "to bear"

h2wes-bh- -> wsef- / jsef- "to sit"? c.f. sedere -> ser in Spanish

h1en-h1e (eǵh₂), h1en-te, swe - pronouns

sen "old" > "year of age" > "year"

woģn- > wazn "carriage" > "load, weight"?


Inspired by Italian and Latin: "what if Italian were a priori"

Incorporate words from BMAC

lion: singia


Spoken in: Italy, Albania, the Levant, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia

From PIE; t d dh -> tʰ d t

Inspirations: Baltic, Albanian

PIE: h₂áu̯ei̯ h₁i̯osméi̯ h₂u̯l̥h₁náh₂ né h₁ést, só h₁éḱu̯oms derḱt. só gʷr̥hₓúm u̯óǵʰom u̯eǵʰed; só méǵh₂m̥ bʰórom; só dʰǵʰémonm̥ h₂ṓḱu bʰered.

  • Proto-Mixolydian (tentative name): avī yasmī vilnō ne estʰ, sa ečʰvą̄s derčitʰ. sa girrų vačą večetʰ, sa mēǰą parą; sa manį āčʰu peretʰ. (to thematize)
    • Old Nomadic Mixolydian (with Grassmann followed by Grimm): avyō yōs rōdai vilnō ne est, ešvą̄s vaide, smą girvą vačą večenθį, smą mēǰą parą; θu smą nērą āšu perenθį.
      • Levantine Mixolydian: contributed some words to English
    • Classical Mixolydian ("tentum" language, with Grassmann): avyō, kʰō vilnǭ ne tare, retʰvą̄s vaide, mą girvą vaθą veθei, mą mēðą perą veθei; tʰu mą nērą kʰirsvą perei. Greek transcription: αϝιώ, χώ ϝιλνώμ νε ταρε, ρεθϝάμς ϝαιδε. μαμ γιρρυμ ϝαϸαμ ϝεϸει, μαμ μέζαμ περαμ ϝεϸει, θυ μαμ νέραμ χιρσϝαμ περει.
      • Indian Mixolydian
    • Eastern Mixolydian (a substrate for Heleasic)


A native logography in addition to the Greek alphabet


between Greek and Lithuanian

mediopassive marked with -i


  • wolf: wilkʰas, wilkʰą, wilkʰasya, wilkʰai, wilkʰātʰ, wilkʰai; wilkʰą̄s, wilkʰās, wilkʰą̄, wilkʰamas, wilkʰamis, wilkʰasu
  • seed: tanō, tanǭ, tanōs, tanōi, tanōtʰ, tanōi; tanōs, tanǭs, tanōwą̄, tanōmas, tanōmis, tanōsu
  • chair: selwą, selwą, selwasya, selwai, selwātʰ, selwai; selwō, selwō, selwą̄, selwamas, selwamis, selwasu
  • i-stems (extremely uncommon)

The neuter gender merges into the masculine in Classical Mixolydian. Levantine Mixolydian around the 10th century is about as analytic as Hindi.


Mixolydian has the accusative and infinitive construction found in Latin and Ancient Greek, and in Classical and Levantine Mixolydian the accusative and infinitive construction by itself is the most common way of expressing the optative.


ρεθϝας means 'horse' in Classical and reθwas means 'wheel' in Nomadic

smas/ainas, dwā, tʰrīs, kʰetʰwār, pʰenkʰe, swečʰs, septʰį, ačtʰau, nawį, dečʰį -> Classical mas/ainas, dvā, tʰrīs, ketʰvār, penkʰe, vetʰs, septʰį, attʰau, navį, detʰį

Levantine: en, dva, θri, kaθar, peng, veš, seft, ašt, nò, deš (20: wišt?)

dūras: faint, soft (drifted from "distant")

leupyą (Nomadic): hobby (calqued from Old Togarmite)

Levantine Mixolydian

some kind of "Balkan Sprachbund Hindi"? (Balkan grammar and Hindi syntax)

Old Nomadic Mixolydian had a very simple declension system, merging the accusative with the nominative and the locative with the dative:

nom, gen, dat, abl

  • vilxa, vilxas, vilxē, vilxaθ; vilxas, vilxa, vilxam, vilxam
  • tano, tanos, tanī, tanoθ; tanos, tano, tanom, tanom

Levantine Mixolydian went even further, dropping the -a ending and gender agreement:

nom, obl

  • vilx, vilxe; vilxas, vilxam
  • tano, tani; tanos, tanom

The oblique case is used as an ergative in perfect tenses.



Due to Levantine Mixolydian being a peripheral member of the Levantine sprachbund, there are a few occasional similarities between its verbal system and English's, but also some differences:

  • The simple past tense is split-ergative and has a perfective aspect. The original Old Mixolydian past tense became a subjunctive.
  • The optative is formed just like the present tense but with the infinitive instead of the conjugated verb; it derives from the Old Mixolydian accusative and infinitive construction which is also present in Levantine Mixolydian.
  • There is a distinction between simple present and progressive as in English. The past progressive is used as a general imperfective past tense. Do-support is common for emphasis.


horse: eš
wheel: reθu
language: verdan

Indian Mixolydian

Proto-Mixolydian *tʰ d t -> Proto-Indian Mixolydian *t d t -> t ð t (t ð t' in Himalayan Mixolydian?)

fully tentum

avyō, kō vilnǭ ne tare, retvą̄s vaide, mą girvą vatą vetei, mą mēdą perą vetei; tu mą nērą kirsvą perei.

make it really ancient/cuneiformy? could be the oldest written attestation of Mixolydian


Greek gods: Apōllas, Asklēpyas, Hugeiō, Panakeiō?

Mixolydian/Paleobalkan gods?

Hippocratic Oath

Vērtʰą Ečʰvakʰratʰasya (<- wṛh₁tóm)

Amunvō Apōllą samyetʰrą, tʰu Asklēpyą, tʰu Hugeiǭ, tʰu Panakeiǭ tʰu vičʰvą̄s deivą̄s tʰu deivǭs anadirčʰrą̄s verǰamuną̄s ...


Inspired by Japanese and a literal reading of Mycenaean Greek

A priori with Greek loanwords pronounced just like Linear B

Old Chinese-inspired conlangs

"Chinese gone Altaic"

Inspired by Türiŋit

Ah! serkets lhüügömüd tamõŋ rembi;
Taaŋ, põltõn dzurbõŋõts khiredimsüb;
Äräitüd! Kholurtud Valimarõm!
Jõnũlõm kholurtud! Äräitüd!

"Chinese gone Elvish"

Inspired by IlL's Swuntsim

*ʔaʔ tsˁe srek Cə.lˁəʔ ɬugs t.mˁa r.meʔ -> a ci sσech dlV σucs thəba σvə


  • Lenition from prepositions ending with a vowel: tsˁe srek -> ci σech
  • Devoicing/provection from prepositions ending with a stop: Cə.lˁəʔ srek -> dlV sσech
  • Nasalization from prepositions ending with a nasal: troŋ srek -> ξu nξech

Heavy compounding followed by semantic drift (so verbs can end with things that historically were noun markers etc.)

Riffs on real world languages

  • Polysynthetic quasi-Mandarin with Slavic morphology
  • Analytic quasi-German with Cantonese tones
  • Polish/Khmer hybrid?
    • r.meʔ -> rzmia /ʐmʲa/
  • Sino-Korean/Tsjoen hybrid


Hôthen <- *hosken