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{{Infobox language
*''hüläfä'' (m) = legend
|image =
*''Əstansə'' (m) = a holiday
|imagesize =
*''əgiti'' (PLak *àgit 'fall' + -s) (f) = autumn
|creator = [[User:IlL|IlL]]
*''lisdəw'' (v) = to learn (< lidəw 'to find')
|name = {{PAGENAME}}
|nativename = ''Wiob-Muts''
0-12: ñic, dän, rat, əscəw, əmšäk, ümuc, dak, ešəb, oläy, taf, suyäw, üsruk
|region = Wiobermien
|fam1= [[Gamedan languages|Gamedan]]
|fam2= [[Wiobian]]
|script=Wiobian script
[[Wiobian/Verse|Wiobian verse]]<br/>
[[Wiobian/Music|About Wiobian music]]<br/>
[[Wiobian/Wiobian|'''engunn&fiungs mieh Wäls tur Wiob-Hien!''']] ("View this page in Wiobian!")<br/>
[[Wiobian/de|Diese Seite auf Deutsch ansehen]]<br/>
*''Wiob-Schriof-Eber-Hölsch'' "Wiobian-style collection-piece" - Wiobian Suites
==Notes on notation==
*<sup>''i''</sup> - denotes i-umlaut of the root.
*<sup>''u''</sup> - denotes u-umlaut of the root.
:''See also: [[Wiobian/Script]].''
Räckel > EMW ʕaku > LMW ʔwàk
Words are mainly monosyllabic, occasionally trochees.
Compounds are left-headed and trochaic.
===Initials of EMW===
p pʰ b m mʰ f v w
pˁ pˁʰ bˁ mˁ mʰˁ fˁ vˁ
t tʰ d n nʰ s z l nˡ nˡʰ
tˁ tˁʰ dˁ nˁ nʰˁ sˁ zˁ
! !ʰ g! ŋ! ŋʰ! ɧ ɧ̬
!ˁ !ˁʰ g!ˁ ŋ!ˁ ŋʰ!ˁ ɧˁ ɧ̬ˁ
k kʰ g ŋ ŋʰ x ɣ
q qʰ ɢ ɴ ɴʰ χ ʁ
h ʔ ħ ʕ
===EMW vowels===
ˁæ ˁe ˁɑ ˁo ˁø
ˁɑɑ ˁaj ˁaw ˁej ˁow ˁøy ˁay ˁəa
a e i o u ø y
aa ee ii oo øø uu yy
ja wa ɥa iw
===LMW umlaut===
===LMW lenition of medial -CV===
===LMW tone split===
====Coda consonants====
Only the following coda consonants may occur: [p t k m n ŋ j w].
Stressed syllables may have one of 6 tones.
# modal
# breathy
# glottal
*''Pei-käh-kiob, in gerbänk-klers iete!'' (''bi-ga-dźu, yn fạng-dlái ed!'')
*''Mäßtes riet!'' - Greetings!
*''Wenfoders-Bedrahnke'': ''Woi2 szan6''! - Hello.
*''ta2 hung2'' - thank you.
{{List subpages|caption=Related pages with more information}}
[[Category:Gamedan languages]][[Category:Wiobic languages]][[Category:Hussmauch]]

Latest revision as of 20:26, 7 July 2018

  • hüläfä (m) = legend
  • Əstansə (m) = a holiday
  • əgiti (PLak *àgit 'fall' + -s) (f) = autumn
  • lisdəw (v) = to learn (< lidəw 'to find')


0-12: ñic, dän, rat, əscəw, əmšäk, ümuc, dak, ešəb, oläy, taf, suyäw, üsruk