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'''Apple PIE''' (name tentative) is an alternate history of IE and nearby cultural regions. The premise is "different diachronic evolutions of English, Hebrew, Māori and a few other languages". Some other languages like French and Arabic are a bit more different from our timeline.
#redirect [[Verse:Ed Dynje]]
The proto-branch of English in this universe is the set in the same place as our Hurrian and Urartian; conversely, Germanic becomes a non-IE language family.
The only IE branches in Apple PIE not directly inspired by any real life IE languages are Mixolydian and [[Hivatish]].
A satem IE isolate written in the Latin alphabet; pronunciation is quite similar to Pinyin
Inspired by Polish and Albanian (aesthetically); Greek and Latin (grammatically)
z c s zh ch sh r rr j q x = /z ts s ʐ ʈʂ ʂ ɹ/ɽ r ʑ tɕ ɕ/
dz dzh dj = voiced versions of c ch q
Stop aspiration is as in Persian (st sounds like sth etc.)
j from PIE *y, y is used for /j/ in loanwords and from vowel breaking of PIE *e, e.g. yest "is" <- Proto-Mixolydian *esti
today Mixolydian is a small minority language; Mixolydians have almost entirely shifted to local languages (English, Greek, Romance, Iranian, Indian, Chinese)
A tonal language like Greek and Sanskrit
==Modern Greek==
Written in a version of Linear B, roughly Syllabics + katakana inspired
a lot more ways to write /i/ depending on PIE etymon? maybe *i and *iH can use different glyphs?
Some sound splits conditioned by PIE etymon which are merged in Proto-Greek but do not affect intelligibility for a Modern Greek speaker
Weirdest interpretation of Mitanni cuneiform
Most in-universe English dialects don't merge some PIE sounds, like *ei and *ī, which are merged in Proto-Germanic. Otherwise they sound a lot like English accents from our timeline.
an English accent with lots of non-Germanic sound splits as well as General American sound mergers
LOT ~ THOUGHT, but PIE ey !~ PIE ī
:''Main article: [[{{FULLPAGENAME}}/Hebrew]]''
Paleo-Hebrew in this universe distinguishes most consonants of Proto-Semitic, unlike in our timeline. This is reflected in some in-universe Hebrew accents which preserve distinctions like צׁ (tsadi w/ right dot) /ts̠/ vs צׂ (tsadi w/ left dot) /ts/, cognate with Arabic emphatic S/Z and D.
Though in-universe Tiberian Hebrew is identical to that in our timeline, some in-universe reading traditions, such as Gaelic Hebrew, distinguish
* cholam from Proto-Semitic *u and *aw = /o/
* cholam from Proto-Semitic *ā = /u/ (/uə/ in some other reading traditions)
* Proto-Semitic *ū = Swedish u (/u/ in some other reading traditions)
Some accents merge the first two vowels like our TibH and Israeli did, some merge the second two, and others, such as [[Ăn Yidiș]] Hebrew, keep all three distinct. Hyper-Israeli reflects the first (and qamatz qatan) as (Seoul) Korean eo, the second as Korean o, and the third as Korean u.
== Arabic ==
Keeps the ejectives but merges *s and *š as in our timeline. The 3Uþmānic Qur'an text is the same as in our timeline.
Proto-Austronesian in Apple PIE has the same urheimat as in our timeline but a very different phonology and morphology; its phonology is small like Finnish and its morphology is Altaic-ish; its evolution into Māori as we know it, a VSO language, is analogous to PIE's evolution into Irish.
== Celtic ==
No ē-ey-iH merger?
=== Galoyseg ===
P-Celtic with a Yiddish touch; ē >  ā > a as in WGmc
=== An alternate evolution of Old Irish ===
With Modern Qivattu/Modern Inuit/ influences; spoken in Iceland
=== Revived Old Irish ===
Spoken by neopagans
dh and th are /z t=/ respectively
== Nithic ==
=== Thurish ===
=== Nithish ===
French through Proto-Slavic -> Russian sound changes (nasal vowels get denasalized etc.)
r -> h consistently; a four way stop distinction as in Hindi
===A Romance language===
A language actually named after a cognate of "Latin" spoken in Latium; it has a roughly Catalan/Romanian/Occitan aesthetic
=== Some Middle Eastern lang w/ Basque sibilants ===
=== Anidishigin ===
Spoken in future postapocalyptic Apple PIE
/a e i o u/ vowel system, based on Belămur Ăn Yidiș + Japanese (with slightly less restrictions on CV combos); ''r'' = /l/ Should allow final consonants devoiced in Japanese?
Eevo syntax
Practically an Irish+Hebrew+Aramaic+Japanese+English creole
demonstratives: kore/sore/are (ĂnY šu, šin, šid demonstratives are similar)
Pronouns: míshe, wáre, tísa, jinshin (animate), gíshin (inanimate), mishemíshe, warewáre, tisatísa, hébega (from hevră 'friends');
''ano~ono VERB'' (Jp 'excuse me'; Gaelic Heb ''óno'' 'please/prithee') = imperative marker
No plural; ''nákamu X'' (< Jp nakama 'comrades' + ĂnY gu) is used for the assocciative plural
''eto'' (Jp) = accusative marker?
Zero copula
''on'' (ĂnY ''ołn'') > declarative
''iye'' (Jp ''iie'') negation, by itself 'isn't/there isn't'
''Idahanin'' 'Jew'
''Nihonjinnin'' 'Japanese person'
ahizu (Ir ''a chuid'') construct marker; his/hers/its
roshifu (Heb) 'also'
byonafuki (ĂnY byonăft gît) 'thank you' (Optionally: byonafuki tisa/byonafuki tisatisa)
rineda (ĂnY bli nedăr) 'really; right, correct'
Something with a more eevo (Topic V2) syntax:
Shuremarehen, mishe on namae ahizu Intaa. Mishe iye Idahanin, iye roshifu Sukegonin, iye roshifu Nihonjinnin.
Karagunin aishima jinshin eto otokonin.

Latest revision as of 21:53, 4 May 2023

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